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St Norberter


The bus stop I am talking about is the one in front of CityPlace on Graham. The thing I find interesting is that the majority of the buses that come from the more 'well off' suburbs ( River Heights, St.Vital, Linden Woods, Whyte Ridge, etc) all stop either at Portage and Fort or Main and Pioneer. Yet the route that goes to Ft. Richmond / St. Norbert stops way over at cityplace ( along with north main, Talbot, EK, and transcona buses). Why is that? Not that I car really, but it is kind of a PITA when I have to leave work 10 min earlier than my co-workers, because my bus stop is 4 blocks away and all their bus stops are right on the corner.




Drunks Force Downtown Winnipeg Business to Close  - Page 8 Black-bear1

Adult male bears are particularly aggressive and are avoided by adolescent and subadult males.

Some even act gay to avoid aggression.



jimj_wpg wrote:
JTF wrote:Ever hear of the broken window syndrome?

Arrest people for spitting on the street....for flicking a cigarette but on the ground...for anything that's causing a problem....all the little tolerance.

But first we'd have to build some jails....or perhaps ship people off to their home reserves.

You may know where I'm going with this....directing some attention to the Indian Elephant in the room.

Check out what happened in New York City when this was done.

So, applying this to a specific situation in Winnipeg.

In the past few years (say ~5) there have been Indians who have sat on the ground near the Graham entrance to The Bay.

The reason why they might feel comfortable doing this is because The Bay hasn't kept its property clean enough. The doors need to be repainted or re-whatever to make them look new again. Maybe the sidewalk should be made to look squeeky clean.

That way the Indians won't feel comfortable there, and they'll move on.

Funny how the management of The Bay doesn't do anything to shooo 'em away, they're perhaps too scared of legal action re: "human rights".

In parts of BC, this problem is solved by installing outdoor speakers at businesses in d/t areas where vagrants/squatters/folks from the rez are congregating. They blast horrible music at loud levels from the speakers, and nobody loiters. Band aid solution, yes, as it doesn't solve the vagrancy issue, but it keeps people away from problem areas at night.

Having worked for Northwest Company on reserves in northern Ontario and in northern Manitoba, I can honestly say that I understand why native folk gravitate to the city. There is very little incentive to stay on reserve. Housing shortage, limited activities, little to no employment, "dry" policies prohibiting alcohol, high teen pregnancy rates, mass solvent abuse, skyrocketing suicide rates, and often no potable water = more appealing to be in the city with things going on then miserable and bored. Solution? More activities and stimuli on reserve. Improve access to housing & medical. Increased med access would also limit the # of people leaving rez, as most people have to fly to Winnipeg or Thunder Bay for anything more major than stitches. Then they never go back.

Cycle needs breaking, or it perpetuates endlessly.



Oh my gosh , we need more resources to solve the problem! More money for everyonf, more housing , more furniture, better food, netter medecine, more jobs, more pain killers, more alcohol swabs!
I am not trying to be facetious here, as I do not know what the word means , but every where every one is short of everything!



Money makes the world go around.

Isolated reserves are one inch away from the outer rings of Hades. I've seen things on rez Sandy Lake, ON that citified white-y people can't even imagine happening in a first world country like Canada. To describe a lot of these isolated northern places as being 3rd world is kind. Much of the behavior exhibited by the folks that are taking over the city from the outlying areas is learned helplessness, and the government is absolutely complicit in continuing the cycle by just giving hand outs, and not forcing the reward to be earned somehow. Rather than blaming aboriginals, I blame the Feds.



Deank wrote:"now all downtown bus shelters are washed and deodorized every second day ("

LOL, yeah even when its below freezing and you make ice!

heh.. only hurt for a little while
In the winter, the snow is pushed, ice is chipped, sand is spread, litter is picked, windows are washed every other week. No need to deodorize!


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"To describe a lot of these isolated northern places as being 3rd world is kind"

and there ya lost me.. Lost me completely. to describe ANY reserve in Canada as less then 3rd world is an insane insult and outright LIE. They are not even close to 3rd world. Not even close.



CitizenSourpuss wrote:Rather than blaming aboriginals, I blame the Feds.
Oh my, I hope we don't have yet another apologist on our hands. Drunks Force Downtown Winnipeg Business to Close  - Page 8 Icon_eek
Sorry to say, but even despite the inept managment of the government when it comes to indian affairs, there remains plenty of opportunities for indians on the reserves to take advantage of monies other than "welfare", such as educational grants to go to school, better themselves and become productive members of society. Not to mention all the minority status opportunites that are available to those who apply for positions where they are available. There is a decent amount of opportunity out there. However, I imagine the majority of these people are brought up in a home environment that is not condusive to wanting one to better oneself, such as by staying and finishing school. Who do you blame for that mentality, the gov't?

Last edited by EdWin on Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:11 pm; edited 3 times in total


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

DowntownBIZ wrote:
Deank wrote:"now all downtown bus shelters are washed and deodorized every second day ("

LOL, yeah even when its below freezing and you make ice!

heh.. only hurt for a little while
In the winter, the snow is pushed, ice is chipped, sand is spread, litter is picked, windows are washed every other week. No need to deodorize!

yeah yeah,, except this winter passed where winter snuck up on us (and you guys)



St Norberter wrote:The bus stop I am talking about is the one in front of CityPlace on Graham. The thing I find interesting is that the majority of the buses that come from the more 'well off' suburbs ( River Heights, St.Vital, Linden Woods, Whyte Ridge, etc) all stop either at Portage and Fort or Main and Pioneer. Yet the route that goes to Ft. Richmond / St. Norbert stops way over at cityplace ( along with north main, Talbot, EK, and transcona buses). Why is that? Not that I car really, but it is kind of a PITA when I have to leave work 10 min earlier than my co-workers, because my bus stop is 4 blocks away and all their bus stops are right on the corner.

Yes, that is one I would have guessed. That’s a busy stop. It’s cleaned 3 times a day, and it becomes littered within an hour of the crew leaving. The city cleans it 2-3 times a week as well, and City Place sends out their staff too.
The bus stops in front of the MTS Center, in front of Portage Place and at Vaughn and Graham are terrible to maintain too.
We are thinking fining people might do the trick!



JTF wrote:
DowntownBIZ wrote:

.......... This takes time, and planning and everyone working together.

Isn't 30 or 40 years enough time to get this shet fixed???
JTF, poverty and addiction have been around before Jesus himself. So no, 30-40 years is not enough. I don't know what the answer is, but doing nothing is not an option.



Well duh.

Put them in jail for littering. If it was good enough for Guthrie it should be good enough for all.



Goth_chic wrote:Downtown Biz says: Freeman and others who think no one comes downtown, well that’s a myth. 75 percent of Winnipeggers come downtown once or more, every month.

The only time I go downtown is to attend a concert at the MTS Centre. None of my family or friends go downtown for any other reason except concerts.
Let me know if they like the Moose or the Goldeyes - I'll send you tickets!!
We want your family to come downtown and have some fun!



DowntownBIZ wrote:
JTF wrote:
DowntownBIZ wrote:

.......... This takes time, and planning and everyone working together.

Isn't 30 or 40 years enough time to get this shet fixed???
JTF, poverty and addiction have been around before Jesus himself. So no, 30-40 years is not enough. I don't know what the answer is, but doing nothing is not an option.

So what are you guys trying to do? Stamp out poverty?

Give your fcuken head a shake!

I'm talking about the "revitalization" that's been going on for 40 years.

If you guys are cleaning bus shelters three times a day, you're fcuken idiots.

Look up the definition of insanity....something like doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

Your responses are very enlightening imo. They clearly show why the downtown is so bad with no hope of change with ya'll around.



JTF, why are you so rude?
The poverty issue will have to be tackled by others. The BIZ is not a social agency.
But we do know that the downtown cannot be fully revitalized without the social issue being addressed. Or I guess the social issue can be moved along.
Re Litter - I guess we could do nothing, let it all go to hell, and blame others!



Why don't you guys get the pigs to start arresting people in your troubled bus shelters, rather than going around picking up after them?

Stop the bullshit for a change.

Again. Read about the NYC experience.



DowntownBIZ wrote:JTF, why are you so rude?
The poverty issue will have to be tackled by others. The BIZ is not a social agency.
But we do know that the downtown cannot be fully revitalized without the social issue being addressed. Or I guess the social issue can be moved along.
Re Litter - I guess we could do nothing, let it all go to hell, and blame others!
If this is truly your stance, then I would have to agree with JTF, that the services you are providing are mearly putting "lipstick on a pig". This has a very short term effect (days, maybe hours at most?), since the poverty issue will stamp out your efforts in a blink of an eye. Instead of saying "the poverty issue will have to be tackled by others", why don't you go to those "others" and start collaborating with them to help tackle the aboriginal poverty issue? Don't expect too many people to truly appreciate what you are doing until you are tackling the CORE of the issue, not the thin surface of it.



Deank wrote:"To describe a lot of these isolated northern places as being 3rd world is kind"

and there ya lost me.. Lost me completely. to describe ANY reserve in Canada as less then 3rd world is an insane insult and outright LIE. They are not even close to 3rd world. Not even close.

I'm not suggesting that ALL reservations or even MOST reservations are third world poverty levels, but it'd eat your dirty boxer shorts with a shot of Tabasco sauce before agreeing with you about it not being close.

Have you lived in a remote fly-in only, no road rez before? I recommend a trip to Pikangikum or Sandy Lake, ON for a few months, and visit some homes there. I don't expect that an interjection on an online forum would actually change your opinion, but I am saying that there really, really is another side that most of Canada DOES NOT EVER SEE.

Lack of clean drinking water, dirt floors in homes lined with cardboard in the miserable ON winter, outhouses, no running water, 8 -12 people in a 2 bedroom house, roaming packs of starving dogs? Charging people $20 for a jug of milk because it has to be flown in?

Poverty is deeply ingrained. Nobody works, because there ISN'T a bloody place TO work. Government gives money to those who have more kids. Why reach for the stars if all you need to make another $600 a month is another baby? Working for $8/h at the Northern Store is not going to cut it.

Last edited by CitizenSourpuss on Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:48 am; edited 2 times in total



EdWin wrote:
CitizenSourpuss wrote:Rather than blaming aboriginals, I blame the Feds.
Oh my, I hope we don't have yet another apologist on our hands. Drunks Force Downtown Winnipeg Business to Close  - Page 8 Icon_eek
Sorry to say, but even despite the inept managment of the government when it comes to indian affairs, there remains plenty of opportunities for indians on the reserves to take advantage of monies other than "welfare", such as educational grants to go to school, better themselves and become productive members of society. Not to mention all the minority status opportunites that are available to those who apply for positions where they are available. There is a decent amount of opportunity out there. However, I imagine the majority of these people are brought up in a home environment that is not condusive to wanting one to better oneself, such as by staying and finishing school. Who do you blame for that mentality, the gov't?

You said: However, I imagine the majority of these people are brought up in a home environment that is not condusive to wanting one to better oneself, such as by staying and finishing school. Who do you blame for that mentality, the gov't?

That's just it. Why bother to try, when all it takes to make some more money is have another kid? The more babies you have, the more money you get. Either you live on the rez where there are dick all for job ops OR you try to take a stab at the city with your shitful education, and end up falling through the cracks. Easier not to try, because the Gubberment is going to stuff your mouth for you. Path of least resistance. Learned helplessness. Victim mentality. What is the incentive to try if you get handouts for nothing?



EdWin wrote:
DowntownBIZ wrote:JTF, why are you so rude?
The poverty issue will have to be tackled by others. The BIZ is not a social agency.
But we do know that the downtown cannot be fully revitalized without the social issue being addressed. Or I guess the social issue can be moved along.
Re Litter - I guess we could do nothing, let it all go to hell, and blame others!
If this is truly your stance, then I would have to agree with JTF, that the services you are providing are mearly putting "lipstick on a pig". This has a very short term effect (days, maybe hours at most?), since the poverty issue will stamp out your efforts in a blink of an eye. Instead of saying "the poverty issue will have to be tackled by others", why don't you go to those "others" and start collaborating with them to help tackle the aboriginal poverty issue? Don't expect too many people to truly appreciate what you are doing until you are tackling the CORE of the issue, not the thin surface of it.

I am not sure what JTF is saying, nor quite honest obliged to respond given his use of vocabulary.
What I meant by “others”, is that the Feds, the Province and the Aboriginal Community have absolute power and direction over these areas. The BIZ does try to support their plans and directions.
The BIZ plays more of a support role then a lead role. And even when we support, we are making a difference.
-The BIZ hires those less fortunate, when no one else will. We have lobbied everyone to join us in this approach.
-30 percent of our workforce and volunteers comes from the Aboriginal Community.
-The BIZ provides annual co-operative placements to Indigenous students enrolled in policing curriculum.
-I am not sure who has saved more human lives then the BIZ when it comes to the poor and the homeless wandering around the streets of our Downtown.
-And the BIZ has been championing the need for supportive housing for the homeless and mentally ill, as a solution to helping these people off the street permanently.
So the BIZ is doing its share, by working with others.
Yes, you’re right EdWin. Collaboration is critical, in getting at the core of the issue.



Wow, this has been a fun long weekend of blogging in this SandBox.
I am not sure if I can keep it up!
We will from time to time drop in and give you our thoughts and ideas, and tell you what we are up to. And we will ask for yours.Remember, we all want an incredible downtown!

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

The DowntownBIZ guys are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

We were ragging on the disrepair of downtown, dirty bus shelters, cigarette butts, vomit... And when they respond positively to those issues we sh1t on them.

It's clear we have a challenge on our hands downtown. It's equally clear it is a charged issue. Instead of sh1tting on the one agency trying to do something, that has taken the time to answer our questions here in the sandbox, let's discuss the issue, politely. Maybe we can provide some answers they'd not considered.

Last edited by grumpy old man on Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:16 am; edited 1 time in total



JTF has nailed it- "insanity" doing the same thing time after time and expecting a different result!
This is my last post on the Thumbs-Up/ Down trajedy! G.O.M. fix it!



I'm not overly concerned what the BIZ is or isn't doing, as much of the problem is the responsibility of our elected officials. I pay taxes, as do many others, to have safe, clean streets, and I don't expect that I should be accosted by drunken bums when I do go downtown. That was the whole point of my posts. As I related my experience on Saturday, I stated that the downtown is a shithole, and that is my perception, whether the BIZ wants to acknowledge it or not.

Remember that the BIZ (as all of them) are funded by another levy on the businesses within the area and that tax is, as always, passed on to the consumer. So, not only do we pay for the basic services in our taxes, we get to pay for it again in the goods and services which we purchase.



It appears this cancer is spreading....

Police responded to a fight that broke out near Corydon Avenue and Cockburn Street around 1:20 a.m. Monday.
One adult male was taken to hospital in stable condition with minor injuries.
Police said conflicting reports indicated as many as 10 to 20 people may have been involved.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

CitizenSourpuss wrote:
Deank wrote:"To describe a lot of these isolated northern places as being 3rd world is kind"

and there ya lost me.. Lost me completely. to describe ANY reserve in Canada as less then 3rd world is an insane insult and outright LIE. They are not even close to 3rd world. Not even close.

I'm not suggesting that ALL reservations or even MOST reservations are third world poverty levels, but it'd eat your dirty boxer shorts with a shot of Tabasco sauce before agreeing with you about it not being close.

Have you lived in a remote fly-in only, no road rez before? I recommend a trip to Pikangikum or Sandy Lake, ON for a few months, and visit some homes there. I don't expect that an interjection on an online forum would actually change your opinion, but I am saying that there really, really is another side that most of Canada DOES NOT EVER SEE.

Lack of clean drinking water, dirt floors in homes lined with cardboard in the miserable ON winter, outhouses, no running water, 8 -12 people in a 2 bedroom house, roaming packs of starving dogs? Charging people $20 for a jug of milk because it has to be flown in?

Poverty is deeply ingrained. Nobody works, because there ISN'T a bloody place TO work. Government gives money to those who have more kids. Why reach for the stars if all you need to make another $600 a month is another baby? Working for $8/h at the Northern Store is not going to cut it.

You are going to have to eat a substantial amount of 100% cotton my dear. The fact that they HAVE walls puts them a giant leap above 3rd world. The fact that the roaming packs of starving dogs have not been slaughtered for food puts them beyond even thinking of them in the same sentence as 3rd world countries.

I lived in a house with no running water. FOR TEN YEARS. It means nothing. You melt snow in the winter, carry it in the summer. Its not difficult. No clean water.. dig a freakin well, BY HAND, 20 feet deep.

But you know what separates them completely from 3rd world conditions? They can move. There is no loss of utter hopelessness. They ARE in control of their own destiny.

We can discuss this again when you see a Native child living on Reserve that looks like this

Drunks Force Downtown Winnipeg Business to Close  - Page 8 Starving_child-sudan2

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