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The 7 Most Insane True Stories of Neighbors from Hell

holly golightly
grumpy old man
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Miz point


Delusions of grandeur - it's all a great conspiracy on the part of an under worked District 3 to make sure that GGF is on their radar 24/7.....sigh.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

I believe (but have not seen the evidence but I am going to comment anyway) That its GGFs ascertion that the cops are now targetting him because they messed up previously when handling complaints from the nieghbor and GGF called them on it, opened a LERA case and so on and such forth.

That I can actually believe as most people dont tend to react to well to having their professionalism brought into review.

Miz point

Miz point

Dean you are correct when you say that most folks do not like their professional conduct being questioned, especially cops, but with regards to GGF's story or stories....something does not compute or if he is reticent to present all of the evidence he is not doing himself any favours (nor us) by posting half-truths. It is frustrating at best to have to wade through garbled and angry words and still not find a cohesive argument or statement.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

jtf and jondo gave us some great advice yesterday: scroll past his posts... Better yet, add him to your foe list and you don't even have to scroll past his posts.



Ditto. And... are there photos of said moat?



GOM you wrote:

What I don't get, and what ggf has not helped me understand, is why the coppers have targeted ggf with "illegal" activities.

WTF illegal activities are you referring to once and for all GOM?...

Miz point

Miz point

FlyingRat wrote:Ditto. And... are there photos of said moat?

Well, if a certain poster really wants us all to know that his actions are benign then perhaps he could post a pic or two of his project. What is there to hide right?



Miz Point you wrote:

Well, if a certain poster really wants us all to know that his actions are benign then perhaps he could post a pic or two of his project. What is there to hide right?

WTF are you once again talking about Miz Pointless?...Pics of what project?...

And WTF am I hiding already miz brain dead?...

Miz point

Miz point

Boy are you ever over the top dude.....GOM used quotation marks around the word "illegal" and it went right over your to my statement, if your trench is no hassle take pics of it to share here as I am sure some would be interested in seeing your efforts.

You get defensive when questioned. That sort of behaviour does not work with cops or judges.



Miz Point you wrote:

Boy are you ever over the top dude.....GOM used quotation marks around the word "illegal" and it went right over your to my statement, if your trench is no hassle take pics of it to share here as I am sure some would be interested in seeing your efforts.

You get defensive when questioned. That sort of behaviour does not work with cops or judges.

Send me a god dam email and I will send you my address and come by and take a god damn look for your god damn self already...

And how in the f$ck does a trench that protects my property allow a nut neighbor to continuously make false noise allegations and now on Saturday other false allegations against me and continuously have coppers at my house at his mother fl$ck will already?...

And does that give the coppers the right to continue to "Harass me" and or my wife?...

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

You've shown up today with quite the attitude ggf. I'm here to say give it a rest. You are not winning over anyone with your current approach.

Miz point

Miz point

I have seen it and stated as such in this thread. I was addressing Flying Rat who was asking for pictures of your moat....I said that perhaps YOU GGF should supply said pics....

Your anger is making you not be able to READ and COMPREHEND. Slow down or you will have a heart attack.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Okay, I'll change my question:
What I don't get, and what ggf has not helped me understand, is why the coppers have targeted ggf.

In most cases there is usually a motive. What motive do the police have to harass ggf?

I'm trying to remain civil here ggf. I strongly urge you to do the same...



If this is the type of response that GGF gives a bunch of anonymous people, who are asking questions when trying to understand his predicament, it is of no surprise to me why he receives the response he receives on this forum and by anyone who meets him in person.

Is there an allegation that WPS merely picked his name out of thin air and decided to visit him some 30+ times, or perhaps, just perhaps, they were responding to calls for service by someone. Can't imagine for a minute that the coppers would visit him all those times unless there was something behind it.



GGF wrote:Send me a god dam email and I will send you my address and come by and take a god damn look for your god damn self already...

Why bother, pretty easy to find the address, after all, the story was covered in the media, remember?

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

GGF wrote:Send me a god dam email and I will send you my address and come by and take a god damn look for your god damn self already...

And how in the f$ck does a trench that protects my property allow a nut neighbor to continuously make false noise allegations and now on Saturday other false allegations against me and continuously have coppers at my house at his mother fl$ck will already?...

And does that give the coppers the right to continue to "Harass me" and or my wife?...
This is COMPLETELY unnecessary. Either speak civilly or take your issue elsewhere.

MizP, block this individual. He is not appear interested in civil discourse.



GOM you wrote:

You've shown up today with quite the attitude ggf. I'm here to say give it a rest. You are not winning over anyone with your current approach.

GOM I will only say this once...

The only winning I need to do is in a court of law and more specifically in relation to the "Law Suits or LERA Complaints that will be associated with Money" and the longer the coppers come and harass me and my wife...The more money it will cost every tax payer in the peg...

And right at the moment my record stands as such...3 bogus Summons won including one that I am on public record as being the only one with a known copy of a Summons Issued on Sept 22th by the coppers, and 30+ arbitrary coppers visits that constitute "Harassment"...

And a LERA complaint on hold in relation to that because once again it is evidence in the mischief enjoyment of property charges because it involves the same coppers as the bogus Summons...

And I forced my mischief enjoyment of property charge to go to trial so it can be public knowledge and because I have some 20 plus lawyers that have all said there isn't a shred of evidence against me and also they cannot figure out what the coppers where thinking they were doing etc and none the less I have no worries etc one way or the other in relation to the charges...and don't forget I was incarcerated on those charges...

And my attitude isn't about winning anyone over...It's specifically being tired of the same peeps allowed to post the crap they do and more specifically who are trolls and nothing else...

And once again...WTF gives them the right to continuously accuse me of having done something illegal or something?...

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

What is your purpose in posting your story in the sandbox?


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"and 30+ arbitrary coppers visits that constitute "Harassment"..."

They aint arbitrary if the neighbors actually called. They are in fact required.



GOM you wrote:

What is your purpose in posting your story in the sandbox?

Why not in the box because it is not like others don't post current events about their situation etc in the box...

And do you remember this thread "Glad I don't live in West K"?

That is proudly displayed as a "Trophy or Reward by the same peeps that continue to troll me?...Freeman mainly and always and also Miz Point...

Hum!...That is the thread where this is all suppose to be in but can't be because it is locked and their trophy etc...



Deank you wrote:

"and 30+ arbitrary coppers visits that constitute "Harassment"..."

They aint arbitrary if the neighbors actually called. They are in fact required.

If you say so Deank...And what about the 3 Bogus Summons are they required also?

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

I did not ask you why not. I asked you why. What do you hope to accomplish by posting in the sandbox?

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

GGF wrote:Deank you wrote:

"and 30+ arbitrary coppers visits that constitute "Harassment"..."

They aint arbitrary if the neighbors actually called. They are in fact required.

If you say so Deank...And what about the 3 Bogus Summons are they required also?

Are you really trying to alienate yourself from everybody?

Please answer these questions:

1) are the Winnipeg Police obligated to investigate when called? Yes or no?

b) How have you determined the summonses are in fact bogus?

iii) Did you post a LERA complaint about those bogus summonses and the officers that executed them?



GOM you wrote:

I did not ask you why not. I asked you why. What do you hope to accomplish by posting in the sandbox?

In relation to posting what in the box?...Please be more specific...

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Please don't play games.

You have a story about your neighbour. What do you hope to accomplish by posting that story here?

Miz point

Miz point

I am so glad I live where I neighbours are cool, quiet and very helpful. One of them came by this morning and helped me kickstart the reclamation of my garden.....I made him sourdough pizza. Now a bunch of us neighbours are gonna get together and work on some containers and compost systems.....yep, I love my neighbours.

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