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How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg

Miz point
St Norberter
grumpy old man
eViL tRoLl
16 posters

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1How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:16 am



When you feel that the "vibe" in downtown Winnipeg or Osborne Village or whereever the "punks" hangout, just practice "white lighting" an area. Psychic Sylvia Browne so says in her talks...

Our internal energy can be used to heal, just like Michael Jackson sang in "Heal the World"...

Unconditional love.

But everyone has gifts such as these. They are just waiting to be
awakened by you. The ability to send out unconditional healing love from
your heart is given to all Light beings on Earth, and if you like to
more than to hate, then you are a Light being. All you have to do is
of your target, focus on your unconditional love for him, visualize
out a beam of healing love energy from your heart. Healing love energy
is just what it sounds like, love energy imbued with the intention to

The more you practice this, the more powerful your ability will become.
When your children are fighting or are being impossible, instead of
angry at them, tell them how much you love them, and send them waves
of love energy straight from your heart. Smile at them and you will see
quickly they will come to hug you and forget all about what they were

When someone is shouting at you, or insulting you.. instead of reacting
it the same way and shouting back, just smile at the person and tell him
what you like about him, be sincere.. open your heart and send out love
straight into his. Once you have practiced this, the person will
stop shouting, forget his anger, laugh at himself and invite you for a
of coffee. When you experience this it almost feels like magic.

Whenever you perceive negativity, harm, anger, hatred, and so forth,
open your heart and send out your love to all involved parties. To heal
the ones that have been harmed, and open the hearts of those who were
doing the harming.

When you notice a psychic vampire trying to drain you, or feel you are
under the attack of non light entities, mages or demons.. or just simply
people's hatred being propelled at you.. simply open your heart to them
and send out massive waves of healing Light and love. They will totally
lose all ability to harm you or make you feel bad.. they will also cease
trying to target you, because what they fear most about love and Light
is not that it harms them, but that it prevents them from causing harm.

Practice and evolution.

Unconditional love works in literally every negative situation,
nightmares and any and all fears. The more you practice, the more
powerful your love will become, and importantly, the more Light will
flow through your physical body. The more Light you have inside you,
another word for that is vibrational energy.. the less vulnerable you
become to your own negative emotions. Depression, anger, confusion,
sadness, frustration, unhappiness.. all those things will be of the
Because they were never part of your life, they were implanted into
you by the non light, they were not part of who you are. You are a
completely perfect Light being, with no limits or shortcomings. You
are always one with the Light, all that seperates you from complete
happiness, are the walls of illusion the non light pulled up around you.

Once you see through these illusions, once you deprogrammed yourself
and embraced and practiced unconditional love, your life will become
a paradise, and nothing, no matter how bad event, will pull you away
from this feeling of happiness and contentness and bliss.


A simply way to deprogram yourself is this: everytime you have a
thought, repeat.. "This thought is not of my energy, I thank it for
me there is work to do, I send all my love and forgiveness to this
and I let it go for all times.

When you do this.. realizing the thought is not yours, thanking it,
love and forgiveness to it, and finally letting it go.. everytime you
have a
bad thought, then in time, you will completely cease having negative
thoughts. This deprogramming technique is feared greatly by the non
because it has the power to quickly transform your entire life, away
fear, sadness, depression, poverty and negativity.

and this bunch of links on how to "protect your soul's energy from negative energy"...

Love and Light.

Last edited by jimj_wpg on Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:40 am; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : adding quoted text)

2How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Re: How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:13 am



How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Nuclear-explosion

3How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Re: How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:34 am



How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Lol

4How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Re: How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:40 am



So basically, the idea is to talk to yourself. Well, I think a lot of folks have been doing that for a long time about the state of downtown.

Can anyone else feel the beam of light that I'm sending to the NDP government right now?

5How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Re: How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:52 am



I think I'm feeling something....wait.... was just some gas.....

6How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Re: How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:47 am



Freeman....uh NO. It's a visualization of white light.
Can you do that?

Isn't that cheaper (it doesn't cost a thing, except your time) than "putting more cops on the street"? Something ol' Tommy B./JTF could appreciate.

7How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Re: How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:58 am

eViL tRoLl

eViL tRoLl
contributor plus
contributor plus

1) Banning smoking in downtown.
2) Castration of criminals, bums, addicts etc.
3) Shipping of criminals, bums, addicts etc. to Afghanistan, Somalia, Haiti, or similar adequate place.

8How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Re: How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:01 am

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Minor conservative changes eh? I'm okay with it...

9How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Re: How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:13 am



Evil Troll, that's what we should do with the Illuminati banksters.

10How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Re: How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:23 am


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

you know when they used to grab people off the streets and forcibly enroll them into the service of his/her majesty on the high seas. Its getting to the point where we can understand how they could do something so cruel

11How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Re: How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:37 am



Dean that would be cause for 100 yrs of apologies, tribunals, reconciliations, healings, payments and more payments - especially if one can squeeze him or herself into a minority classification.
We're nearing the point in developed society where we're better off letting the whole mess suffer a complete collapse so we can start over with a fresh slate.

12How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Re: How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:39 am



jimj_wpg wrote:Evil Troll, that's what we should do with the Illuminati banksters.

Its already been done, those are the guys hanging around downtown panhandling now.

13How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Re: How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:42 am



jimj_wpg wrote:Freeman....uh NO. It's a visualization of white light.
Can you do that?

Isn't that cheaper (it doesn't cost a thing, except your time) than "putting more cops on the street"? Something ol' Tommy B./JTF could appreciate.

Who says my time doesn't cost anything?

Who said put more cops on the street?

Do you supply the politicians with the same stuff that you're taking?

14How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Further To... Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:03 am



Verily so. I am helping to create the reality I want by sending out thoughts of what I want - like a peaceful city with a great transportation system.

Last edited by jimj_wpg on Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:31 am; edited 6 times in total (Reason for editing : adding text)

15How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Re: How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:13 am



I want some of the stuff jimj is on, it must be pretty freaking awesome sh1t.

16How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Re: How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:16 am


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

you know guys... this "projecting energy" thing actually works... sorta.

want to test it? its real easy. walk into somewhere that people are almost guaranteed to be grouchy.. say... a doctors waiting room. send in an observer.
wait a few mintues

Come in all smiley and bubbly and such. Talk to people and generally project happy thoughts. the observer will notice a discernible positive difference in the way people are sitting and waiting.

17How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Re: How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:31 am

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

That doesn't work. I know because I am that smiley and bubbly and such guy and when I walk in a room... Smile

18How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Re: How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:31 am



Parts of the media are always saying (problem, reaction, solution) ... there's too much crime in Winnipeg, so let's get more cops on the street. The next thing you hear is the City politicians voting on doing likewise.
So let's do the opposite, blanket the spaces in our City that have negativity in them - Portage Place, Cityplace/Eaton Place, parts of the North End (Magnus, etc..) ... and blanket them (through visualization) with peaceful, loving white light surrounding and enveloping those spaces.
Try it, and in some time (it may take a few days) those spaces WILL BE peaceful, and the negative humans will find those spaces less friendly to them and they will not feel comfortable in or near them.
No need for street cameras. No need for Downtown Watch patrols to pick up rowdy, bear-people, vagrants, panhandlers, etc... They will find somewhere else to hang out, or their souls will change too - they won't be bothering us more civilized folks.

The only thing I'm taking is the breath of the Holy Spirit.

19How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Re: How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:39 am

St Norberter

St Norberter

Heh, I looked at the title of the thread and before I read any of the posts I thought exactly the same thing as LivingDead!

20How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Re: How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:41 am

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Yeah, but just ask CiD StNorbeter. He has all the answers. Oh, and BTW, it is the Conservatives fault our downtown is the way it is...

21How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Re: How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:50 am



St Norberter wrote:Heh, I looked at the title of the thread and before I read any of the posts I thought exactly the same thing as LivingDead!

I projected LD a happy thought, so he'll change his mind right away.

22How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Re: How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:50 am



23How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Re: How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:59 am

St Norberter

St Norberter

grumpy old man wrote:Yeah, but just ask CiD StNorbeter. He has all the answers. Oh, and BTW, it is the Conservatives fault our downtown is the way it is...

Oh, you've been following that huh? We actually had a decent debate the other night, but it seems like the exception rather than the norm. He refuses to debate or discuss position and provide backup for his opinions.

Oh yeah, and all 'conservatives' are the scum of the earth!

24How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Re: How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:00 pm

St Norberter

St Norberter

Maybe if we get Doug Henning to do some Yogic Flying along Portage ave.........

25How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Empty Re: How to Heal Downtown Winnipeg Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:18 pm

eViL tRoLl

eViL tRoLl
contributor plus
contributor plus

jimj_wpg wrote:So let's do the opposite, blanket the spaces in our City that have negativity in them - Portage Place, Cityplace/Eaton Place, parts of the North End (Magnus, etc..) ... and blanket them (through visualization) with peaceful, loving white light surrounding and enveloping those spaces.
There once was a Natural Law Party that tried to solve all societal ills with a similar approach including highly skilled yogic fliers. Unfortunately they didn't get elected ...

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