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any like minded folks want a discussion on zionism?

grumpy old man
Miz point
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grumpy old man


Interesting, yet not the least surprising.



"The Protocols of the (Learned) Elders of Zion (Russian: "Протоколы сионских мудрецов" or "Сионские протоколы") is one of many titles given to a text purporting to describe a plan to achieve global domination by the Jewish people. Following its first public publication in 1903 in the Russian Empire, numerous independent investigations have repeatedly proved the writing to be a hoax; notably, a series of articles printed in The Times in 1921 revealed that much of the material was directly plagiarized from earlier works of political satire unrelated to Jews. Nevertheless, some people continue to view it as factual, especially in parts of the world where antisemitism, anti-Judaism, or anti-Zionism are widespread"

Taken straight from the opening lines of Wikipedia. Unless Wikipedia (which anyone cant edit) is under control of the Zionist's as well, then djh's assertion that it is a real blue print for world domination is seriously flawed.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

The trouble with djh and his theory is he has yet to come out and make his view crystal clear. He keeps telling us "what the Jews are doing" but he has yet to define how what they are doing is harmful to the world. Or Canada. Or more to the point, Winnipeg.

I know his response will be for me to go and read his previous posts.

I have. I see nothing that answers my question. So, what I'd like djh to do is tell me why his position is a threat.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

grumpyrom wrote:Unless Wikipedia (which anyone cant edit) is under control of the Zionist's as well, then djh's assertion that it is a real blue print for world domination is seriously flawed.
He also conveniently ignores others' attempts to control society. Curiously, the most recent insidious attempt came from the peeps that use the word "juden"...



[quote="grumpyrom]Taken straight from the opening lines of Wikipedia. Unless Wikipedia (which anyone cant edit) is under control of the Zionist's as well, then djh's assertion that it is a real blue print for world domination is seriously flawed.[/quote]

And who says that the Zionists don't control Wikipedia? any like minded folks want a discussion on zionism? - Page 2 Icon_smile

Miz point

Miz point

JTF wrote:
djh wrote:.... juden....

Interesting choice of words...

Oh I believe that was quite deliberate on his (djh's) part. Thinks he is being clever. Oh well.



Jews do not as a rule intermarry- Why dont you do some research on this subject, as I believe it is not a very accurate picture in North American society! My best fiend and myself, both married 40 years, not to a Jewish princess!
I have 4 Jewish children, 2 married to non Jewish partners, and my 2 other non married children are partnered with non jewish partners! So how are the statistics going for you so far?
Canadians are raised as Canadians and in a multi- racial society!
djh- your material is all coming from anti-semitic sources, and I am proud of you tat you are not anti-semitic, and when you say you think Zionism is a threat, all I can do is think back to the 1950's when every day that Israel existed the surrounding Arab countries were waging war, with the express idea of pushing them into the sea.
Nice neighbours!
Today, through drinking the blood of Christian and Muslim babies the hebrews have become strong to defend themselves, and will do whatever it takes to protect themselves from annihilation, including "our" planned attack on Iran, so they won't get a working atomic bomb!
Zuonism was started in 1896, with a meeting of like minded Jews who thought it would be neat to have a safe place to drink blood.
The country has signed peace treaties with 3 Arab countries, and are continually trying to do the same with all other countries!
Zionism is over with! At least my understanding of Zionism, as the plan to have a very small plot of land surrounded by 300 million hostiles! lol
Your beef, is probably that "Jews" are disproportionately successful , in their endeavours, and that is because the dumb ass jews went to school, went to college and managed to get jobs that gave them a middle class income. Lawyers, Dentists, Teachers, Professors, all sorts of disposable income, and gave back to their communities with time/money donations.
It is their lifestyle that gets criticized, and their involvement in companies that they started up, when they weren't able to get hired by non-Jewish companies.
My dads friend, an eye Doctor was the 1st Jewish Manager at Eaton's in Winnipeg. That was big news in the community in 1960. Why?
Today you mention Zionism and I laugh. Your definition s completely anti Jewish, and I am perplexed, because you have no one that is Jewish that you could call a friend! Pity! You seem to hate something that you only know through reading anti semitic sites!
My next barbeque, you will have to come over. Sorry that it won't be on Wellington Crescent, where all the Jews live. My house is going up for sale shortly!


contributor plus
contributor plus

Israeli agents go on PR offensive

By Ben Lynfield in Jerusalem

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Israel is sending more agents abroad, this time on an even more
difficult mission: to project a peaceful and positive image of the
Jewish state.

As part a new government campaign every citizen travelling overseas
becomes an ambassador. But launched in the same week that images aired
of suspected Mossad agents preparing to assassinate a Hamas leader in a
luxury Dubai hotel, the timing couldn't be worse.

The only training necessary for those wanting to be part of what
Information Minister Yuli Edelstein is calling the "Israel Explanatory
Force", is perusing a government website or pamphlets handed out as
they board planes. The literature stresses Israel is a peace-loving
state that developed the cherry tomato and won the Eurovision song
contest in 1998 – information Israelis are invited to share during
their overseas vacations and business trips.

There has been growing government concern about Israel's image, but the
ministry believes the image problem stems not from Israel's actions
towards the Palestinians, but from the perception it is a backwards

the brit supreme court decided jew was a religion, to the chagrin of the rabbis who wanted to figure it out themselves. ..

zion is a politcal platform dedicated to expansion.
making war by deceipt.

you aint getting many like minded responses here.
maybe the yobs should start a thread on the glory of zion.



tick, you make my sunday. if were you a female id do you.



Go ahead, enjoy yourselves, but please, don't post any pcitures.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

I think even a female version of tick might be disgusted by thee djh.



PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION. i cannot make it any more clear. i dont hate jews!



What I wondering about is where all these meetings to come up with these plans, for all the Jews in the world, take place.



Oscar's Deli, of course.



you bloody idiots, you entertain me, i love you guys.



And that, is our sole purpose in life.



i love facebook. i got deleted by 4 freinds in the last week. zionism takes its toll.



Did you stop to consider that maybe it has nothing to do with Zionism, that maybe they just don't like you?

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

djh wrote:PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION. i cannot make it any more clear. i dont hate jews!
I don't hate Jews either! We have much in common...

I'm sorry, what was this post in reference to?


contributor plus
contributor plus

look at this place..
they deleted the cheerful patriotic tidings of comfort and joy thumb colour and replaced it with " this post is good for israel and UN" .

too blue for me.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

What colour would you like tick?


contributor plus
contributor plus

red green


contributor plus
contributor plus

red shield ..
rothchild ..
is it possible to own the whole world?
it takes a family to try.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Brown? Red and green don't really mix together. Red is a primary color and green is a secondary color. But okay. I live to please sandboxinians...

Miz point

Miz point

JTF wrote:What I wondering about is where all these meetings to come up with these plans, for all the Jews in the world, take place.

Rosen and I take turns hosting, at least on the Winnipeg front. You see, we really are rich and connected....sorry to have misled all of you this last year but it's true!! I have been slumming!! I am not posting from here but rather from my private jet, embossed with an ornate Star of David. Flying Rat is my personal pilot and is a secret Mossad Agent and also hold a Ph D in Economics!!!

Oh the humanity!!! Now I will have to kill you all. Sorry, but that's the way it goes with these things. Nothing personal, just business. any like minded folks want a discussion on zionism? - Page 2 Icon_smile



freeman, a personal insult. great lowest common denominator. zionism is not your virtue. nice try.

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