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accident at traffic circle in river heights, one man in hospital

JT Estoban
grumpy old man
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Comments from British Columbians on the newspaper links to cam footage inside the traffic circles:

"Are you saying that people from Winnipeg actually consider a traffic circle hazardous?"


"These people can figure out Confusion Corner, but not a round-about?"

Again, it's the ridiculous misnomer that implies that these are actually legitimate traffic circles.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

love the tweet flying around right now

"I conquered the Grosvenor & Waverley traffic circle & all I got was this flyer which is in no way affiliated with Mike Kowalson"



Oh. My. Gawd. That is made of win and awesome. I'd love to wear that on a t-shirt to the next Parent Advisory Council meeting.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

someone has to scan the flyer and mash it together with a pic of a traffic circle.


contributor plus
contributor plus

CitizenSourpuss wrote:Comments from British Columbians on the newspaper links to cam footage inside the traffic circles:

"Are you saying that people from Winnipeg actually consider a traffic circle hazardous?"


"These people can figure out Confusion Corner, but not a round-about?"

Again, it's the ridiculous misnomer that implies that these are actually legitimate traffic circles.

Well, you're assuming that BC doesn't have mini-roundabouts for traffic calming. But they do have ones very similar to the ones we have. Check it out:

Look familiar? Winnipeg didn't event these, it's a standard type of intersection used for 'traffic calming'. They are actually really popular in some other districts. Seattle has very strict rules on how they assess which intersections they can install them in, but it's because the demand from residents is so high that they can't afford to install them at all the requested intersections.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

grumpy old man wrote:
Pavolo wrote:I have driven Grovener more then you might know .
Okay, drive it now, with the traffic circles. It's a little different from the spring of this year. Then come back here and tell me those IMPROVE safety. Take special care at the circles that have the lane constricted upon the immediate approach.
Just wondering if you've had an opportunity to drive this street now that they've added the bcarriers?

Do you believe that they are more safe than four way stop signs?

Do you believe that come winter driving conditions that they will be reasonably safe intersections?

Do you believe the city should develop safe traffic management infrastructure or revenue generating infrastructure?



Good question. Pav - do you like the idea of circle-cameras to fine all these idiots who don't know how to drive - endangering all the women, children and bike-riders? Assuming yes - how much should the fines be - under $500 or over?

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

There are design defects in Winnipeg's mini-roundabouts, a U.S.-based traffic circle expert says.

"There appears to be a real flaw in how the city has set up the approaches to the roundabouts," said Russ Rader, a spokesman for the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, a Virginia-based non-profit safety group funded by automobile insurance companies.



They are not the perfect solution but they are put there to do what drivers seem unable to do SLOW DOWN yes I do have concerns about kids using them , will drivers stop for them ? do they now not always at stop signs . At least we can give them a ticket .

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Pavolo wrote:They are not the perfect solution but they are put there to do what drivers seem unable to do SLOW DOWN yes I do have concerns about kids using them , will drivers stop for them ? do they now not always at stop signs . At least we can give them a ticket .
Just wondering if you've had an opportunity to drive this street now that they've added the barriers?

Do you believe that they are more safe than four way stop signs?

Do you believe that come winter driving conditions that they will be reasonably safe intersections?

Do you believe the city should develop safe traffic management infrastructure or revenue generating infrastructure?



Yes I made a point of doing it and yes I do believe we should put up stop signs at all of these intersections so maybe drivers will coast thru them and we can generate lots of money from them . Sorta like the driver who coasted thru one at Niagara Street and Grosvenor and killed a friend of mine 27 yrs ago .
And yes well not perfect they are better then stop signs all the way down the street , but if that is what it takes to slow drivers down or discourage them from using the street as a shortcut so be it .
In my opinion it is the lesser of the two evils besides the crowd Kowalson had was not very big for area outrage . Nor was the crowd at the debate shown on TV news .



And how is the Res Light issue doing have'nt heard to much about it lately Rolling Eyes



Wow - I guess Winnipeg has a problem with out-of-control speeders. At least that's what the camera-data suggests at their top locations. It's amazing that so many people speed down Rte #90 at 62kph. Pav - we should double those fines again - to $550. That should save lives. Or, we could properly post that stretch at 60kph and eliminate virtually all of these deviant speeders. And those slow-and-go'ers at stop signs - they should be fined a few thousand each. That should save a few more lives - or fund a few projects.

Pav - you are lost in this delusion that Wpg drivers are out of control. Do you know how many of the 67,000 "red-light runners" actually ran a red light? About 1% of them. Watch for those numbers to be released soon. Getting trapped in the first tenth of a second into a red that shouldn't be red - by formula - for another full second or more does not qualify as being a "red-light runner".

If any of this nonsense was perpetrated on the public in a small town - the vested parties would be lynched by noon. Wise up - and wake up



Still has not turned into an issue as you said it would umum .



Maybe you don't read the papers or watch the news. The exposing data is a few short days away from being released. Stay tuned.



Thats what you said 4 weeks ago or when ever little late to be an election issue no .

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Pavolo wrote:And how is the Res Light issue doing have'nt heard to much about it lately Rolling Eyes
Res light?

You mean adding a second to the yellow light at intersections with a red light camera?

If you've not heard much about it it is because you're not paying attention. It has been discussed in great detail here and in the press. Hell I even asked sammy his opinion just this week.

What was your point in using this smiley? Rolling Eyes You just can't help yourself can you. You must make a concerted effort to behave like yer all growed up...



Yeppers you bet you lol!



Lighten up geez guys life is too short god you just do not know how to agree to disagree do you .

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

@ pavolo

Try disagreeing with reason and logic. Leave the snipes of sarcasm out of your opening salvos. Do that and maybe the debate will stay civil.



From you that is funny the man who has taken so many pot shots at people who disagree with you . From me Bark and Bite Mr contraie And of course Pav Old Chum . come on grumpy I have discussed this with you and you have never done anything to curtail it or stop it towards anyone . In fact you have revelled in it .



Pav you miss the point. You don't what you're talking about when you disagree. People normally have a logical reason to state disagreement. In your case - volumes could be put to you and your response - other than disagreement - is completely void of reasoning. Look up confound.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Pavolo wrote:From you that is funny the man who has taken so many pot shots at people who disagree with you . From me Bark and Bite Mr contraie And of course Pav Old Chum . come on grumpy I have discussed this with you and you have never done anything to curtail it or stop it towards anyone . In fact you have revelled in it .
I don't follow. What is it you're saying?

What about Bark and Bite?

What about Pav Old Chum?

Those are all your personas here eh? More experiments?



umcrouc0 wrote:
CitizenSourpuss wrote:Comments from British Columbians on the newspaper links to cam footage inside the traffic circles:

"Are you saying that people from Winnipeg actually consider a traffic circle hazardous?"


"These people can figure out Confusion Corner, but not a round-about?"

Again, it's the ridiculous misnomer that implies that these are actually legitimate traffic circles.

Well, you're assuming that BC doesn't have mini-roundabouts for traffic calming. But they do have ones very similar to the ones we have. Check it out:

Look familiar? Winnipeg didn't event these, it's a standard type of intersection used for 'traffic calming'. They are actually really popular in some other districts. Seattle has very strict rules on how they assess which intersections they can install them in, but it's because the demand from residents is so high that they can't afford to install them at all the requested intersections.

Erm, you're playing off in left field there, buddy. I just moved here from BC, and ironically, I'm from Richmond. The comments are funny, because BC people can't figure out why Winnipeggers are stumped by the traffic circles.

Also? The ones in Richmond? Not the same. Richmond roads are significantly wider and better engineered than these ones. It may look like the same thing in a diagram, but it's not.

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