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Gay Pride Parade

grumpy old man
14 posters

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1Gay Pride Parade Empty Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 7:14 pm



I just came back from the Gay pride parade that started off at the Legislature, and circled around downtown (Portage-Main-Broadway), before arriving back at the Legislature. There must have been at least 2,000 people on hand. It was a really neat experience. I have a couple of gay friends (one was there), and I suprisingly ran into a few of my straight friends.

Being heterosexual myself, I had a blast. The best thing about it was a lot of the young women were wearing next to nothing! Very Happy after the parade ended, we ended up hanging around the pow wow at one of the tents in Memorial park. I would estimate that at least 60% of the crowd was straight, so it just goes to show what a tolerant city Winnipeg is.

It's too bad we're wasting money on a museum supposedly based on "human rights" that will contribute nothing positive towards the city. Just my two cents. No

2Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 9:19 pm



I say they should stay in the closet instead of promoting their lifestyle. You can bet your tax dollars will go towards gay pride exhibits at the rights museum. What a waste of money.

3Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 9:29 pm



Triniman wrote:I say they should stay in the closet instead of promoting their lifestyle. You can bet your tax dollars will go towards gay pride exhibits at the rights museum. What a waste of money.

FYI it's 2009

4Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 9:34 pm



Triniman wrote:I say they should stay in the closet instead of promoting their lifestyle. You can bet your tax dollars will go towards gay pride exhibits at the rights museum. What a waste of money.

are you Gay?

5Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 9:51 pm




6Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:06 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

Could I have a its great to be heterosexual parade without being labeled a homophobe?

Last edited by Deank on Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

7Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:11 pm



It's a matter of minority representation and voice.

8Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:17 pm


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contributor eminence

I ask again. Can I have a "its great to be heterosexual" parade without being labeled homophobic?

Cause you know what? Its great to be a heterosexual and I am proud of the fact that I am a heterosexual.

9Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:34 pm



Well, if you are having a "Heterosexual Pride Parade" that openly welcomes homosexual supporters and espouses the "lifestyle" of being open about your identity, tolerant of others, and true to yourself, then I personally wouldn't label you has homophobic.

However, proud heterosexuals aren't necessarily so tolerant as you might be.

Triniman, I welcome GLBT* people promoting their lifestyle if it isn't denouncing the choice of others. Pride versus anti-whatever.

10Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:39 pm


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contributor eminence

ahh but I can guarentee you their are homosexual people at a gay pride parade that are not open at all and in fact are quite heterophobic. Does that mean we should shut down gay pride parades? Of course not. So why should a heterosexual pride parade be locked into such a requirement?

11Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:42 pm


contributor plus
contributor plus

Dean we'd be be run out of town on a rail if we tried anything like that!

12Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:46 pm



Individuals at the Pride parade may not be so tolerant, but the spirit of the parade as a whole is tolerant. So long as they are not speaking hateful statements or acting hatefully, then they are acknowledging the rights of everyone involved.

My requirement isn't made up. That is Pride as I see it. Like the OP said, a large percentage of the marchers and participants were straight.

13Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:56 pm


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It may well be Pride as you see it, that does not mean every Gay person there sees it that way. Some people in the parade see it as a way of "shoving" their views down the throat of the straight populace.

Thankfully more and more gay people are becoming tolerant as time goes by.

14Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:57 pm


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contributor eminence

eastsider wrote:Dean we'd be be run out of town on a rail if we tried anything like that!

I am fairly certain that at a minimum we would have several protestors on the sideline hurly insults at us. Funny how times have changed eh?
Used to be straight people were the intolerant people.

15Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:59 pm



There are intolerant people on all sides.

16Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:02 pm



To think that just a few short years ago it was actually illegal to be gay.

Happy Gay Day, gay people.

17Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:07 pm



Good reminder, JTF.

18Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:08 pm


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contributor plus

I don't understand this whole business.......I work with gay people and have worked with them in the past, fine people as far as I'm concerned, have not a once had issues with them. What bothers me though is that I love women and yet I don't feel the need to go out and advertise that, thats my business, as it should be. So why do they feel the need to air their private lives? What you do behind closed doors is your business, not mine, not the next door neighbors, nor the guy across town.

19Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:16 pm


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contributor eminence

On an odd note..something I realized the other day
Since homosexuality is genetic, now that people are no longer hiding it, they wont get involved in "sham" marriages with the opposite sex and in a 5 or so generations there wont be any more homosexuality. How weird is that, that tolerance breeds extinction?

20Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:22 pm



Not all homosexual people are flamboyant, just as not all heterosexual people kiss and tell. However, a straight man puts a family picture on his desk - no one says anything. A gay man puts a family picture on his desk - uproar! Is that going out and advertising?

Well, DeanK, there is something to your realization. I wasn't aware it was proven that there is a "homosexual" gene, though.

Working with your theory, there are reasons why this wouldn't happen. Lesbians can get pregnant through in vitro fertilization. Anyone can use surrogates with their own sperm and ova. Some people and other cultures don't adhere so fastidiously to definitions of sexuality and therefore may marry and/or have children even though they explore homosexual relationships or have thought about it. Heterosexual marriage can be a choice.

Last edited by anny on Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

21Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:34 pm


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contributor eminence

I have always believed it was a choice. Ask any gay person if it was a choice or if they were born that way.

"However, a straight man puts a family picture on his desk - no one says anything. A gay man puts a family picture on his desk - uproar! Is that going out and advertising?"

I have not recently heard anything at all about this being an uproar. At least not recently. Times have indeed changed.

But putting a picture on your desk is not the same as having a parade is it?

Who on here believes that I could hold a heterosexual pride parade without it becoming National if not International news and whoever participated in it being "shunned" or look down on?


22Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:41 pm



Well, I definitely think it would get negative attention, but that's because people would interpret your actions negatively. History's on their side, unfortunately.

I do think times have changed for the better. People ARE more tolerant, but we still have a ways to go.

I didn't mean that being homosexual is a choice. I meant heterosexual marriage can be a choice. If it's important to you to have the traditional father-mother-children family and it doesn't trouble your homosexual identity to do so, it can be a choice.

Also, this thought is always in my head when discussions about sexuality come up. Is it all so cut and dry? I think I could fall in love with a person so long as they could fall in love with me, too -- regardless of sex or gender.

23Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:53 pm


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contributor plus

In my book its cut and dry, clear and concise, nothing could get my mind to think otherwise, I know what I like. I'm assuming a gay person would think exactly the same way.....

24Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:59 pm



I don't mean everyone feels flexible about sexuality - just that some people might.

25Gay Pride Parade Empty Re: Gay Pride Parade Mon Jun 15, 2009 8:43 am



The "Older Brother Effect" - 60 Minutes.
This is probably the most interesting explanation about homosexuality that I've heard of. It doesn't explain all cases and it is a theory.

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