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Drunks Force Downtown Winnipeg Business to Close

Miz point
grumpy old man
eViL tRoLl
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Drunks force Winnipeg business to close: owner

Last Updated: Thursday, July 22, 2010 | 1:43 PM CST Comments72Recommend39

CBC News

Drunks Force Downtown Winnipeg Business to Close  Kraut-king2Raven Thundersky is closing the Kraut King, located on the ground level of a parkade on Garry Street, because customers are scared away by area drunks. (Google Street View)
The owner of a restaurant in downtown Winnipeg is calling it quits, claiming a growing number of drunks on the street are scaring off customers.
Raven Thundersky told CBC News she is closing the Kraut King, located on the ground level of a parkade on Garry Street, just south of Portage Avenue.
Often, by noon, intoxicated people are stumbling past the restaurant or passing out in front of it, Thundersky said.
"When people see that, they're not going to come in," she said.
"I've seen customers come toward the area and as soon as they see the people either drunk or urinating or standing around, hanging around outside the restaurant, they just keep walking.
"And you know what? I don't blame them."
There have been times that Thundersky and her business partner have had to fight off aggressive drunks.
"[We] had to actually stand by the door and hold the door shut because there was a drunken person just really flipping out because we had asked her to leave," Thundersky said.
"This was before four o'clock in the afternoon."
Friday is the final day the Kraut King will be open, she said.
Boozing hurts downtown revitalization

The City of Winnipeg's development agency, CentreVenture, has a plan to turn the northern section of Portage Avenue —which cuts through the heart of downtown — turned into four distinct zones.
The objective is to increase development and pedestrian traffic in the area, which sports a number of vacant buildings and empty streets after 5 p.m. when office workers leave the area.
But many business owners in the area say something must be done about public intoxication, vagrancy and panhandling in the area if the city truly wants it to improve.
"Our tenants experience it constantly — it's almost a daily occurrence," said Bob Brown, a property manager for a number of core-area buildings.
About 3,200 intoxicated people a year are detained after being picked up by security from the Downtown BIZ, an agency that represents businesses in the district and runs programs to bolster downtown image, cleanliness, safety, transportation and parking.
The red-shirted guards, which patrol the area on foot, have the power to hold drunks in custody under the provincial Intoxicated Persons Detention Act.
Thundersky said the Downtown BIZ is doing the best it can but aboriginal leaders need to step up and do more to address addiction problems among First Nations people.
Brown also points some of the blame at the government, particularly the publicly-owned Manitoba Liquor Control Commission.
He said the MLCC should be targeting and fining hotels in the downtown that sell beer to disadvantaged people who wind up drinking it illegally in public places.
But MLCC president Ken Hildahl said liquor inspectors have to catch scofflaw owners in the act in order to levy fines.
The MLCC has increased inspections in recent years, but needs hard evidence of wrongdoing to take action, he said.

Read more:



I think that this issue is the one that hurts downtown the most, along with crime. And unfortunately, many people based on visual evidence, are saying that the majoirty of this is an aboriginal problem. It's a shame that this is scaring people away, preventing them from enjoying what should be the beating heart of the city.

Last edited by EdWin on Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:45 pm; edited 1 time in total



It's a damn shame. I drive by that place occasionally and the owner is dead to rights. That place seems to attract people in a drunken stupor. Not a good street to be walking down.





We should continue to marginalize these people so they'll just somehow disappear.



Hey, death, give out your address and we can send them to your place.



Let me tell you something. Some people literally cannot help the cards they are dealt. Those are the truly marginalized. However, MANY people CHOOSE to live a certain and become self-proclaimed victims of society.
My father was one of those people you see drunk and intoxicated in the downtown. He always maintained a job, however the vast majoirty was blown on booze, drugs and sex. I never grew up knowing my father, but I knew of his existence. My mother would see him drunk and stumbling down Main Street. I would hear this and it would hurt and be somewhat embarrassing, knowing that one of your parents was one of those people you are ashamed to see on the streets. He was in this state for YEARS. However, he is slowly fighting his way out of it, through councelling and treatment for his addictions. I've been in contact with him for the last few years, and he has openly admitted to me that he CHOSE to live that lifestyle. He was feeling sorry for himself and the downward spiral his life was taking, and decided to take the easy way out to dull the pain. And when he spent time with some of the others on the streets, mainly aborigional, he said that at least half of them also chose to be there, but the difference was that they were on welfare and never had any intentions on making their lives any better. My father is still working his way to becoming a better person in life and society. He is by no means perfect, and anyone is, but his is working hard at it, and for that I am proud of him. He decided to get off his lazy ass and want more out of life. I can tell you that if it weren't for the union at his job, he would have lost it easily.
So let me reiterate. Some people indeed are not well off in life, for whatever reason, and really do have a hard time to get out of that position. However, too many choose to take the easy way out and have no intentions on getting better. The ones I have true sympathy for. The others are the people who leech of myself and all of you through tax dollars, and those are the people that I have no sympathy for, only angre and sorrow.

eViL tRoLl

eViL tRoLl
contributor plus
contributor plus

I was there for dinner yesterday and heard the news first hand from the owner. Very sad, was one of my favourite restos.



Edwin said "some people can't handle the cards they're dealt."

The problem with that statement is that we create our own cards, so says Michael Newton (books 'Journey of Souls' and 'Destiny of Souls'). Newton has interviewed 100s of individuals who have recalled their "lives between lives", meaning Heaven.

We sometimes choose difficult "life charts" to LEARN a life lesson of some sort. Maybe if that soul was super rich in a past life they may have chosen in Heaven that in the next life they will be much poorer - to experience the other end of wealth (or lack of), and vice versa.

If you were quite healthy in one life, perhaps you and your spirit guide will create a life for yourself where you are stricken with some terminal form of Cancer and die at a tender young age -- Maybe that's why my cousin W* Jaworski passed away 6 months after getting married in October 1989. He had written some kind of paper for University that proved something about Comet Haley and was recognized for it.

Christ is not responsible for my soul. I am (we are) responsible for the advancement of our own souls.

He says that his past life therapy people have said that we work with our "spirit guide(s)" before we incarnate to decide such details as:

* what parents and family we're born into
* what kind of jobs we will have
* what kind of physical trajedies we'll experience
* whether we'll be rich, middle-class, or poor, or somewhere in between
* what part of the world we incarnate to (based on where our parents choose to live)

Add to that our animal past lives. We can re-discover them through quiet meditation just like Buddha did 2500 years ago. Eventually you'll start to see "visions" -- what are our past memories that have stayed with us in our mind which can never be destroyed.

I believe I have more insight into what is going on in Winnipeg with the vagrants.

I see some of them walk, and they very much walk like a Brown Bear or Grizzly Bear would. I may have posted something like this a few months ago, I can't remember.

Anyways, humans fear these two types of bears because they are less civilized in nature and when they have incarnated as humans they have as such not yet developed their soul enough to become more civilized like most of the rest of us.

But what do we do with these souls that possibly hundreds, if not thousands of years ago decided that part of the path their soul would take would to become a bear, knowing or not knowing that at some point in time they would become human (in a future life).

My two animal lives that I have re-discovered are:

Great Horned Owl that lived 1,400 years ago (600 A.D.) in southern Chile.
Then I died and spent approximately 300 years of "Heaven time" to heal and to get myself ready (educate) for my next animal life....

Plains Zebra that lived 1,000 or 1,100 years ago (900 or 1,000 A.D.) in east Africa.

A very equine-like rhythm:

The owl experience in me is why I like to stay up late, and why I like to be an observer of people (people watch).

Gowan - Moonlight Desires (featuring a Great Horned Owl)

The Zebra part of me is the funny, playful, sensual self that likes the normal HOT Summer weather we've been having this year.

I had a past life in the 1400s where I was a copy person who transcribed from one copy and created a another. However I don't have any further detail than this. I know it was in somewhere in England. Semi-rural.

And having been an equine animal a millennia ago, I was attracted to horse racing in a human life in the mid-19th century in the western part of England. I wanted to race horses in some way - racing, or jumping, or steeplechase.

That's what has prepared me and why in this life I have taken an interest in rapid transit. I like things that go FAST.

Just build a reserve on the edge of the City like in the States and let them live there, but if they're in our City they MUST behave themselves or we ship 'em back out.

Last edited by jimj_wpg on Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:40 am; edited 1 time in total



jimj_wpg wrote:Edwin said "some people can't handle the cards they're dealt."
That's right, I did say that. And by that, I refer more to people with mental or physical disabilities that literally do not have the capacity to live a normal life and who have no means of obtaining adequate care and are forced to live on the streets, becoming subject to all different kinds of abuses and addictions.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

who the hell puts a [place where someone cooks food for me and serves it to me] at the bottom of a parking garage and expects good things?

niche market, terrible location are what killed this. The drunks yeah... cause drunks tend to congregate there. Even without the drunks this would have maybe lasted another few months.



Deank wrote:who the hell puts a [place where someone cooks food for me and serves it to me] at the bottom of a parking garage and expects good things?

niche market, terrible location are what killed this. The drunks yeah... cause drunks tend to congregate there. Even without the drunks this would have maybe lasted another few months.

I think there was another restaurant/diner there for years before this one. Not sure how long it was in business. I remember it having a red sign or something.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

LOL at the spell check catch

was the other [place where someone cooks food for me and serves it to me] one that catered to the drunks?



That was a Salsbury House , if I am not mistaken, many, many years ago.
Why are all those investment Bankers standing around drunk?

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Heh heh

The other [place where someone cooks food for me and serves it to me] was a Salisbury house that was there for eons. I don't think the restaurant was predestined to die due to location alone. The owner/manager said it had everything to to with the drunks hanging around, and perhaps more to the point, using the area as a bathroom.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Seems he has some fans... Gotta take ANYTHING published in the Sun with a grain of salt. I mean look at who has been published in that rag. brodbeck, and, and, and, oh, what's his name again?



"Romaniuk" is the reporter, so you know it has to be accurate!


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

the one thing that commenter has right. The drunks were there before. So not sure why he thought he could "chase" them away

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Ummmm, he was GERMAN! Ve has wayz...



I heard a blurb on the radio on Mon/Tue about blaming all the bars in the area.
That they should be handing out more fines to the places that serve alcohol...and THAT'S going to solve things.

So yet again, the solution to fixing a problem is to punish those who actually are TRYING to make a living, and telling those who are useless and won't contribute to society that they can go on being deadbeats!!!

If the government REALLY was concerned for the welfare of these people, they would round them all up...ship them off to a remote treatment centre and detox them. Give them psychological or medical treatment, and train them to do some actual work. Then find them some kind of job, holding them each accountable for their actions.

eViL tRoLl

eViL tRoLl
contributor plus
contributor plus

Deank wrote:check out the comments in the sun

Story in the freep:

The bavarian is kind of a character, one sure needs to take his stories with big grain of salt.

eViL tRoLl

eViL tRoLl
contributor plus
contributor plus

Deank wrote:check out the comments in the sun

Wow, they sure censor comments at the Sun - the interesting personal tidbits that may have shed some light on the situation are gone now.



AGEsAces- that has been tried before, but they sent all of them to live in MizP's area instead of Regina!
The government is not concerned about this issue, as it has been there and continues to get worse because the population is expanding so much!


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

eViL tRoLl wrote:
Deank wrote:check out the comments in the sun

Wow, they sure censor comments at the Sun - the interesting personal tidbits that may have shed some light on the situation are gone now.

yeah, from what I can tell they started censoring last weekish.

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