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Ignatieff says his Libs would consider financial funding for Quebec City arena

grumpy old man
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Still has his US citizenship.



Harper was just interviewed and has stated catergorically that the Feds will not fund sports arenas.

PM Harper goes to Quebec City, strongly defends decision not to fund arena

The Canadian Press

QUEBEC - Stephen Harper is in Quebec City today, vigorously defending his decision not to fund a new hockey arena.

After playing coy for months, the prime minister is now emphatically coming out against arena funding.

Harper says it's the right thing to do — and that most Canadians agree that funding professional sports venues is a bad idea.

The prime minister says his government will fund new infrastructure in Quebec City, including an expansion of the local airport.

But he says that in a period of increasing budgetary restraint, there is little desire across the land for taxpayers' money going to pro sports facilities.

The prime minister's toughened tone comes just days after his government made it clear that — despite months of anticipation — it would not get involved in the local arena project.

It also comes after Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff mused over the weekend that his party might still fund the arena.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

I haven't received a response from my Liberal MP yet as to if he supports Iggie on this or not.



If he's a Liberal than I'm sure he supports spending oodles of cash on Quebec Dean.

Do you really need him to say it? Smile


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

yup. and.. not to pump Kevin up.. but dont be too sure about that Smile

He is one of the most honest politicians there is and really seems to take his constituents before the party.

but with that said.... if he backs statements like this from Iggie I will almost certainly not vote for him come the next election.



Wait a minute, Lamoreux is my MP now too!!! But I never voted for him anyway, but he is a straight up guy.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

light years ahead of our last MP Smile



How could you even think of voting for Iggy? (and don't hand me that crap about voting for the we all know that is nonsense in our system)



Deank wrote:yup. and.. not to pump Kevin up.. but dont be too sure about that Smile

He is one of the most honest politicians there is and really seems to take his constituents before the party.

but with that said.... if he backs statements like this from Iggie I will almost certainly not vote for him come the next election.
I found that about Keven when I met him a few years ago seems true to his self and the people . But if you think Harper will not give this money to them think again he will under some lying bs way but it will go there come hell or high water. His Majority rests on it .



Here's how it will play out leading into an election. Ignatieff will holler from the roof tops that he will give Quebec whatever they want and Harper will commit to nothing. Net effect - Ig will lose votes throughout Canada and Harper will gain. Something you'd think the Liberal's would have figured out by now.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

I said pretty much exactly that to my MP. No response as of yet.



If your MP is Liberal - he's as whipped as butter on any Liberal position and knows when to remain silent. It's times like this when constituents need to ask their MP's who they represent - their party leader out east or the constiuents who elected him/her. They go silent on that question as well. We need a political re-set in the form of reforms. I'd like to see recall so MP's and MLA's can be punted for voting contrary to their constituents on any issue. That's called true representation. Without it - we have nothing more than partisan games - from all parties. That's becasue they have no choice but to play the same game. Change the game for all rather than the looping hysteria of blaming one party after another for doing the same thing that their predecessor's did. If this doesn't happen soon - political reform - one day a farmer will lead a revolution. And while we're at it - let's not forget the injustice of short ambers - right Mantha?


contributor plus
contributor plus

Jondo wrote:Here's how it will play out leading into an election. Ignatieff will holler from the roof tops that he will give Quebec whatever they want and Harper will commit to nothing. Net effect - Ig will lose votes throughout Canada and Harper will gain. Something you'd think the Liberal's would have figured out by now.
You forgot to add:
Harper will probably make sure everyone west of Quebec knows that Iggy promised money for an arena in Quebec.
(So he can pick up all the votes that used to go to the Libs.)
(Yes I am jaded.) Smile

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

The "game" of politics has never been as moronic as it is today. They all play the same partisan games. They know that Winnipeggers/Manitobans/Canadians have short memories and are mostly apathetic. In fact they must count on it.

Witness the glib response from gerbitchy when challenged about placing the wrong phone number in their anti-sam ads paid for by the taxpayer. Witness that committee giving the amber light issue short shrift AND outright lies. Nobody seems to give a sh1t.

I, like outsider, grow more jaded by the day.



Yeah, I'm jaded too, but how much of this crap has to laid on the voting population. There are far too many, gimme, gimme types around who will vote for whoever favours them and their cause.

The biggest example is the accumulating debt. No one, of whatever political stripe, can tell me that running the operations of government on massive amounts of debt is good for anyone, but everyone continues to line up making sure they get their "fari share", whatever the hell that means. We've all become immune to the massive (and if anyone has a better word, please use it) accumulating debt. But thats OK, public employees need a raise, and more of them, Quebec needs an arena, etc, etc. I'd like a new truck, but guess what, I can't afford it.

The term escapes me at the moment, but everyone has become so accustomed to debt, (and I'm not referring to a mortgage for a property, or a simple car loan, or borrowing short term) that no one sees it as what has to be the biggest single threat to the economy. You just need to look south to see how that worked out.

Government exists to provide services that it doesn't make sense for private industry to run (highways, sewer, trash, police, fire, national security, education, but not post secondary). Create an environment where business can prosper, thats who employs people and thats what drives the economy.

When does everyone wake up?

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

The city was running for years without going into deficit. Now that has ended. The province, under Filmon, put a law in place to manage debt (balanced budget and not massive transfers from Hydro) only to have selinger reverse that law.

And yet we continue to vote the same icewholes in.

With politics more and more about getting reelected they politicians pander to the special interest groups. Instead of looking after the greater good we piss away dollars helping an Afican social group or fund a Quebec arena...

When will this change?



When we get rid of icewholes!!


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

My MP has responded and I am mostly okay with his response. I will not be posting his response here as I did not indicate that I would be.



Like we can't figure it out by ourselves eh. Rolling Eyes


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

hmmm... hard to say. His response is fairly typical of what some people are saying for sure, but there are several typical responses out there.



Like he ain't going to tow the party line eh. C'mon now.



Deank, you don't need to post his/her reply verbatum, however surely you can give us the gist of his response, allowing us to see where he stands on the issue.
After all, I'm sure your liberal MP has nothing to hide, right?

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