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Cab company digs in over driver shields

holly golightly
grumpy old man
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1Cab company digs in over driver shields Empty Cab company digs in over driver shields Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:10 am

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Do you care? Should we care? Why do we need a taxicab board to preside over such matters? Should the taxicab board only concern itself with fares and the safety and cleanliness of the cars and drivers only?

Seems Bruce Buckley is a tad arrogant in his tone.

Let the drivers/owners determine how best to protect themselves.
GETTING a cab in Winnipeg might be a tougher in the new year.

A battle brewing between the provincial taxi board and the city’s largest cab company over replacing the old L-shaped driver protection with the new full back shields before the Jan. 25 deadline could leave passengers out in the cold.

In one corner is Unicity Taxi president Gurmail Mangat. He currently has 235 cars flying the Unicity brand — accounting for more than half the cabs in the city — and he’s digging in for a battle with the Manitoba Taxicab Board over the installation, comfort and safety of the new shields.

Here’s the shovel, board chairman Bruce Buckley offered Thursday.

"The game of chicken is over," a bothered Buckley said. "(Unicity) has an obligation as owners to comply with the regulations come Jan. 25. If they don’t, what we will be doing is taking their plates, removing them from the road, and they’ll be issued a provincial offence notice for non-compliance."

Buckley said not only will the cabs be removed from the road, they will be in violation of their Manitoba Public Insurance liability insurance. MPI requires all taxicabs to be in agreement with the provincial regulations.

"That’s what they’re looking at," Buckley said, knowing that not having wUnicity’s cars on the road could seriously disrupt transportation that’s vital for thousands of people in Winnipeg during the coldest part of the year. "If they continue to not comply, then the board will show cause as to whether they should even have a taxicab licence."

Regardless of the penalties, Mangat is prepared to let the deadline pass, citing a number of concerns regarding the protection wall.

He says the new equipment will not recline back, forcing drivers to sit at a 90-degree angle, and points to the amount of room for passengers in the backseat, poor air circulation and reduced visibility for the driver as other issues.

He says customers have voiced their displeasure with the new look to his operators. Because of the "uncomfortable conditions," those people are electing to use larger Town Cars and other vehicles provided by more-expensive transportation services, he contends.

"It’s a question of do or die right now," said Mangat, who prefers the L-shield. "We will lose customers because of these shields and we can’t survive. If they (the taxi board) pull us off the road then that’s their choice. People will have a hard time getting a cab then. It’s up to them."

Mangat says the new full shields offer little protection for drivers, too, adding that if the board and the government were really interested in protecting drivers, they would put more police on the streets. All cabs are now equipped with interior high-resolution cameras and must install by the Jan. 25 deadline an exterior beacon to signal if air­the driver is in distress.

Mangat risks losing the lucrative airport contract as a result of his anti-fullshield stance.

It appears he stands alone in his position.

Duffy’s Taxi, Winnipeg’s secondlargest cab provider (about 160 cars), has remained silent on the issue (calls to the company for comment were not returned) and sources close to the situation say Duffy’s drivers are already starting to have the shields installed.

Spring Taxi (38 cars) had the shields installed before the original deadline (Nov. 1). Spring manager Ken Wiebe said there has been a small adjustment period for both the driver and the fare, but overall everyone seems fine with the full shields.

Steve Strong, owner of Custom Plastic Creations which manufactures the taxi barriers, says he is getting a lot of inquiries from Unicity drivers, stating that they’re feeling pressure from the company to not get them installed.

"I’ve had drivers calling me telling me they’re getting threatened by their bosses that they will be taken off the road if they do it," Strong said.

Strong said his company is stuck in the middle of a political staring contest between Mangat and the board. The cost of getting the new shield installed in a car is about $600.



I think the taxi board should STFU and leave it up to the individual owners. MPI can offer rebates for shields if it really is a safety issue and wishes to encourage their use.

The approved and mandated a different shield (or two?) in the past, so they have a poor record in this entire area one can clearly see. So, I can see the position of Unicity.

The taxi board screwed up in the past on another issue imo. The size of cars that are allowed to be used in complete BS imo.

If 3 people with two bags each are going to the airport, they want to send two cars (those fuu cking Prius baby cars I presume) and charge accordingly. So, both sides are increasing the demand for those limos I'd say.

Bottom line, imo, it that it should be left up to the individual drivers as to whom they will allow into their cabs.

If they want to pick up a couple of drunk guys from the street or some seedy address, let them.



If the stabbing could have been prevented then should their insurance pay them to be off work , after all we all pay for that with increased rates cab, and insurance,s rates.



Their insurance rates should reflect the danger in their jobs. The more the individual mitigates the danger the less they should pay, with the opposite being true also.

A cab only driving the day shift should pay less than a cab that only drives the night shift for example. Actuaries are great at figuring that crap out.



Yes but the cost still go up for all , watch what next years rates are after all the storm and flooding damge, all over North America this year . Remeber the industry is just starting to pay out for the oil spill in the gulf think that won't affect us heh.



This has to do with only 1 thing ! Just like Katz told us "Its about the money!"

240 cars x$600= $144,000 - Who has that in their piggybank?
And of course the cabs cannot raise fares 25 cents a ride to cover that because the board probably takes 8 months to decide?
Anyone hear how profitable taxis are?
I havent seen any example of the drivers making minimun wage.
The last ride I took from the hospital back to work, it was the drivers 2nd fare at 10AM and his shift started at 1 AM.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

If it aint there for the passengers protection, then the Taxicab board has no legal right to interfere.

Simple enough to fight in court.



240 cars x$600= $144,000 - Who has that in their piggybank?
And of course the cabs cannot raise fares 25 cents a ride to cover that because the board probably takes 8 months to decide?
Anyone hear how profitable taxis are?
I havent seen any example of the drivers making minimun wage
Is that why they want 150 thou or more for their licence do not be fooled they are making money the owners , the drivers may not but the owners um .



The whole taxi industry in Winnipeg is like an episode of The Soprano's. WTF is the Taxicab Board doing involving themselves in this issue which is clearly a workplace safety issue. If I own a cab (not bloody likely), and I don't want them working the north end or core area, but want to keep a premium car working hotels and little old ladies in River Heights and Tuxedo, then why should the Board be telling me how to run my business. If I want to work the north end and core, then I'd buy used police paddy wagons, and my drivers would be safe.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Seems the taxi companies and drivers don't believe the authorities have any authority. Seems these icewholes can simply ignore unsafe - do not drive orders without fear of penalty.

I don't understand how these things come to be. If you are ordered off the road stay off the road until you repair whatever is claimed defective.

If not have the police pull them over. JUST LIKE THEY DID WHEN TARGETING CAR HOBBYISTS.

Pull their license immediately (the taxi plate on their car). If they fail to show for inspection, a) fine them $500/day, 2) pull their license, oh, and iii) suspend their sorry asses...

Read entire story here.

11Cab company digs in over driver shields Empty Re: Cab company digs in over driver shields Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:01 am


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

other then the cracked safety shields they have no complaint and should be removed.

12Cab company digs in over driver shields Empty Re: Cab company digs in over driver shields Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:45 am

holly golightly

holly golightly

Another reason I will never ride in a cab in this city!!! I would far sooner take transit or even walk than to step foot in a cab operated in Winnipeg. It is like taking your life and throwing it away. Just my thoughts.

13Cab company digs in over driver shields Empty Re: Cab company digs in over driver shields Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:48 am



I always use Ambassador. Nice cars and very clean.

14Cab company digs in over driver shields Empty Re: Cab company digs in over driver shields Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:51 am

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Free press edited my post. Imagine! I guess they don't like my use of the word "icewhole"...

15Cab company digs in over driver shields Empty Re: Cab company digs in over driver shields Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:52 am

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

And since we're ranting about cabs, anyone else notice these icewholes drive like a bat out of hell when empty and slower than molasses when occupied?

16Cab company digs in over driver shields Empty Re: Cab company digs in over driver shields Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:58 am



The thing that most annoys me about the cabs these days, is that they think they can stop anywhere-anytime, as long as they put their flashers on.

17Cab company digs in over driver shields Empty Re: Cab company digs in over driver shields Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:21 pm

holly golightly

holly golightly

JTF wrote:The thing that most annoys me about the cabs these days, is that they think they can stop anywhere-anytime, as long as they put their flashers on.

Including streets that are clearly marked as no stopping zones during rush hour and then if you call them on it by honking your horn, you get the finger. I have actually sat behind a cab on Smith Street in front of the St Regis at 4:30 on a Friday with my hand on the horn and the cabbie got out of his cab, approached me and before I knew it, the bus driver who was behind me, was out f his bus and by my side to let this guy know that what he was up to was not advisable. I have also had comments come back at me from them like "can't read English" and I say back, "how did you pass your license".

18Cab company digs in over driver shields Empty Re: Cab company digs in over driver shields Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:29 pm

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Carry a bat with you. Next time an icewhole approaches you grab it and swing it in his general direction.

19Cab company digs in over driver shields Empty Re: Cab company digs in over driver shields Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:41 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

" I have also had comments come back at me from them like "can't read English" and I say back, "how did you pass your license"."

unfortunately it seems we pander to people who will not be able to properly navigate our highways based on signage

from mpi website

"We also offer oral knowledge testing with and without certified interpreters for people who may require this service."

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Remember the bleeding hearts that say we ought to allow doctors and engineers from other countries some latitude vis-a-vis allowing them to apply their trades? These same doctors and engineers are driving the cabs...


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

and if they cant read a simple no parking sign....

holly golightly

holly golightly

Frustrates me to no end. I work with a lady who is from a South American company and we "discuss" the reasons why her sister in law can't just open a dental practice with her qualifications as a dentist from her home country. From my understanding, the 2 country's education system are very different and what is taught here is a much higher standard and some of the procedures are done in a different manner than in South America (may be a better way, may not be). But it must be understood that if you are going to practice dentistry in Canada, you must follow Canada's "rules". It was the same when I went to University to become a teacher, there were people who were in my class who had their teaching degrees from other countries but had to take the whole 4 year program over again because of the differences. It would be no different if I were to move to say Bulgaria to teach, I would have to adhere to their "rules" to teach there.

JT Estoban

JT Estoban

my expirences with taxis is confirmed by holly's comments above.

Seems they think 'it works like this back in the old country' so it should naturally work here.

I tend to lean on the horn for any and all taxi-initiated infractions. Bloody buggers think they are above the rules because the sticker on the back of their cars say "frequent stops".

These ridiculous taxi shenanigans need to stop!


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

I think part of the problem is that of course there are many many similarities in the various professions and no one is willing to take the word of anyone else what the similarities and differences are and so a simple "adaptation" program is not available.

Following that, unlike our lax drivers license oral test, our tests for the professions will not be rewritten in another language nor given orally in those other languages and many of the professionals say they cant pass the tests only because of the difficulty with the English language.

Well quite frankly thats a good thing. I would certainly hate for my doctor to order surgery to remove a growth on my intestines and wake up to see my testicles sitting in a jar on my bedstand.

JT Estoban

JT Estoban

Deank wrote: I would certainly hate for my doctor to order surgery to remove a growth on my intestines and wake up to see my testicles sitting in a jar on my bedstand.

What makes you think your eyeballs would still be in their sockets? lol!

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