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Glad I don't live in West K

holly golightly
JT Estoban
Miz point
grumpy old man
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101Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Fri Feb 26, 2010 7:19 pm



Rosencrentz you said:

Any noise complaints on the other side of your house at the same time?
make sure those people are in court to testify! Better yet , get a statement from them for your next court appearance and ask for the charges to be dismissed!
I don't see any chance of the crown going ahead, but you must have these charges dismissed, not just stayed, I believe, for "us" to file for a $5500 cash award, for false arrest.
If there is some bullcrap from the arresting officers , then I think that there might be more money in this!

I'm working on having the mischief charges dismissed...and...

And I also have a letter from my neighbor living on the other side of me written by him in Dec...and...

And the letter says that there has never been a noise problem coming from my house...GGF

102Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Fri Feb 26, 2010 7:22 pm



But, its been confirmed that the noise complaints are moot and nothing came of them.

Are saying that there are no details in the warrant, it just states the charge. No specifics of what was done, when it was done? If someone is charged with theft, it has to say what you stole and when, hell, even speeding tickets state the date, time, location and speed.

103Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Fri Feb 26, 2010 7:28 pm



Freeman you said:

Are saying that there are no details in the warrant, it just states the charge. No specifics of what was done, when it was done? If someone is charged with theft, it has to say what you stole and when, hell, even speeding tickets state the date, time, location and speed.

Nothing except these words "Mischief enjoyment of property"...and...

And for the record Freeman...I did not get to see the actual warrant until I was being released from the Remand Center...GGF

104Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Fri Feb 26, 2010 7:37 pm



As I was being released from the Remand Center after being incarcerated for over 16 plus hours, the corrections officers gave me two sets of documents as I was being released..."The Arrest Warrant" and "Recognizance" papers...and...

And that was the first time I saw either one...GGF

105Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Fri Feb 26, 2010 7:45 pm



Your neighbour on the other side probably will do the trick. You will have to subpoena him/her , if your charges aren't dropped.
One thing to remember is that the Crown lays charges based on what the police tell them, and in many cases the information that the police gather is tainted.
In my revenue canada case, the "investigators" had a real hard on for me. There were 9 charges against me, and those of you that know me, would be shocked. After a lengthy 2 week trial, guilty on all 9 charges.
On appeal we had 7/9 thrown out.
The point of the matter, was my lawyer told me that when you are in court, it is a real crap shoot.
Then it went to Manitoba Supreme Court.
Thank goodness for my court appointed legal aid paid for lawyer. Boy did he work hard, and I have him , now as one of my best friends>
Free legal advise every morning on Sundays as well as free coffee. He laughs at me, because I want to sue everyone about everything, and he always tells me that I have no case! Free instant coffee on Sundays is a horrible price to pay! lol

106Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Fri Feb 26, 2010 7:49 pm



Rosencrentz you good man...Thanks for the laugh...I need those sometimes...This crap is always so serious for me and it drives me crazy already...Thanks man...GGF


107Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Fri Feb 26, 2010 7:52 pm



Good point RC, why do you not have a legal aid lawyer?

108Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Fri Feb 26, 2010 11:45 pm

Miz point

Miz point

Hmmmm.....curiouser and curiouser said Alice as she sucked in more of the caterpillar's sweet smoke. Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Icon_eek

109Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Sat Feb 27, 2010 11:53 am



rosencrentz wrote:.............One thing to remember is that the Crown lays charges based on what the police tell them.....

Ahhh...rarely does the crown instruct the police to lay charges.

The police are the ones that lay charges...not the crown.

However, the crown does present evidence that is supplied by the police, and not always do the police give all, or truthful, evidence to the crown.

110Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Sat Feb 27, 2010 12:18 pm

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Nah! Say it ain't so. You maligning the police there JTF?

111Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Sat Feb 27, 2010 12:21 pm



Heh...who me???

Everyone knows the police don't lie eh. LOL

112Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Sat Feb 27, 2010 12:41 pm



Sorry about this next long post ahead of time...GGF
Here is a bit of information about the "Lot Grade Dispute"...

If you look at the FP picture and to the left side is an "Aspenite fence" which is all crooked and not level or straight etc which is difficult to see in the picture but is...and...

And at any rate...My neighbor put that fence up in August 09 and that fence is exactly where a drainage ditch should be built because it is on the property line which is 18 inches away from his property or house...and...

And for the record the property line is where a drainage ditch is recommended to be built by the city etc...and...

And on the other side of his fence is the little ditch I built on July 06, 09 which traps his water and once again if you look closely at the rear of his house he has his downspouts which "end" and drain right at the back of his house and our houses line up back to back etc and because I have the lowest backdoor in the neighborhood and because you can't see this in the picture and because of the snow, he is 1.5 to 2 feet higher than me all along his house or property and slopping towards my side...which someone at some point in time his property was elevated because both our houses were built by the same contractor in the 1920's etc...and...

And the water that was coming from his downspouts or house or property has already caused an estimated $20,000.00 damage to my foundation as a result of his water previously coming into my basement prior to me building the ditch traps his water that I built on July 06, 2009...and...

A few points need to be made:

a)We purchased the house May 05, 2008 with the existing damage to the basement and I am well prepared to fix the foundation someday...

b)Except that I will not ever spend any money fixing a foundation if I cannot fix the source or cause of the damage in the first place...and...

And which was/is my neighbor draining all his water on our property and mainly into our basement...and or flooding us...and not just our basement but our entire yard use to be a "Swimming Pool" which I started addressing "the yard drainage" last summer and as a result it is no longer a swimming pool back there in our yard etc...

c)His front downspout drains in exactly the same manner and onto my property and which now as a result of the ditch also traps his water...

d)I have been told over and over again...That anyone with a bit of common sense would see or understand or take responsibility for such behavior as "Flooding Your Neighbor" except in my case I am dealing with a nut case who refuses to admit any responsibility regardless of how obvious it is that he is the cause of the problem...and...

e)And the fence my neighbor built in August is further proof that he just doesn't care about his responsibilities because that is the exact location the drainage ditch if built needs to be...and...

And the funny part is that he never expected me to build the little ditch that traps his water...and...

And because his house is 18 inches away it is literally going right back in his basement instead of mine and still he doesn't get it or is completely defiant on the subject matter...and...

And the same little ditch is protecting my basement and I have countless people that have come by on the most rainy days and saw with their own eyes how "dry my basement is now"and I also have both people and plenty of pictures of both the yard and or my basement and or how much water use to accumulate in both etc before I built the ditch...

And the point I hope I just help make is that this dispute started on July 04, 2009 and is about a lot grade/drainage issue that my neighbor refuses to take responsibility for...and...

And the ditch drives him crazy because their is nothing he can do to make me change it because I own the property the ditch is built on...and...

And "HE" has done everything imaginable including making false allegations of noise etc against me (only) because his only mission has been to try and destroy me personally since the ditch was built...and...

And the noise complaints are about a vendetta against me only and not specifically about noise...and...

And I already have plenty of evidence and will sooner or later further prove with "Phone Records" that the noise complaints from the nut began on July 09, 2009 which is "19 months after WE" which is wife and I moved in our house and not just "ME" either moving in or living in this house since May 2008...and...

And just after the Lot Grade Dispute blew up with the nut on July 04, 2009 and the ditch being built on July 06, 2009...and...

And that all the noise complaints were made against "ME" personally which I already have plenty of evidence that all the noise complaints etc by the nut are against me personally and so much more already...and...

And or such as how the WPS stuck their noses where it didn't belong and what they did to "ME" as a result of all the nuts false noise complaints etc which is a separate issue...and...

And one that is in the process of being dealt with and in relation to my mischief enjoyment of property charges and incarceration on Nov 27th and in the courts at the moment...GGF

113Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:09 pm



And I already have plenty of evidence and will sooner or later further prove with "Phone Records" that the noise complaints from the nut began on July 09, 2009 which is "19 months after WE" which is wife and I moved in our house and not just "ME" either moving in or living in this house since May 2008...and...

This should have been 17 months after we moved in and not 19 months...GGF

114Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:23 pm



In my post # 50 in this thread I inserted the opening paragraphs of the statement made by the nut and collected by the WPS on November 17th and further used to incarcerate me on November 27th etc…

This has been an ongoing issue since December 2008 when he moved in. It stems from a water drainage. My neighbor alleges that it's my fault that his basement leaks. Since then he has been doing all sorts of things to make my life a living hell. I must have called at least 100 times since this situation started. Most recently he has been playing his radio so it could be heard by me. I know you guys have given him tickets in the past but that hasn't been working. One time I spoke to P/STG (He names the WPS Officer) who caught him playing his music loud to cause a disturbance and to make my life miserable.

Interesting "sworn" statement to the WPS by the nut himself once the facts are looked at...and...

And now add the following...The 2 WPS officers that collected the statement from the nut on Nov 17th are the same 2 WPS Officers that issued the Sept 18 and the Sept 22nd Summons...GGF

115Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:29 pm



There are only 2 WPS men who work out of the West Kildonan area, as all others are on "mental and sick leave" lol
Your case certainly is interesting. I cannot see how you can be found guilty, as there are other adults in the house, and how could the crown determine who had the "music" on? And I believe that you mentioned that the police investigated and found no noise!

116Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:40 pm



MizP what is a conjunction? Is that something sexual that you have in the North End?

117Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:53 pm



Rosencrentz you said:

There are only 2 WPS men who work out of the West Kildonan area, as all others are on "mental and sick leave" lol
Your case certainly is interesting. I cannot see how you can be found guilty, as there are other adults in the house, and how could the crown determine who had the "music" on? And I believe that you mentioned that the police investigated and found no noise!

Yup some 28 plus sets of WPS officers that came and also didn't hear any intrusive noises and music...and...

And a neighbor next door and on the opposite side of the nut that hasn't heard any noise and so much more...and...

And lets not forget how I was incarcerated on Nov 27th as a result of the nut neighbor and a few WPS who appear to not be on sick or mental leave while all others might be...and...

And for me it is serious stuff but sometimes the truth has to make you laugh just so one can remain sane and not join the rest of the nuts...Thanks Rosencrentz...GGF


118Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:43 pm



Why don't you have a lawyer? If you can not afford one, Did you not qualify for a Legal Aid Lawyer?

119Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Sat Feb 27, 2010 11:10 pm



Freeman you said:

Why don't you have a lawyer? If you can not afford one, Did you not qualify for a Legal Aid Lawyer?

No I/we didn't qualify for Legal Aid because my wife and I combined make more then the max cut off of $27,000 per year and I just received my "Official Letter from Legal Aid" stating so just a few weeks ago...and...

And the other reason I didn't have a lawyer was because we simply didn't have the "retainer in cash" for one...and...

And yesterday I had a long meeting with the U of M Law Faculty...and...

And it looks like I have one now...and...

And maybe a few extras to boot later on...and...

And one will be present on Mar 04 one way or the other "Finally"...GGF

120Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Sat Feb 27, 2010 11:12 pm



So, what does your lawyer think about going to the media?

121Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Sat Feb 27, 2010 11:21 pm



Freeman you said:

So, what does your lawyer think about going to the media?

Loves it...GGF

122Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:36 am



I bet he figures that the more exposure this gets the better. I agree.

Usually a story is told briefly and then forgotten. Nobody seems to cover the court proceedings when the charges are stayed or there is an aquittal.

And, of course, the cops don't speak of their defeats.

123Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:38 pm



JTF you said:

I bet he figures that the more exposure this gets the better. I agree.

Usually a story is told briefly and then forgotten. Nobody seems to cover the court proceedings when the charges are stayed or there is an aquittal.

And, of course, the cops don't speak of their defeats.

There's a lot going on right now and the story is what it is at the moment...and...

And more to come in the future...GGF

124Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Sun Feb 28, 2010 7:39 pm



Someone's been watching too many episodes of Batman. It grows tiring.

You should maybe tell us now, as you might not have access to a computer after Thursday.

125Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Mon Mar 01, 2010 8:45 am



I, too, have a hellava story concerning the cops which I'm waiting to tell.

It is a sad tale of misconduct and sloppy police work.

BTW: I finally got my house back.

I guess the commie bastard couldn't take the NO WATER deal any longer. The toilets were full.

Disgusting pieces of crap...both the police and the squatter!!!

126Glad I don't live in West K - Page 5 Empty Re: Glad I don't live in West K Mon Mar 01, 2010 9:25 am



And, of course, the cops don't speak of their defeats

Why would they, they arrest and chuck in jail, the courts threw them out on to the street or gave them a very lenient sentence .
Again it is the courts not the police there is a line between their jobs .

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