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Teen who says she was injured by Mountie stun gun sues RCMP in Manitoba

grumpy old man
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grumpy old man

grumpy old man

WINNIPEG — A Manitoba woman is suing the RCMP, contending she is still suffering injuries and emotional trauma from a 2007 incident in which she was allegedly repeatedly zapped with a Taser inside a holding cell.

The woman, who was 16 at the time, says she and her friends were pulled over by police looking for a stolen car and brought to the detachment in Selkirk, north of Winnipeg.

In her statement of claim, the woman says she was put in a cell by several officers, and after punching or shoving one of them, was allegedly shoved onto the floor, kneeled on by four officers, and hit with a stun gun in her thighs three times.

"The plaintiff ... has sustained permanent neurological scarring to her legs and serious nervous shock," reads the statement of claim filed in Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench.

The lawsuit also claims that after leaving her in the cell, RCMP taunted the teen while she cried in pain and never offered medical attention, leaving the young woman traumatized.

"The plaintiff is unable to work, go to school or be physically in the presence of male police officers or male adults in general due to the emotional trauma incurred," reads the lawsuit.

The statement of claim contains allegations which have not been proven in court. The RCMP has not filed a statement of defence and a spokesman was not sure Monday whether the force had even received a copy of the claim.

"It would be inappropriate to comment on any ongoing litigation," said Manitoba RCMP Sgt. Line Karpish.

The Selkirk case is not the first lawsuit filed over Taser usage.

Michael Parson, 30, of St. Catharines, Ont., was awarded $50,000 this month by a judge after being hit with a stun gun up to 15 times by the Niagara police service in 2003.

The usage of Tasers on teens is expected to come under scrutiny in Sioux Lookout, Ont., where the family of one girl is suing the Ontario Provincial Police, alleging officers tasered the then-14-year-old in a holding cell last summer.

The family is seeking an order that Tasers not be used on minors unless a life is in jeopardy. After the case came to light, Ontario's children's advocate, Irwin Elman, called on the provincial government to institute such a ban. But the government rejected the idea, saying police need the ability to use all the tools at their disposal.

Copyright ©️ 2009 The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

This young girl was tasered TWO YEARS ago and cannot now work as a result? Can't be around men? Other police? Holy crap!

Can you say GREED? This young girl brought this on herself by virtue of her stealing a car, and punching or shoving a police officer. And now she wants compensation.

Throw this case out of court and send this little monster to her room.

What a crock of sh1te.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

the story behind the story

The stolen car was her parents van.
Her and four friends were found drunk in it
It was her second run in with RCMP that week.

The RCMP detachment did its own investigation of itself and said dont worry everything is A-OK!
After much rumbling the RCMP got an independent out of province NON-RCMP investigator to come in and look at the situation. That was in Sept 2008 and the report was supposed to be out within two weeks. Cant find that report though.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

The RCMPs own rules stipulate that all prisoners must receive medical attention when it is required. She was crying in pain in a holding cell and they chose to ignore her.

They had her in the cell. Get up and walk away. No reason to taZe her.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Now the debate is if the police had reason to taze her? I was not there. Maybe she was "over-the-top" stupid? I've seen how vicious a drunk woman can act.

Does the fact the van was her parents make one whit of difference? It was reported stolen!

Here is an interesting version of that story.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"Now the debate is if the police had reason to taze her? I"

She is in the cell.

Debate ends.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"She says she hit out in anger at the last officer to leave the cell, at which point he called the others back in and they held her down and tasered her.

see right there... that tells you they did it simply for revenge.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"Does the fact the van was her parents make one whit of difference? "

nope just giving some of the story is all since this weeks line on it is so lacking in detail and some people might be wondering what exactly transpired.

come to think of it, it does make a difference. Bets that her parents knew exactly who stole it when they reported it stolen? Yup that means her parents called the cops on her. Must be a pretty bad child for ones own parents to call the cops.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Deank wrote:"She says she hit out in anger at the last officer to leave the cell, at which point he called the others back in and they held her down and tasered her.

see right there... that tells you they did it simply for revenge.
Maybe. Maybe not. That is not the point behind this thread.

Oh, only I can unilaterally decide when a debate ends...

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Deank wrote:"Does the fact the van was her parents make one whit of difference? "

nope just giving some of the story is all since this weeks line on it is so lacking in detail and some people might be wondering what exactly transpired.

come to think of it, it does make a difference. Bets that her parents knew exactly who stole it when they reported it stolen? Yup that means her parents called the cops on her. Must be a pretty bad child for ones own parents to call the cops.
Seems like she was a rotten child. However I still don't believe the fact the van was her parents had any bearing on the outcome.



I cannot imagine an underage girl drinking! this whole report is a lie! If the Mounties ganged up on her, then the Mounties deserve to be tasered! Just bring out the video recording of the police in action inside the cell. That will exonerate them and show the claim to be false!



Maybe the police should just stop using tasers. They seems to cause a lot of problems. They should just go back to good old fashioned night stick beatings!


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

heh.. or stop hurting suspects for no reason... but that might be too much to ask.



Deank wrote:heh.. or stop hurting suspects for no reason... but that might be too much to ask.

I agree, but probably not going to happen.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

at least the batton marks you could argue the suspect was throwing themselves around the room Smile



Race card in play.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

To be sure. To be sure.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

oh yeah it says right in the article they did it because of her race.... yeah... or because you pissed off a cop with an anger management problem... which anyone would have done regardless of race by attacking the cop



without seeing video or something we cant make assumptions about what happened or whose version of events is true (although i'm willing to bet against the drunk girl who is violent and stole her parents van). it says she resisted going into the cell, she says she 'punched or shoved' (she doesnt even know?) the last officer to leave.

its not like she was locked up and they decided to just come in and
taze her, that would be pretty clear cut. They were trying to lock her
up and she was fighting them, the whole thing probably took place over
about 30 seconds.

maybe he got mad and wanted revenge. maybe that 'punch or shove' was actually her trying to get back out of the cell door after it took 4 officers to put her in. we know beyond a doubt that she was fighting them, so any number of scenarios are possible.

in my opinion its just a cash grab, this whole sob story of emotional trauma is complete BS

Last edited by AdamX on Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:48 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spelling)



Good. Maybe she learned something this time. Support the police and not the loser criminals. The last thing they need to do is read endorsements of their attempt to make lemonade out of their own piss. When she's convicted, her sentence should be to get a job.
You can agree with me or you can be part of the problem.



Sadly, and as a result of the lies actions of the RCMP in the past, I have my doubts that the RCMP are telling the truth in this matter.

The taser has become a tool of convenience and its use should be severely restricted imo.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

And therein lies the RCMPs biggest problem: credibility. If they had not been such complete and total idiots in the Dziekanski affair they'd be more believable.

That said... Even if they did taze this brat "for no good reason" does that grant her carte blanche to never work again and get rich? Nah. Not in my estimation.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

umm I dont think the RCMP are actually contesting the girls version of events on this one are they? They are just saying it was justified, she is saying it was not???

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Sure. Okay. Point being?


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

no one is lying in this case.

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