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any like minded folks want a discussion on zionism?

grumpy old man
Miz point
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I was taught in school that the Zionist conspiracy ended in 1948 with the creation by the U.N.'s approval of Palestine being cut up to be shared as a safe haven for those damned oppressed Jews, still not killed dead by Germany's murdering Nazi's and other nice German helper's.
djh have you any relative's in Germany? email them and ask them how they cope with their Jewish neighbour's?
What gets me, and very little "gets" me, is the world's history of man's inhumanity to man. Everywhere those in power pick on smaller groups that are not in power.
The whole Jewish history is one where they were continually expelled from different countries, going back to Egyptian times.
djh- jews were living in Egypt quite a few years ago, and if they wanted to occupy Egypt they could have after any one of the 5 times that Egypt invaded Israel since 1948. Israel returned the sand to Egypt, and continually worked towards getting a signed peace treaty with Egypt. Seems to me that Egypts President was rewarded for signing that treaty by his fellow officers'?



israel is an illegitamate state. therefore anyone who "invades" it is invading jewish occupied palestine. there are very few jews living in germany as most of them have got the message that they are not welcome. the us has become the new host of the zionist parasite. as for jews being "persecuted", why do you think this is? could it be that there is asper like theives all around the world? how long can any society tolerate this. as for the mighty israeli army being able to occupy egypt, without zionist tentacles entrenched in the us govt, israel would not have a pot to piss in, nevermind the military to occupy anything.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

You're an idiot djh. There are forums for people like you. Go there to post your fricking illiterate racist drivel.

In this person's opinion you are no longer welcome in the sandbox.



nice gom. perhaps miz p and yourself can persecute some evil white male straight christians this being easter and everyhing. oh i forgot, its impossible to persecute them, they deserve it. sorry.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

How you can believe your posts are part of normal discussion is absolutely beyond me. What I'm saying is, IMO, your diatribe is simply not welcome in polite society. It is certainly not welcome in this sandbox.

If you would post rational and considered thoughts about your POV, you and I would have no problem.

But you are incapable of that. Try growing up and THINKING about what you say and how you say it.

If you do not want to that is fine. I will begin proceedings to have you banned. Is that abundantly clear sport?



miz ps posts are polite??? sick and disgusting is more likely. it speaks volumes that my posts offend you and filth from a lowlife like her is not only tolerable but amusing. do your worst sport.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

I am not talking about MizP. I am talking about your crap. Try to stay focused. Is that too much too ask?

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

The trouble with djh and his theory is he has yet to come out and make his view crystal clear. He keeps telling us "what the Jews are doing" but he has yet to define how what they are doing is harmful to the world. Or Canada. Or more to the point, Winnipeg.

I know his response will be for me to go and read his previous posts.

I have. I see nothing that answers my question. So, what I'd like djh to do is tell me why his position is a threat.
I have three times now asked this question. Since djh refuses to answer I must assume his only intent in posting here is to troll, bait and flame.

Come on djh. Give us something. Anything . Give yourself a real chance to be understood and taken seriously.




it could not be any more clear. zionist influence in western society is an evil that must be crushed. zionists control media outlets of every form. why is this evil? because zionism declares itself that its loyalty lies only to itself above everything. if someone does not find it alarming that a foreign philosophy dedicated to establishing their own supremacy is in control of information services in our society, they are fast asleep.



While I find djh to be an incredibly ignorant individual, I would not support banning him.

I wonder at times if his true purpose on this forum is to merely be the resident troll. If he actually believes in the crap he is spewing, his ignorance is even greater than I presume, as it indicates that he is the only enlightened one among us.

In any event, best to keep his kind out in the light of day, rather than lurking in the shadows.
BTW, did I say how incredible it is to believe that someone with his beliefs actually exists?

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

djh wrote:it could not be any more clear. zionist influence in western society is an evil that must be crushed.
Why? Because you THINK they control every form of media? Can you provide clear and unequivocal statistics to prove this point?



most grains of sand on the beach are small and beige in colour. no i dont have any statistics to prove that.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

djh wrote:why is this evil? because zionism declares itself that its loyalty lies only to itself above everything.
But where is the proof that these evil people have foisted any harm on the World?

How long have they been practicing this evil? And yet only a very few zealots have the time to scream the evil is amoungst us.

Show us some rational evidence that what you are saying is destructing all society everywhere. Or, since this is a Winnipeg forum, show us examples of the destruction they are wreaking in Winnipeg.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

djh wrote:most grains of sand on the beach are small and beige in colour. no i dont have any statistics to prove that.
Ummm, huh?

So if you can't prove it how can you be certain such conspiracies exist at all?

And if you can't even prove it to yourself how can you expect other, more rational, people to believe your theories?

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

And then, how can you justify these kind of statements?
there are very few jews living in germany as most of them have got the message that they are not welcome.

How can they not be welcome if there is no proof they are conspiring to take over the media, much less the world?



djh wrote:most grains of sand on the beach are small and beige in colour. no i dont have any statistics to prove that.

Wow, what a profound statement!



djh wrote:it could not be any more clear. zionist influence in western society is an evil that must be crushed. zionists control media outlets of every form. why is this evil? because zionism declares itself that its loyalty lies only to itself above everything. if someone does not find it alarming that a foreign philosophy dedicated to establishing their own supremacy is in control of information services in our society, they are fast asleep.
You raise many valid points. I would not call all Jews "Zionists" but Jews certainly have an unhealthy control over the mainstream media. It is well known that the majority of Jews in the diaspora are more loyal to Israel than to their respective countries. This is especialy true for Jews of Quebec.
The only country where Jews have as much, if not more loyalty to their country than to Israel is the United States. It can certainly be argued that Israel is a colony of the USA. The majority of israelis want peace with the Arabs, but money talks, and it is the American born Jews who dictate Israel's foreign policy.
One of the ways they brainwash the North American population is by television and movies (Hollywood and most major US TV networks are owned by Jews). I have to give them credit though. For 2% of the US population to have this much influence of American foreign policy is really quite remarkable.



grumpy old man wrote:
djh wrote:it could not be any more clear. zionist influence in western society is an evil that must be crushed.
Why? Because you THINK they control every form of media? Can you provide clear and unequivocal statistics to prove this point?
With all due respect sir, the Jews do control mainstream media. This has been known for decades. Just look at the CEO's of Disney, NBC, ABC, CBS, Canwest, CNN, CBC, and most major Film and Pornography companies. What do they all have in common? They are JEWISH.



there are very few jews living in germany as most of them have got the message that they are not welcome.

That is completely false.

The Jewish population is not only growing, but Germany has the fastest growing Jewish population outside Israel. Prior to 1990, there were less than 15,000 Jews living in Germany. Today, there is an estimated 125,000 Jews in the country.

You see, Jews, for some bizarre reason, have always chosen to live in places where they are not historically welcome. Why do you think the Holocaust was so easy to implement? The majority of European jews lived in countries that wanted them gone. Along came the Germans, and these occupied countries were more than happy to march the town's Jews to the railyards, where the would be "resettled" in the East.
Romaina, Hungray, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania, Austria, Slovakia, Croatia, Belarus, etc. all have very substantial jewish minorities. Yet all these countries had more than enough willing participants to make sure the jews met their ultimate fate. In fact, the only countries that tried to save the Jews had very few Jews living there.
Denmark, Holland, Norway, and Bulgaria, were the only countries that tried to save the Jews, and in each of these countries, Jews compromised less than 1% of the prewar population.

Look no further than Winnipeg as an example. Can you name the one area of the city where Jews were not allowed to reside in? If you said Tuxedo, you would be correct. That is one thing I have never understood about the Jews. Why would they choose to live in the regions where they are most despised?

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

toban71 wrote:With all due respect sir, the Jews do control mainstream media. This has been known for decades. Just look at the CEO's of Disney, NBC, ABC, CBS, Canwest, CNN, CBC, and most major Film and Pornography companies. What do they all have in common? They are JEWISH.
Don't go all indignant-like on me... Okay then, all you have to do is PROVE IT. Show me incontrovertible proof exactly who controls the entire mainstream media.

Just SAYING it means nothing. Backing up what you say when you make such outlandish claims is altogether another thing.


Last edited by grumpy old man on Fri Apr 02, 2010 4:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

toban71 wrote:You raise many valid points. I would not call all Jews "Zionists" but Jews certainly have an unhealthy control over the mainstream media. It is well known that the majority of Jews in the diaspora are more loyal to Israel than to their respective countries. This is especialy true for Jews of Quebec.
The only country where Jews have as much, if not more loyalty to their country than to Israel is the United States. It can certainly be argued that Israel is a colony of the USA. The majority of israelis want peace with the Arabs, but money talks, and it is the American born Jews who dictate Israel's foreign policy.
One of the ways they brainwash the North American population is by television and movies (Hollywood and most major US TV networks are owned by Jews). I have to give them credit though. For 2% of the US population to have this much influence of American foreign policy is really quite remarkable.
(1) It is well known that the majority of Jews in the diaspora are more loyal to Israel than to their respective countries.
Prove it.

(2) This is especialy true for Jews of Quebec.
Prove it.

(3) The only country where Jews have as much, if not more loyalty to their country than to Israel is the United States.
Prove it.

(4) It can certainly be argued that Israel is a colony of the USA.
What exactly does this mean?

(5) One of the ways they brainwash the North American population is by television and movies
Name a few movies and TV programs that are brainwashing the unwashed masses of North America.

You've made an impressive list of assertions. Now just prove some of them. I've numbered them for you to help simplify the process. Perhaps you can answer them one by one. Thanks.



there is an internet site entitled "jew watch". theres some interesting info and opinion about zionist control of politics, media, finance, etc...

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

toban71 wrote:Look no further than Winnipeg as an example. Can you name the one area of the city where Jews were not allowed to reside in? If you said Tuxedo, you would be correct.
Do you suppose that racist attitude exists today?

toban71 wrote:That is one thing I have never understood about the Jews. Why would they choose to live in the regions where they are most despised?
Why should any people listen to the puerile few about where they can and cannot live? Who makes up those rules?

One thing I have never understood of ignorant dolts is why do they care so much about these people?

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

djh wrote:there is an internet site entitled "jew watch". theres some interesting info and opinion about zionist control of politics, media, finance, etc...


This is your conspiracy theory. It is incumbent upon you to at least put as much effort into offering real substance as you do unsupported opinion.



did you go to the site gom? maybe theres some facts to back up my wild claims there. i would post some links but i dont know how yet.

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