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this election i am voting green.

eViL tRoLl
grumpy old man
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26this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Sat Sep 10, 2011 9:31 pm


contributor plus
contributor plus
I wonder if the 4 Million also covers staff for running the MRI hardware.
Or will the hospital be responsible for getting more money to staff it.
I wonder how many people in the Dauphin area would need an MRI anyway.

27this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:13 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

think green
vote dean

for tyndall park

28this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:20 pm


contributor plus
contributor plus


29this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:47 am



I don't think there is too much differance between the Conservative and NDP platform. I am really put off at the NDP spending a Billion?? extra dollars to run the Mb. Hydro down the far side of Lake Manitoba, if that is the accurate expense.

To save nothing of any value! Do some of the NDP ministers own property on that side? Or is it so the NDP won't have to negotiate with the 98 Indian Bands?

It cannot be saving the "old trees", can it?

30this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:20 am


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"Or is it so the NDP won't have to negotiate with the 98 Indian Bands?"

The NDP should not be involved. The GOVERNMENT should not be involved.

31this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Mon Sep 19, 2011 12:22 am


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

interesting note re Green Party Candidates.

32 Candidates total.

16 women
16 men

Now I personally could care less because its a persons background and effort that I look to, but for something to just work out that way (instead of the way most parties try forcing the issue), thats pretty cool

32this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:53 am



Deank wrote:Now I personally could care less because its a persons background and effort that I look to, but for something to just work out that way (instead of the way most parties try forcing the issue), thats pretty cool

Meh. Meaningless. If anything, it plays to the politically correct crowd. I ain't politically correct.

33this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:08 am


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

how is it meaningless? statistically thats pretty cool

things like that dont tend to happen irl

34this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:51 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

moving questions here

Stonekiller wrote:The green party forgot daily hugs, and organic milk and cookies for all school children...

The Green Platform:

No to Bipole III. The world is shifting to renewable energy
creation and conservation. Let’s put our money into the energy of the
future, not squander it on antiquated dams and wasteful corridors.

I'm curious what are these renewable energy sources? Apparently Hydro isn't "Green" enough.

to a real end to poverty. 80% of social dollars are wasted on
bureaucracy. Universal Basic Income puts 100% into the pockets of the
people who need a hand up. Out-of-work civil servants are welcome to

about the people collecting social assistance, who don't need a hand up
but instead a kick in the a$$ to find a job? I am all for their being a
safety net, however I am tired of that safety net becoming a permanent
source of income for people.

No to more criminals. Keep kids from becoming criminals
by providing real Youth opportunities. Bring healing to hurting families
with Restorative justice.

is a good one, Restorative justice works in very special and limited
cases. However more youth opportunities are good and all, but be a bit
more specific.

Yes to free post-secondary education.
Education is the key to ending the poverty trap. Our hardworking
students deserve our support.

is the money for this going to come from? I am a firm believer in solid
post-secondary education. I am still paying for mine, however I feel
that because I paid for it out of my pocket that it has value. Too many
people that I went to school with that had their education paid for did
poorly because they had NO vested interest in it other than making it to

Yes to preventative health care.
We can stretch the health dollars with more nurse practitioners,
actively encourage fitness, and reduce chronic illness with natural
foods and common sense.

I liked this up until the whole Natural Foods part, sounds like hippy
nonsense to me. Promote healthy living and all that but stay out of my
kitchen, and the grocery stores. People need to be able to make
decisions on their own, and not have the government holding their hand.

to worn out roads and dangerous travel. Greens would move freight off
the highways and onto the railways.
The province is going to
build more railway? What about all the transport and trucking industry
workers? Oh wait they can get free education, and easy access to social
assistance... Good times.

Yes to free public transit. Fast
efficient buses which encourage use.
Cause transit is soooo
expensive now? Fast efficient buses? I know New Flyer makes all kinds of
buses that go fast? Again must be nice to have money to spend on
this... Oh wait no they don't otherwise it would have been done already.

to nuclear storage or transport in Manitoba. There is no affordable way
to manage nuclear power safely. The risks are just too great.

This just seems pointless to me. Manitoba has how many active nuclear
reactors? I think that number is less than 1..

Yes to a
clean Lake Winnipeg. Everyone must do our part. Compost nutrients.
Rebuild cleansing wetlands. Keep city waste and farm waste out of the
This is reasonable, Lake Winnipeg is a valuable resource,
however I think that the city and the province have been working on this
for a while. What are the greens going to do different?

No to partisan bickering. No party has all the right answers all the time. Good Governance means
we all work together for policies which help Manitoba families. It’s
time to vote with your heart and for your family’s future.

No Partisan bickering? I would love to see how this works.

the end of the day I have yet to see a platform that comes across as
realistic. The green agenda has merits, but really they are as bad if
not worse than the NDP. Spend.... Spend.... Spend.... How about a party
that taxes the population for what it needs and nothing more.
Unfortunately this election is all about buying votes.

35this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:53 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"I'm curious what are these renewable energy sources? Apparently Hydro isn't "Green" enough."

homes having individual power generation, wind, solar, biomass utilization, basic diversification across the spectrum. An opinion I will note that the Chamber of Commerce supports

36this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:58 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

about the people collecting social assistance, who don't need a hand up
but instead a kick in the a$$ to find a job? I am all for their being a
safety net, however I am tired of that safety net becoming a permanent
source of income for people."

well for one we are going to remove the disincentives for those on social service to look for work.. we will also be increasing the basic personal exemption, increased educational opportunities and increased job opportunities for those with an education.

We understand this cant happen overnight and will work towards long term goals of removing everyone from social services if possible.

37this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:00 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"I liked this up until the whole Natural Foods part, sounds like hippy
nonsense to me. Promote healthy living and all that but stay out of my
kitchen, and the grocery stores. People need to be able to make
decisions on their own, and not have the government holding their hand."

Its not hand holding, its education and increasing the ability to purchase the healthier options and yes in public spaces such as schools and hospitals we will reduce the unhealthy options much the same way as now.

38this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:13 pm



Deank wrote:"I'm curious what are these renewable energy sources? Apparently Hydro isn't "Green" enough."

homes having individual power generation, wind, solar, biomass utilization, basic diversification across the spectrum. An opinion I will note that the Chamber of Commerce supports

Wind generation is a giant waste of money and will never produce enough electricity to pay for itself. Let alone the ecological issues that have been documents.

Solar energy I can get behind, lots of places to build solar farms. Though solar cell technology is still lagging behind. That would be something that the province could develop with industry.

But again I go back to my stance that Hydro generated electricity is still the most efficient and greenest of all energy sources we have access to, and yet the Greens want to reduce our capacity to generate electricity for what? I would gladly have flooded land over the impact of GHG emissions or worse.

Not to mention the spinoffs for the locals in that area, construction jobs for the natives, long term investment in several norther communities would be washed away. I think the long term effects of what the Greens are promoting seem to lack long term planning.

And honestly the Green party has yet to win a seat in this province, and with a platform like that, chances are that won't change anytime soon.

39this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:19 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"yet the Greens want to reduce our capacity to generate electricity for what?"

because its costing us more then we are selling it for
because there is still significant harm to the environment
because it has not been proven that we need to build them to meet our current export contracts.

Greens are all for creation of jobs, we have several ideas for creation of jobs in Northern AND Southern Manitoba, we feel it is hazardous to put all of our eggs in one basket ( ie hydro or pork) and feel the continued diversification is a sounder way to go.

The Chamber of Commerce agrees. Heck even the NDP and PC agree and have just announced new incentives to invest in alternative energy products

40this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Thu Sep 22, 2011 6:57 pm



It appears that the Greenies are attempting to take us back a few hundred years.

Outhouses are in and hydro grid is out.

I want what they're smoking.

41this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:47 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

thanks for the meaninglyless attack that has noli k to reality JTF. it makes me feel good to know that at least some pcs are running scared

42this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:49 pm



I wish you the best of luck Dean. Smile

43this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:47 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"This just seems pointless to me. Manitoba has how many active nuclear
reactors? I think that number is less than 1.."

Ontario is trying to find places to dump theirs since no one in their province wants it. Sask is saying maybe and then it would have to go through MB... and while we have a moratorium on storage in MB we dont have an outright ban.

44this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:49 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

is a good one, Restorative justice works in very special and limited
cases. However more youth opportunities are good and all, but be a bit
more specific."

specifics are difficult and almost impossible to do without proper consultation with the community. Other parties have significant research funds as well as local community members already approaching them and they dont even have many specifics.

45this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:50 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

is the money for this going to come from? I am a firm believer in solid
post-secondary education. I am still paying for mine, however I feel
that because I paid for it out of my pocket that it has value. Too many
people that I went to school with that had their education paid for did
poorly because they had NO vested interest in it other than making it to

Mostly from already existing programs, partnerships with feds and other such ideas.

46this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:52 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"This is reasonable, Lake Winnipeg is a valuable resource,
however I think that the city and the province have been working on this
for a while. What are the greens going to do different?"

city and province actually have ZERO plans to eliminate the untreated human solid waste from the river. Every time it rains we pour thousands of gallons of untreated waste directly into the river. We will increase sewer treatmebt capacity through multiple avenues such as JTFs "outhouses"

47this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:56 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

ugg eyes are go all wonky.. did I miss answering any questions?

Bottom line of our main platform is everyone keeps asking where is all this money coming from? We are the only party NOT promising to spend more money. We will use the funds in the existing budgets through reallocation and redistribution, at our heart we would LOVE to be able to remove all payroll taxes, knowing it will take a long time, but will be the most beneficial in the long run.

take a gander at the full platform release its long, but quite detailed. If you have any more questions that I never answered here, let me know and I will endeavor to answer them for you.

48this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:46 am



Deank wrote:

it makes me feel good to know that at least some pcs are running scared

Heh...good one.

Yup. Absolutely terrified.Rolling Eyes

49this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:52 am


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

You got another reason you need to be spreading untruths?

50this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:49 am




The Greenies have a half-assed party with a questionable platyform.

Come up with some costs before you will ever be taken for anything but a bunch of political groupies that no other party wants.

Free bus waste water clue imo.

Sorry Dean, but the Greenies don't have a chance of winning and just dilute the vote....much like the Rhinos or the Communist Party.

51this election i am voting green.    - Page 2 Empty Re: this election i am voting green. Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:02 am



Bottom line of our main platform is everyone keeps asking where is
all this money coming from? We are the only party NOT promising to
spend more money. We will use the funds in the existing budgets through
reallocation and redistribution, at our heart we would LOVE to be able
to remove all payroll taxes, knowing it will take a long time, but will
be the most beneficial in the long run.

That's the crux of the matter, what would you cut in order to make these platform items sustainable?

If the NDP were able to make post secondary education free for everyone don't you think they would have done it?

What about the guaranteed income? How will that work?

The only way I see the Green platform being viable is through increased taxes, and bigger transfer payments from the Feds. There is finite amount of money to work with here, in order to promote these social programs something else has to give.

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