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if city workers will we notice?

St Norberter
holly golightly
grumpy old man
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contributor eminence
contributor eminence

City officials say essential services such as police or fire-paramedic services, will not be affected in the event of a strike.

Recycling and garbage pickup would not be affected if workers vote to strike, since those city services are contracted out."
snow clearing is "mostly" done by contract as well.
so.. umm.. what the pools wont be open.. is that how we will know?

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Ummm, no libraries either Deank.



Soooo....pretty much no one really cares??? ....or would know the difference?


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

oh no doubt users of pools and libraries will care... but.. really how many other people would? The garbage pick up is usually the kicker, the item that makes people stand up and take notice.. but since that wont happen in this case....????

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

And if it did the garbage won't rot for several weeks yet so we've got time...


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

yeah... that too. This is actually "prime" time for a strike to happen.. at least from the city (not the worker) perspective.

no grass to be cut, no trees planted or taken down, little road repair (mind you those potholes are really starting to be a biatch.. ) ..not quite flood time yet ( and a flood would actually force striking workers to go back to work)


I just remembered.. City Arenas would close.

SO YIKES!!!....this could get bad... strike would be over in minutes.



Let them strike and then replace them all - permanently. I'll never forget the story that a guy told me 10 years ago. He's still a City employee and he loves it. hy? He described all the postings he had. is favorite was the evening shift at a City pool. He's walk around doing as little as possible and then go to sleep on a gym mat in a storage room until the next shift arrived. They would have their usual laughs about it. Nice little club-amosphere they had going there. Most of these services should be contracted out.

holly golightly

holly golightly

And don't forget the other unions that won't cross picket lines or do replacement work if others are on strike. So garbage pick up may be an issue if the contractors are unionized...
And what about transit, are they not part of the city union??
And then there would be the folks who look after the water treatment facilities & repair water mains.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"& repair water mains."

can be ordered back to work.. strike or no strike.. in an emergency such as a water main needing emergency repair.

"And what about transit, are they not part of the city union??"

i thought they were a different union?

St Norberter

St Norberter

Yeah, transit is ATU - different union.



I actually saw them FILLING potholes today on Selkirk. FILLING THEM. With asphalt, even. I was so distracted with this epic turn of events, that I nearly shat myself with glee.



Jondo wrote:
Let them strike and then replace them all - permanently. I'll never forget the story that a guy told me 10 years ago. He's still a City employee and he loves it. hy? He described all the postings he had. is favorite was the evening shift at a City pool. He's walk around doing as little as possible and then go to sleep on a gym mat in a storage room until the next shift arrived. They would have their usual laughs about it. Nice little club-amosphere they had going there.

I must say - it's quite understandable/reasonable. Smile



Sourpuss wrote:I actually saw them FILLING potholes today on Selkirk. FILLING THEM. With asphalt, even. I was so distracted with this epic turn of events, that I nearly shat myself with glee.

Last week when it warmed up a bit, they came down Mission Street and filled in about 2 dozen potholes with asphalt.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

Sourpuss wrote:I actually saw them FILLING potholes today on Selkirk. FILLING THEM. With asphalt, even. I was so distracted with this epic turn of events, that I nearly shat myself with glee.

they got most of Route 90 temporarily repaired. Not sure if you have seen them or not but we have these little "automatic" pothole machines where it is just one operator in a vehicle that does all the work.

they get about 10 times as many potholes done but supposedly its not "as good".



it's not as's a patch.

basically, they pull up and shoot some hot asphalt into the hole...and then drive over it...and it's expected traffic will drive over it a couple hundred times to finish compressing it.

It works for minor patches (small holes)...but with anything bigger than say a manhole just creates a smaller the compression just creates a divot.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

which is no different then the multi-man crews.



Those one-man machines are as usless as teats on a bull.

I swear someone was paid off handsomely to promote that ridiculous contraption to the city.

In order to allow the mixture to pass through the nozzle it has to be of sufficient fluidity to pass but such fluidity has a very negative effect on the product filling the hole.

It will last a couple of days only.

This reminds me of the millions that were spent on garbage trucks that were taken off the road (very quietly btw) because they didn't meet HTA weight restrictions.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"I swear someone was paid off handsomely to promote that ridiculous contraption to the city."

city worker invention.. yes really

"It will last a couple of days only."

Not from my experience... usually last an entire season.



Ya right. Rolling Eyes

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Is there another side to this? Has the union properly communicated to their members? Is this standard protocol?

I’d like to know why CUPE Local 500 has called for a strike mandate when its own members haven’t even seen the details of the city’s latest contract offer.

Local 500, which represents about 5,000 city workers in Winnipeg, is holding a ratification vote Friday on its latest contract offer from the city. But before even hearing from their own members, union brass have already called for strike action. What’s up with that?

Aren’t union leaders supposed to represent their members and take direction from the people who pay their salaries?

You’d think these union leaders would at least give their members a chance to see the details of the offer before running out and yelling “strike!”

The offer is a four-year contract that includes some improvements to salary and pension benefits. But that’s all we know because both sides have agreed not to divulge publicly the details of the proposed deal.

Unfortunately for city workers, they only get one day to decide whether to vote for or against this collective agreement, which is grossly unfair.

There are two information sessions scheduled for workers Thursday — the first day they get to see the details — and they have to vote Friday by 5:30 p.m. Under the union’s bylaws, that’s the way it’s supposed to work. They should change their bylaws so workers can have at least a few days to review an offer in order to make intelligent and informed decisions.

But that’s not what union brass want. They prefer to set a combative tone by calling prematurely for strike action, even without the consent of their membership.

This has everything to do with union militancy and nothing to do with good representation.

The real reason union leaders don’t want to give workers a few days to look over the contract proposal is because they don’t want members to think for themselves.

Union leaders prefer to control the message and only give workers minimal information in the shortest timeframe possible. That way union leaders have a better chance of controlling the agenda and proceeding the way they want to, rather than to first listen to what the members want.

Why not release details to city workers early this week at several information sessions so staff can have a few days to go through the contents? This is pretty important stuff. Deciding whether or not to accept a contract can have a profound affect on a lot of families, many of whom live paycheque-to-paycheque. I’m pretty sure most people don’t want to go on strike and would prefer some kind of resolution instead. Striking should be a last resort.

So when I see union leaders talking strike action before their own members have seen the details of an offer, I find it pretty tough to take them seriously.

And union leaders then wonder why they’re so often the subject of public criticism.

If city workers vote down the offer Friday and union leaders then ask for a strike mandate, fine. At least then CUPE members will have had their say.

City workers could then decide whether they truly want to forgo several weeks or more of pay in an effort to secure a better deal.

City staff in Winnipeg haven’t gone on strike for 90 years. Let’s hope they keep that streak alive.

For more, visit Brodbeck’s blog Raise a Little Hell at Reach Tom by e-mail at



Pretty standard stuff here and Tom know's it. I'm not a CUPE worker but know many and none of them have much of an appetite for striking. It will be interesting to see WHY the union brass is requesting a strike mandate. The devil is in the details. I'm sure all the details will be leaked by Thurs at 10am, and then it will be up to the CUPE members to decide if there are any strike worthy details.

I've been part of many strike votes and have never walked. This is all media hype created to sell newspapers. Nothing to talk about really untill after Friday's vote.

holly golightly

holly golightly

Union leaders don't really care what the outcome of the vote is. They don't lose their pay cheques during a strike. They still get paid the outrageous salaries to illicit fear and worry into the rank and file union workers as well as the end users of whatever union they happen to be leaders of.



Unions have been working to their own agenda for many, many years. There's nothing new there.

What surprises me is that the regular worker has been taking it up the rear from them and has done nothing to change things.



You guys are always so fast to jump on the anti-union bandwagon without knowing any of the facts first.

From first hand knowledge all I can say is that the last time CUPE and the CoW contract came up both parties negotiated months after the contract expired and an mutually acceptable agreement was found with no labour disruptions considered. The contract was pretty much a rehash of the previous contract with no reduction in benefits and minor wage increases that were below the inflation rate (something like 1.5%/yr).

The current contract expired Dec.31st/2010. Obviously both parties have been working on settling this without a disruption. The question is given CUPE's track record with the CoW why would they suddenly walk away from negotiations UNLESS there is some MAJOR negative consequence for their members in the current contract offer? My best guess is despite what the CoW has reported to the media that there is some rather large take-away on the table.

My bet is that it has something to do with pensions as there is a rather large funding problem with the CUPE pension as it sits. I'd be rather shocked if this has nothing to do with that. We'll see Thursday what the offer is, and Friday how the membership feels about it. Personally I'm hoping for the best.

I know you guys could care less with your attitudes towards unions, union members and their pay packages but those are my 2 cents.

And contrary to what Holly mentions above depending on the union, yes the union leaders have lots to lose in a strike as well. My contract is up this year, and every person on the negotiating comittee (including our local president) will also be losing their pay should a strike happen. It may not affect the national level, but they're not the ones negotiating our contract. I can't speak for CUPE in this regards.

Sorry to interupt, please continue you regular 2 minute hate directing at all things union....or Emmanuel Goldstein. Whichever you prefer.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

who the hell is Emmanuel Goldstein?

AND....I said it before and I will say it again. The union heads should roll anytime the union collective votes against their recommendations, it should be automatic.

BUT... there is lots to gain from CUPE striking..politically.

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