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Doer will retire before the next election

eViL tRoLl
St Norberter
holly golightly
grumpy old man
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Heh...if Harper managed to get Doer to dump provincial politics, I may have underestimated his cunning.

holly golightly

holly golightly

Gee some of the things Cotton mentions in his blog would have happened regardless of who was in power but hey let's blame it on the last guy there instead of laying blame where it should lie, on those responsible. One prime example for me is the mention that gangs became a problem during Doer's reign. It actually was a huge problem well before Doer became premier, it became a concern during the Filmon government and what did his government do, nothing......... the gang problem would have been a problem regardless of who was in power. Do you think the gangs really care who is in power? And how can you blame a provincial government for a federal government's responsibility on justice issues? A provincial government does not make law, they are responsible for the implementation of and interpretation of such so to put full blame on this current government is not correct.
As for the tuition freeze over the last few years, at least more Manitoba students have been able to afford to go to university as the tuitions have been some what affordable. Now that the tuition freeze has been lifted you will see the student population decline because the everyday student won't be able to afford the high prices of a University education so it will again become an elitist institution, like it was in the mid '80's and 90's. (part of which was during the Filmon reign, coincidence maybe, I think not.)
No matter which government is in power, the leader is always going to be blamed for what has transpired regardless of the starting point. As for hallway medicine, I don't think any government could have fixed that because the money that the nurses and doctors are demanding and receiving in the US is the root cause of why this province and others do not have enough staff to properly care for the overload of patients.
I do not partake in party politics, rather I look at what a candidate can do for his or her riding and vote that way regardless of the party. In the past few years I have been voting for the first person how happened to show up at my door. The last two elections, civic and federal, no one showed up at my door so the ballot was "ruined".



Actually holly...the gangs DO care who's in power.

If someone actually got into power who would do something...then they'd be in trouble.

But they know as long as it's an NDP or Liberal in the seat...they have nothing to worry about.

holly golightly

holly golightly

The gangs don't care who is in power as their rise to power began during the PC government reign under Mr. Filmon. What would matter to them would be which ever government was in power, be it PC, Liberal or NDP having the balls to stand up and force the Feds to make big changes to the justice system. Right now they know that none of the provincial parties have the balls to stand up and say the justice system sucks and we demand you (the Feds) do something about it. Even the PC's did nothing about it when the talks first started betweent he Bravos and the Angels back in the late 90's. And further to that the NDP did nothing either when the patch over happened in 2000.
No one political power has any influence or matter over another when it comes to the running of a gang as large as the Angels, Warriors or the new upstarts like the African Mafia or the Mad Cows. These gangs don't care as long as the money keeps flowing into their pockets and if their leaders go to jail, there are replacements ready to step into those shoes and take over.

St Norberter

St Norberter

holly golightly wrote:
As for the tuition freeze over the last few years, at least more Manitoba students have been able to afford to go to university as the tuitions have been some what affordable. Now that the tuition freeze has been lifted you will see the student population decline because the everyday student won't be able to afford the high prices of a University education so it will again become an elitist institution, like it was in the mid '80's and 90's. (part of which was during the Filmon reign, coincidence maybe, I think not.)

The Tuition freeze is a flawed concept. The idea behind the tuition freeze was to enable more low income , financially disadvantaged to attend university. That hasn't happened. The only socio-economic class that has benefitted is middle class and above ( those that would be attending regardless of the freeze). If you want to increase attendance of lower class in university, then you need to look at the root causes of not attending as opposed to a tuition freeze, kind of what the U of W is doing with their opportunity funding program.

holly golightly

holly golightly

But you also have to look at the low end of the middle class who would not have been able to attend because of the cost prior to the freeze. And now that the freeze is over, the cylce will come full circle in a few years.
There are many reasons as to why the low socio economic class does not attend and cost is a small part but it does play a part for those who don't have money, regardless of their financial status or their educational status. For some the root cause is the cost, I know it was for me during the Filmon years and it wasn't until the Doer years that I was finally able to get the education that I wanted as I could finally afford it. I had the grades, the desire, everything that was required to attend the UofM except for the money or the qualifications according to the Filmon PC's to receive student financial aid. It wasn't until the Doer gov came into power and changed/redesigned the financial aid requirements that made it more accessable to more low income people. You are always goinig to have the low income class who will never attend university but you will also always have those who are in the low income class who would make excellent professionals (dr's, lawyers even judges) but will never be able to because of the $$$$$$$$$$$.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Where does this misconception come from that we owe anyone a university education? Personally I'd like to see every Manitoban obtain a free secondary education it is not realistic now.

Anyway... Instead of freezing tuition and not allowing the universities to properly fund themselves why not provide more bursaries and scholarships to those that need help? Have a means test. One receives help based upon the results.

That is the most fair method.



You're right, but Doer is a control-freak that way. He controls tuition to attract people from other places, who move away after graduation anyway....but the numbers look good on paper.

holly golightly

holly golightly

grumpy old man wrote:Where does this misconception come from that we owe anyone a university education? Personally I'd like to see every Manitoban obtain a free secondary education it is not realistic now.

Anyway... Instead of freezing tuition and not allowing the universities to properly fund themselves why not provide more bursaries and scholarships to those that need help? Have a means test. One receives help based upon the results.

That is the most fair method.
I never said that a post secondary education should be free, in fact I disagree with that policy for anyone including status indians. What I am trying to say is that a post secondary education should be affordable to all regardless of socio-economic backround. Whether it be through bursaries, scholarships, student loans, no one should be excluded from qualifying. This was the case back in the Filmon days, not everyone qualified but when Doer changed the policies, this opened up the bursaries, scholarships and student loans to more of the lower socio economic students.
And you have to have a certain set of checks and balances to qualify academically as well as financially. I personally have gone through it in the 80's and 90's and again as a parent in the last 5 years.
Everyone should have the opportunity to receive a post secondary education IF THEY MEET THE REQUIRED CRITERIA. This does not mean a free education.



i'm pretty sure that the tuition freeze did not increase the amount of people who attended post secondary.
there was a big thing about it a couple months ago, and i am too lazy to go looking.




Doer named new US envoy. oh that mr. harper

eViL tRoLl

eViL tRoLl
contributor plus
contributor plus

grumpy old man wrote:Where does this misconception come from that we owe anyone a university education? Personally I'd like to see every Manitoban obtain a free secondary education it is not realistic now.

Anyway... Instead of freezing tuition and not allowing the universities to properly fund themselves why not provide more bursaries and scholarships to those that need help? Have a means test. One receives help based upon the results.

That is the most fair method.

There are already plenty of funding opportunities around, and apparently many go unused. It is not clear whether this is due to a lack of awareness of these opportunities, or if there is no need. But in Canada, the economic barrier to obtaining education are negligible. What keeps those from families of low SES from attaining post secondary credentials is the perceived value of giving up four or more years of life to hit the books for an uncertain better job after graduation. It is difficult to see the link between education and higher quality of life if you don't have role models in your family or social circles. During the recession of the early nineties I knew many people working retail jobs at Sears for minimum wage - they all had at least one graduate degree!

What is needed to get people out of low SES is not simply money but a mentorship approach that can show them that learning is not scary but vastly increases the chance of more satisfaction in later life.



You guys should have waited to have your BBQ using this announcement as a reason for a celebration. I would have brought all the booze!
:party 005:



you can still do that...we don't need a "reason" to celebrate Wink.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

And Deank will be happy to help you finish off that booze...

St Norberter

St Norberter

holly golightly wrote: I know it was for me during the Filmon years and it wasn't until the Doer years that I was finally able to get the education that I wanted as I could finally afford it. I had the grades, the desire, everything that was required to attend the UofM except for the money or the qualifications according to the Filmon PC's to receive student financial aid. It wasn't until the Doer gov came into power and changed/redesigned the financial aid requirements that made it more accessable to more low income people.

But that is different than a tuition freeze.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

I think it is important to distinguish the economic climates the various governments operated in.

It is fine to sh1t on Filmon and the moves his party made 10 and 20 years ago. Keep the economy in context. Doer had the very real good luck to govern during one of the worlds most prosperous times.

Keep that in mind over the next few years as the belt-tightening reduces federal transfers. There will not be very many public dollars available to keep building public facilities.

If we are lucky business will pick up the slack. Ummmm, I'm not holding my breath.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

grumpy old man wrote:And Deank will be happy to help you finish off that booze...
I'd even help you start it!



Interesting speculation about someone who could replace Doer....

Gary Doer's out. He's in. Who?

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

What? No cut and paste? Only a link?



It seems to me that we, the people, continue to elect people who do not rule very well! There isn't anything good that has been posted about, Harper, Doer, Katz, city council, the postman, Eastern Sales, etc, etc.
What is the common thread? We are all idiots? lol

I love the forum! Thank goodness we have the Aspers and the Human Rights Museum that is beyond reproach! lol



Triniman wrote:Interesting speculation about someone who could replace Doer....Gary Doer's out. He's in. Who?

Imho, the Axe has as good a chance as Blaikie...slim to nothing.



This is who we need to get things done in Manitoba!
He won't be so nice to the Aspers!!



rosencrentz wrote:It seems to me that we, the people, continue to elect people who do not rule very well! There isn't anything good that has been posted about, Harper, Doer, Katz, city council, the postman, Eastern Sales, etc, etc.
What is the common thread? We are all idiots? lol

I love the forum! Thank goodness we have the Aspers and the Human Rights Museum that is beyond reproach! lol

How goes fundraising for the museum in the North End? If you get puzzled looks, tell them it's good for them and will advance humanity forward, then watch the wallets open!



"They" have wallets in the North-End?
What area?



You should know! You lived there once! Remember, it's for their own good!

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