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Cyclists want one-metre law: Drivers must keep their distance: lobby group

eViL tRoLl
St Norberter
grumpy old man
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grumpy old man

grumpy old man


Should drivers be legally required to pull over one metre to pass a cyclist?

Nova Scotia became the first province to pass that law in December, and now a cycling lobby group is asking the Manitoba government to do the same thing.

Bike to the Future wrote to Transportation Minister Steve Ashton and Healthy Living Minister Jim Rondeau last week to formally propose that the government make it illegal to pass a cyclist on the road without leaving at least a one-metre buffer between the vehicle and the bike.

The lobby group has identified the change as the top priority on its legislative wish list.

“It’s really just to be sure the cars understand they shouldn’t come so close to a bicycle,” said Charles Feaver, chair of Bike to the Future’s provincial committee. “Cars will leave a metre if they’re going by a concrete post or a parked vehicle, but they won’t leave that much room for a cyclist.”

Section 114(1) of the Highway Traffic Act currently requires drivers passing bicycles or other vehicles to do so “at a safe distance” and to return to the right side of the road when “safely clear.”

Feaver said he doesn’t expect police officers to be out on the streets with rulers making sure the law is followed.

He said it’s mostly about educating drivers so they “make a conscious effort” to pass cyclists safely, which Feaver believes will improve cycling safety much more effectively than any kind of mandatory helmet law.

“It will make everybody feel safer. A lot of the incidents on the road are due to a lack of common understanding,” he said.

A spokeswoman for Ashton said the government is reviewing a number of proposals related to active transportation, including the one-metre rule.

“Bicycle infrastructure and public education continues to be our favoured method of encouraging safe and healthy transportation,” she said.

More than a dozen U.S. states have such a rule — known there as the “three-foot rule” — in place.

Nova Scotia passed its law in December but has yet to proclaim it.

The government there is developing an educational campaign to help familiarize drivers with the change before the law comes into force.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

This should be another interesting round of us versus them. That said it's not an unreasonable request. Have fun enforcing it though.

I notice these special interest groups never lobby for all cyclists following the rules of the road eh? Interesting that every comment in the Sun (ten as I write this) rail against cyclists and their inability to play nice yet they demand cars play nice. I think maybe the pendulum is swinging against cyclists and their ever-increasing demands



Imo, cyclists should be banned from our roads during the winter season...November 1st to May 1st...or something thereabouts.

The one meter law is ridiculous and un-enforceable and an un-inforceable law breeds contempt for laws in general.

Besides, they cannot / won't enforce the law against cyclists and that makes it an unfair law with, in turn, makes it unconstitutional imo.


moderator're a moron

(is that the way it's done?)

Banning anyone off the roads in "winter season" is about as smart as saying if you don't buy snow tires for your vehicle, the registration is invalid. (hopefully no politician reads this and thinks that's a good idea)

The "1-metre-rule" is a stupid idea too.

I ride my bike (not in the winter...but that's cause I'm a woos) and 1-metre is not always available for cars to move, nor is it NECESSARY to pass safely. I can safely pass most any cyclist within 6"...and do not feel in danger when other vehicles pass me at that distance.

BUT...allowing 1-metre DOES allow room for that "what-if", like if at the moment of being passed there's debris on the side of the road and the cyclist has to move 6"-1' left to go around it. It also helps allow for those morons who drive SUVs with big mirrors and they shouldn't be driving "smart cars" because their driving skills suck so bad.

This is just another example of how stupid the BTTF people have become. Their "self-righteous" attitude and "us-vs-them" mentality.

I get their newsletters every month, and their pleas to campaign the politicians to enforce stupid ideas. I often reply with a rebuttal, and send my comments on to that very politician to let them know that BTTF needs an education themselves.

And I agree with GOM about the "force the motorist and leave the cyclist alone" campaigns. While I don't agree with forcing licensing on cyclists, I do agree there should be SOME education campaign or requirements for cyclists to ride the roads. Perhaps at the POS? Some kind of requirement to sign an acceptance of the laws of the road. But how do you enforce that with kids under 16? Granted...MOST incidents involving cyclists and motorists involve adults on bikes...not kids.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

AGEsAces're a moron

(is that the way it's done?)
Is that the way what's done? Start positing/defending your position by first attacking the other party?

Yup. That's the way it's done. Smile

Oh, and we'll have none of that here...



I'm against bike riding in the winter also. Just one slip, and you're under a wheel...
Nobody can stop in the necessary space and time if the cyclist slips and falls in front of them.
Is common sense becoming extinct in this society?
Invent something safer, then I'm for it. In the meantime, walk, or use cross country skis to get around. There are plenty of parks throughout Winnipeg.



grumpy old man wrote:
AGEsAces're a moron

(is that the way it's done?)
Is that the way what's done? Start positing/defending your position by first attacking the other party?

Yup. That's the way it's done. Smile

Oh, and we'll have none of that here...

but I'm a said mods could do it Smile

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Shhhhhh. You said that aloud.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"Banning anyone off the roads in "winter season" is about as smart as
saying if you don't buy snow tires for your vehicle, the registration is
invalid. (hopefully no politician reads this and thinks that's a good

already done in Quebec and Manitoba and Ontario are studying it.

St Norberter

St Norberter

If your a cyclist and you are riding in the correct position in the road ( 1-1.5 m from curb) then this proposal is unnecessary.

Ride far enough out that a car cannot pass you completely in the same lane you are in - works fine. The only ones that buzz me are generally those that feel that cyclists shouldn't be on the road. And really, they'll ignore the law anyway, so what's the point.

Better to spend the money on educational programs for BOTH drivers and cyclists.

eViL tRoLl

eViL tRoLl
contributor plus
contributor plus

I agree with St. Norb, cyclists also need to learn how to keep distance - it goes both ways.

St Norberter

St Norberter

If you don't suck curb, then you really don't have to worry too much about cars buzzing you as they pass you in your lane.



In the winter in Winnipeg, cyclists are a danger to themselves and others.

You have to be a moron to ride a bike in the winter here...I think Age qualifies without doubt.



JTF wrote:In the winter in Winnipeg, cyclists are a danger to themselves and others.

You have to be a moron to ride a bike in the winter here...I think Age qualifies without doubt.

Oh malarky.

cyclists are no more a danger than a little toyota with crappy tires.

It's not a matter of a cyclist being there, it's a matter of their skill, and the quality of their equipment.

MOST people riding in the winter have prepared themselves for it by getting the proper winter attire, and hopefully snow tires for their bikes (yes, they exist)...and probably ride year-round so are used to the traffic and risks involved outside the cold environment.

Just because YOU can't handle riding in the cold, doesn't mean someone with more experience or skill can't either.

Riding a bike in the winter has the same risk factors applied as driving a car in the winter...with only the real added risk of frostbite.

St Norberter

St Norberter

JTF wrote:In the winter in Winnipeg, cyclists are a danger to themselves and others.

You have to be a moron to ride a bike in the winter here...I think Age qualifies without doubt.

Wrong. On all points.



Bullshit. Only morons ride bikes in the winter in Winnipeg.

And the only people that disagree are the morons that ride bikes in the winter. Go figure eh. Smile



JTF wrote:Bullshit. Only morons ride bikes in the winter in Winnipeg.

And the only people that disagree are the morons that ride bikes in the winter. Go figure eh. Smile

You a funny guy (at least I think you're a guy).

I've already stated..."I don't ride in the winter cause I'm a wus"

For those that DO ride in the winter...more power to them...I wish I had the dedication to exercise that much year-round.

St Norberter

St Norberter

Hey JTF - Ages just blew your position out of the water.

And since I haven't ridden in the winter this year, I guess I did the same.

Cyclists want one-metre law: Drivers must keep their distance: lobby group  808814



Take out half your brain and you will suddenly have "dedication".



Oh...I should have mentioned....."...anyone that believes it's a good idea to cycle in Winnipeg in the winter....(but that doesn't have the balls or dedication to do it themselves....) Smile

St Norberter

St Norberter

^So that would leave you with no balls and no brains.

Sounds about right.



For the very very few, and i mean few, who ride bikes in the winter, that shouldn't be an excuse for turning our roads into Bike commute lanes.

I agree with JTF. This whole issue is absurd. I amintain, biking is an activity, not a viable mode of transportation. YOu want to be green, , support Transit and USE IT.

YOu want exercise, ride a stationary bike in the winter or find trails to ride your bike. But if you insist on using roads, then learn to ride defensively and take responsibility for your own actions.

St Norberter

St Norberter

Livio Ciaralli wrote:

I agree with JTF. This whole issue is absurd. I amintain, biking is an activity, not a viable mode of transportation.

Completely false. And there are a billion people in China that prove that statement 100% false.



Winnipeg isn't China.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

heh.. not a billion, China has the world fastest growing number of SUVs.


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