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Winnipeg Cops lying through their teeth again...

grumpy old man
Miz point
JT Estoban
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Yup Freeman again that needs a line drawn from tax dollars to reality as always...GGF


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

ou know GGF. I have read and been entertained by postings of yours on the Freep and in the sun. Assuming of course that is you. But really just trying to follow your postings in here sometimes is so very very time consuming and frustrating.

Let me educate you a little bit on some stuff that might help with your postings.
1) Most if not all of the people on this board are significantly above average intelligence, life experience, and knowledge about our city, our province and our country. So please don’t even attempt to think you are educating ANYONE AT ALL when you say stuff like "And also JTF you don't need running water to flush a toilet and only water will do to flush any toilet...and...".
2) Most if not all of the people on this board will willingly listen to anyone's observations, rants and stories, but we will ALSO almost immediately ask questions when we don’t understand a statement AND attack quite quickly when we see something anyone posted as being in complete error. Get used to it.
3) Anytime you dismiss people just because they have pointed out something you said was in error... Just makes people not want to even bother with you.
4) Let me be clear. I note that you usually agree with what most people are saying on here but often you attempt to play devil's advocate and quite frankly that is where it leads to the most confusion people have with your posts. Since at one moment you will support one idea and then at another you will not support it. It gets very confusing. Some of us although very intelligent, confuse very easily. Maybe keep the devil's advocacy to a minimum.
5) You have more then once attributed a statement to the wrong person or referred to the incorrect post number when referring to someone else saying something. Either make sure to get the facts straight or rather a lot more simpler just use the quote feature.

I would hate for anyone to leave this board as no matter how far apart from my views I try to enjoy the postings.. so don’t take this post so badly that you leave in a huff but really dude at least take a moment to consider that maybe at least one of my points above might actually be true.



The reality is, at least speaking for myself, so much of what goes on, has an impact on taxes. People who don't recycle, or waste water, or shovel their snow onto the street, cheating on their income tax, have an imnpact on tax dollars. Al I'm saying is that its a weak argument in this case.

The real issue is cops behaving badly. Period...freeman (sorry, Manta, its contagious)



Freeman you are all over the darn place already...GGF



I've found out through a confidential source that the city will not be putting the water on.

This thing appears to be growing legs as a few more people get involved...can't say who at this point.

On a weird note.

Someone suggested to me that this guy may be a 'confidential informant'.

As you all know these guys have literally gotten away with murder in the past. That would make sense of the way the coppers are treating this piece of sh1t..


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"Someone suggested to me that this guy may be a 'confidential informant'."

Well thats solves your problem then doesn;t it?

Just get the media involved.



@deanK, good posting. While most of us are reasonably intelligent, many of us have failing eyesight....DON'T EVERY USE A FONT THAT SMALL AGAIN....Jeez.



GGF wrote:Freeman you are all over the darn place already...GGF

You have obviously missed the point of my posts. Anyone can argue that a multitude of sins has an impact on the ultimate cost to the taxpayer, but that is a weak argument and most of us grasp the concept.

I would like to point out that it was you who took this path when you brought in the idea that the poor behaviour of the police would lead to more cost to the taxpayer. I am merely pointing out to you that, that is an obvious concept.



After all this crap has been disposed of, I will be on a misson to fix the Residential Tenancies Act and frick-up a number of cocksuc.. cops through LERA.

These mofos have a lot of explaining to do.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

you aint gonna be able to do nothing to that act with the nippers in power.



JTF wrote:After all this crap has been disposed of, I will be on a misson to fix the Residential Tenancies Act and frick-up a number of cocksuc.. cops through LERA.

These mofos have a lot of explaining to do.

So, tell us how you really feel!

Kidding aside, is there any value in putting your story in front of the media?



The courts are above the fcuken Nippers.

That's where my efforts will lead if they frick around.

I insist that I will be on a mission...if it's the last thing I ever do, I'll change the Act and frick some cops up they deserve to be fcuked up.

Don't forget Dean, as Rosie says, it costs $20.00 to file a Statement of Claim... and that will cost the City a hellava lot more than $20.00 to fight in court.

There are a few lawyers that already want to take this on a contingency basis...there's money in this affair afterall...even an idiot cop can see that. lol

is there any value in putting your story in front of the media?

Not from a financial point, but from a public image perspective there sure is.



Freeman you said:

You have obviously missed the point of my posts. Anyone can argue that a multitude of sins has an impact on the ultimate cost to the taxpayer, but that is a weak argument and most of us grasp the concept.

I would like to point out that it was you who took this path when you brought in the idea that the poor behavior of the police would lead to more cost to the taxpayer. I am merely pointing out to you that, that is an obvious concept.

Ok Freeman...You are pointing out to me that it is an obvious concept by asking me to give you variables to questions that no one else can answer including yourself?...Whatever...It would be far simpler if you simply said that you were trying to point out whatever you were trying to point out instead of trying to discredit someone with questions you yourself cannot answer...GGF



@GGF, OK, let me just as you...are you daft? Read the bloody posts. You made the statement about the cost to the taxpayers, not me.

Believe me, it takes no effort to discredit what you post.



Freeman you said:
Believe me, it takes no effort to discredit what you post.

Whatever Freeman...As long as you Freeman continue to ask "OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS" that you yourself Freeman can not even answer but expect others to do so such as myself...and...

And which demonstrates more of a "Bully Mentality" then true intelligence from you Freeman...GGF



@GGF..have you been told today?



Bye bye Freeman...GGF



GGF wrote:Pav...You should somehow make the following connection which is the reason why the guy got off lighter than he may have is because the Police did what they did to him when they arrested him...and...

And...If the police had used proper "Protocol" when they arrested him...

The guy may have had to spend maybe not a whole lot longer in jail but who truly knows after the facts?...and...

And to boot as a result of the Police not following proper "Protocol" that same criminal now has grounds for a law suit...and...

And what truly angers me is that it is actually the so call perb that's laughing all the way to the bank because some nit whit Cop(s) didn't follow proper "Protocols" when they arrested him...and...

And it is my(your) tax dollars that are paying for all of it at the end of the day...and...

And the million dollar question is how on earth can those with a brain in their heads support the Cops actions?...GGF

Just to remind everyone, this is where it started.


contributor plus
contributor plus

So tell me again why you guys felt this pile of crap was treated badly by the cops. Winnipeg Cops lying through their teeth again... - Page 9 Icon_exclaim
Unless you enjoy paying taxes so he can use the (in)Justice system as his own revolving door toy. Winnipeg Cops lying through their teeth again... - Page 9 Icon_mad



I think the video speaks for itself. I never defended this guy, but do the cops deserve to administer whatever punishment they see fit. No doubt that this is not the last we'll hear of Cory Bousquet, but that still doesn't eradicate the video.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Outsider wrote:So tell me again why you guys felt this pile of crap was treated badly by the cops.
It's clear you don't get it so I can't be bothered discussing it further with you than I already have.



Even the Judge said it was wrong.

Judge Ray Wyant said he didn’t see “any evidence of overt resistance.” Wyant said there was no excuse for the degree of force seen on the video.

“There are some people who would look at that video and say ‘What’s the big deal, he got what he deserved?’” Wyant said. “No amount of excessive force would ever be condoned by this court, no matter what the circumstances.”


contributor plus
contributor plus

JTF wrote:Even the Judge said it was wrong.

Judge Ray Wyant said he didn’t see “any evidence of overt resistance.” Wyant said there was no excuse for the degree of force seen on the video.

“There are some people who would look at that video and say ‘What’s the big deal, he got what he deserved?’” Wyant said. “No amount of excessive force would ever be condoned by this court, no matter what the circumstances.”

IMHO SOME judges get things wrong too!
Like perp-friendly sentences. Winnipeg Cops lying through their teeth again... - Page 9 Icon_sad

JT Estoban

JT Estoban

If the cop's hadn't got caught on video, this would all be moot.

Place the blame where it's deserved...they got caught.

Two wrong's don't make a right.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"If the cop's hadn't got caught on video, this would all be moot. "

And doesn't that terrify the crap out of you to think that IF there was no video...
How many times is there no video? Why aren't our cops wearing cameras yet?

JT Estoban

JT Estoban

Deank wrote:"If the cop's hadn't got caught on video, this would all be moot. "

And doesn't that terrify the crap out of you to think that IF there was no video...
How many times is there no video? Why aren't our cops wearing cameras yet?

Yes, but as it's been stated to me many times, only pussies think like that. I keep hearing how "back in the good'ol days" they'd hire thugs to be cops...they'd "take care" of the riff raff....maybe with a bat, maybe with a fist or a boot....maybe they take you for a little drive to a quarry for a little was "taken care of" and THAT's what we need to have more of.

To those who think like got your wish, and we all got to see what that looks like.

Did that make things any better?


What happened in the aftermath?

The perp was let off - due to misconduct - not because he comitted a crime and got away with it. He was BUSTED and the chance to convict him was lost the very second that video was released...

Had the video not been rolling, this woudn't be a problem, and the aformention crowd would be satisfied that "justice" was handed out.

And bleeding heart panzies who respect due process and the rule of law (like me) wouldn't have anything to complain about.

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