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$18-M remake for Osborne Bridge: Focus on cyclists, pedestrians, art

grumpy old man
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grumpy old man

grumpy old man

A newly rehabilitated Osborne Bridge will have separate spaces for cyclists and pedestrians, as well as an artistic component to fit in with the eclectic neighbourhood, according to plans unveiled Thursday evening.

A smattering of area residents and users of one of the city's busiest bridges discovered active transportation will be the central theme of a planned $18-million renovation. Construction, which is scheduled to begin in April, will feature one three-metre-wide walkway and two two-metre-wide bike paths.

To accommodate these features, the bridge will be widened by about five feet by extending the overhangs and replacing the existing wide median with a narrower barrier.

Matt Chislett, bridge projects engineer for the city's public works department, said the city decided against a joint pedestrian-cycling lane.

"We have a high percentage of people in the area with vision impairment or who use seeing-eye dogs and we didn't want them sharing space with cyclists," he said at an information open house at Holy Rosary Church.

Chislett said making the bridge safer for people on foot has been a concern since a vehicle jumped the curb and killed a pedestrian in the late 1980s.

He said the renovation will prolong the lifespan of the bridge for another 75 years. The Osborne Bridge was built in 1975. Replacing the bridge would cost about $25 million, he said.

Chislett said he and his team will take the most recent public feedback and potentially "tweak" bridge plans. The current schedule calls for the east side of the bridge to be closed in April, with construction finishing up in October. The following spring, the same thing will happen to the west side.

During both construction periods, traffic flows in both directions will be restricted to a total of three lanes, he said.

"It's going to be a snarl," he said, noting 40,000 vehicles cross the bridge every day.

Most of the time, two lanes will head south, with one going north. During morning rush hours, however, it will be reconfigured with two lanes heading north.

Chislett said an artist has been hired to incorporate art into the bridge's design, such as the handrails or at the end of the bridge.

"We want to make it an esthetically pleasing bridge to fit the neighbourhood," he said.

About 60 people came through the open house during the first three of four hours Thursday night. Gerald, whose family operates a business in the area and who asked that his last name not be published, said he appreciated the chance to voice his opinions on the project design. He said he was confident it would not result in the public relations disaster that accompanied last fall's introduction of traffic circles in several neighbourhoods.

He said he believes the bigger problem is traffic flow in Osborne Village, used by people from other neighbourhoods simply passing through on their way home from downtown.

"I think they should tunnel under the Osborne overpass and come up under the river by the (Legislative Building)," he said.

Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition December 17, 2010 B2

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

$18 million does not sound unreasonable if it means the bridge will last another 75 years.

The cycling lane is smoke and mirrors - pandering to a vocal minority. Mostly due to the fact those lanes don't exist on both ends of the bridge. Where do the cyclists go when their lane suddenly disappears?

Driving through that area once construction begins will be a nightmare. Since Donald Street is already jam packed at rush hour I don't see much relief at other bridges.

Is it time to consider another bridge into the downtown area? Where would we build it?

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Heh. Knowing how our city planners operate they'll also schedule construction near the Maryland and Donald Street Bridges. Maybe throw in the St. Mary's and Kenaston bridges. Creating a complete traffic clusterfrick...

Quick quiz: what are those bridges called?



He said he believes the bigger problem is traffic flow in Osborne Village, used by people from other neighbourhoods simply passing through on their way home from downtown.

The city seems oblivious to this major problem.

Traffic is now being re-routed to back lanes with the city's blessings it seems.

Gerbasi wants to study the matter. Geez...gimme a break. Rolling Eyes



grumpy old man wrote:Heh. Knowing how our city planners operate they'll also schedule construction near the Maryland and Donald Street Bridges. Maybe throw in the St. Mary's and Kenaston bridges. Creating a complete traffic clusterfrick...

Quick quiz: what are those bridges called?

Heh...they're called pretty much what you said they were. St. James bridge is the only correction. I still call it the Salter bridge too.



Renovate 18 million....New 25 million.....hmmm

The guy is right, tunnel and ease traffic congestion, the area is a mess to navigate. I don't see how the rehab addresses the real issue. More lipstick ?



The present design was a mistake from the getgo. The large center devider and oversized sidewalks were a waste of space and still are.
....just as Confusion Corner shoulda' been a traffic circle.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Can't build new Liv.

What bridge is called the Midtown Bridge? Donald?



Can't build ?

I guess this is what happens when you put the cart before the horse. Seems alot of this keeps happening and will only get worse .

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

What doth thou mean?



doth means, you are building a City based on "Can't", which on its own already cements your ability to be creative.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

I say can't because there is no way that that bridge can be shut down completely. That's also why I was creatively thinking maybe it is time to build a new bridge downtown to help take some of the strain of the few bridges available. So I'm not really building this city on "can't".



Agreed with GOM, what's really needed is another north-south bridge somewhere close to downtown. It is an absolute nightmare at rush hour, and instead of doing anything worthwhile to improve the situation we're looking at stupid shit like shutting down 25% of the capacity on an already under sized bridge to add useless shit like bike lanes. As GOM has already pointed the obvious question, what is the point? The bike lanes have nothing to connect to on either side of the bridge.

This bicycle BS is getting beyond ridiculous already. My twice daily drives into downtons will be pure hell next year because of this and will easily add an hour a day of idling in traffic. I thought we were trying to be greener? How many bicyclists crossing that bridge will it take to offset all the additional C02 put out by 50-100,000 vehicles per day idling for 30 extra minutes while trying to cross downtown all next summer?

This is beyond stupid.



What the city SHOULD do is work into the budget for each year, or each two years, for the next 10 - 20 years, to add a new bridge along N/S & E/W crossings.

Not where bridges are currently located...but new locations with new access roads tying in to the main thoroughfares.

THEN...they can close down the existing worn out bridges for repairs or replacements without too much interference to the traffic flow.

But they have to be LONG-TERM plans...not "what can we get done and slapped together in the next year" plans.



Donald is the Mid Town bridge



grumpyrom wrote:Agreed with GOM, what's really needed is another north-south bridge somewhere close to downtown. It is an absolute nightmare at rush hour, and instead of doing anything worthwhile to improve the situation we're looking at stupid shit like shutting down 25% of the capacity on an already under sized bridge to add useless shit like bike lanes. As GOM has already pointed the obvious question, what is the point? The bike lanes have nothing to connect to on either side of the bridge.

This bicycle BS is getting beyond ridiculous already. My twice daily drives into downtons will be pure hell next year because of this and will easily add an hour a day of idling in traffic. I thought we were trying to be greener? How many bicyclists crossing that bridge will it take to offset all the additional C02 put out by 50-100,000 vehicles per day idling for 30 extra minutes while trying to cross downtown all next summer?

This is beyond stupid.

One day, the roads will be all dedicated to cyclists.
For now, it just seems a cash sinkhole.



The way things are going it sure feels that way.

Just look at the mess on Grosvenor. Not only are the traffic circles slowing down a former smooth flowing route but now the stretch from Harrow to Stafford where there used to be room for 2 lanes of traffic to flow through is now reduced to only 1 lanw thanks to the bike lane. This backs everything up for a block if any vehicles are turning left. So instead of flowing through the intersections your stuck sitting at 2 or three light changes before you can proceed instead of just going around the cars turning left. All for what? I've seen 2-3 cyclists on that route since the snow fell.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

I believe the planners don't think through all possible scenarios. I notice the traffic circles are very well cleared of snow. By hand no less. Contrast that to the 3-4 foot snow banks everywhere else.

Add in the very slick street surface requiring additional sand/salt to ensure the area does not become a skating rink.

The cost to maintain these circles must be quite significant.

Throw in the traffic delay's...



grumpy old man wrote:

I believe the planners don't think through all possible scenarios.

There is an established pattern of incompetence clearly demonstrated here.

Assiniboine, Nassau, Grosvenor....combined with the 'non-calming' effect of the circles, and you get a need for new people at the Works & Operations department imo.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

" I notice the traffic circles are very well cleared of snow. By hand no less"

say what now????!?!?!?

They clean this things by freakin hand?

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

No way in the world those circles can be cleaned any other way. Unhhh, they had shovels in their hands BTW...



Is it a fact or merely speculation?

Those that I've seen sure don't appear to have been cleaned by hand (with shovel).

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Take a drive down Grosvenor jtf. There is no other way but by hand/shovel. There is very little snow on or around them yet there are 3-4' high, and higher, snowbanks all around.

I guess to answer the question, I am spekulatin'. For the reasons 'splained above.



Use a giant blowtorch.



grumpy old man wrote:Take a drive down Grosvenor jtf. There is no other way but by hand/shovel. There is very little snow on or around them yet there are 3-4' high, and higher, snowbanks all around.

I guess to answer the question, I am spekulatin'. For the reasons 'splained above.

Aaahhh. I now understand.

Thinking about it...with those 4 signs on it, it would have to be cleared by hand.

I bet they didn't factor that into the equations, like you said.

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