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what asshat judge keeps litting this kid go?

grumpy old man
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contributor eminence
contributor eminence

level 4 car thief has removed his bracelet 3 times, the stolen auto unit catches him and some asshat judge lets him out of jail again provided he puts a barcelet on. FUCCK YOU JUDGES and CROWN ATTORNEY's... you allow him out again.. he damn well better be handcuffed to you.



They are doing what they can accorded the law, people were told this would happen . When this idiotic law came into existence , glad to see that we were right .

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Put five devices on him: 1 each on his ankles and wrists and one on his neck. They each explode when messed with, taking off only the appendage below, or above, the device. That'll take care of so many problems...



Hate to see him go thru the metal detector on the Greyhoud , o right they miss things.



The system of getting him to behave without stealing more cars seems to have a flaw. I am glad to see that the forum posters have his well being at heart.
Does anyone know what the "system" can do in this case?
What about sending him to a secure lock-up? When does that rule kick in?
10 more ruined bracelets?
Maybe the bracelet is the problem? Is it ugly? What colours does it come in?



The system of life has a flaw. and society supports it .



Heh...the only flaw in the system is in the judge's brain cells.

Sooner or later, we have to come to the conclusion that we need more jails. It's simple as that.

The protection of society must, once again, take precedence over the criminals rehabilitation. The proverbial pendelum must swing back into a sane position once again....we must remember, the bleeding heart liberals are out of power people, we don't have to avert our eyes whenever we see one anymore. Smile



Our judicial system has serious flaws. The laws of this country have been watered down so much, that there is not much these bleeding heart judges can do any more.

2 things are required IMHO.

1. End the practice of appointing judges, Have our judges elected, that way if they do not apply the law and sentences to the satisfaction of the people we can elect someone else.

2. People found guilty of an unlawful act should be striped of their rights until they have re-paid their debt to our society. Government should start to remove all the water from our laws.

Eventually something will have to give, It is only a matter of time before roving gangs of vigilantes start summary executions of people they believe to be criminals.



Yea sad to say you are probaly right and we can only blame the goverments of the days and the people who put them there.
For they have made the laws that we have today . And we have allowed the silly defenses that have followed .



We keep electing the asshat politicians that keep appointing the asshat judges and keep "litting" this kid go? So who really has their head up their ass?



Touche Very Happy



Freeman wrote:We keep electing the asshat politicians that keep appointing the asshat judges and keep "litting" this kid go? So who really has their head up their ass?
Do I need to name the two parties that keep holding up changes to the legislation ?



All 3 parties supported this in the beginning to make it law and have voted for all subsequent changes , need I say more . Yes the window dressing that is being added is held up , but it is not near enough or tough enough . I appreciate Harper doing this but it is so watered down from what was originally proposed, cause his advisers told him to.
The act and all of the version Canada has had I have a very good knowledge of , as I have worked in it for 30 plus years . The biggest change we need is the fear of the law brought back . And parents that care that there kid is in trouble , this is another subject all together .

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

It is watered down, imo, because the other parties were playing politics. Not because Harper wanted to water it down. If all parties voted to allow the legislation changes then why have the changes not been effected?

But Freeman is right. We are responsible for the knobs we elect, from all parties. We need a grassroots group to tell the knob politicos to show them why and how to get their collective act's together.

Bring on the Manitoba Party and its federal arm...



What is needed, is for Harper to have a bloody majority.

The path to change is very's in what I just said.



I remember a committee called the House Justice Reform committee which was chaired by a Conservative , When pushed to add 3 months to the murder charge time max , he bailed and said it was to much and would not sell in his riding . His name Was Peter Mckay.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

I'm certain there was more to it than that. It's hard to believe 3 months would lead to a complete defeat of justice reform. Not sayin' it didn't happen. Just saying it is hard to believe.

I go back to a previous comment: time to give these knobs a reality check. They so need to get their act together.



Then you have never known a man wanting to kiss the voters ass , and afraid of the reprecussions of an angry Debra Gray, Reformmm



What the hell are talking about Pav?

The Liberals have long been soft on crime...and now you want to re-write history? Get serious!!

If you spent as much time as I have done watching CPAC, you'd realiazr that the Liberals are what was wrong with "get tough on crime" the Commons and the Senate.



I haven't watched TV I have been in the hearings and taken part in them , they and the liberals are both just as soft sorry to disappoint you. They have voted for all laws as are, and now that it is convenient to the Conservatives are trying to appear tough on crime . Think what you want but the reality is guite different .



You're full of it.



Pavolo wrote:I haven't watched TV I have been in the hearings and taken part in them , they and the liberals are both just as soft sorry to disappoint you. They have voted for all laws as are, and now that it is convenient to the Conservatives are trying to appear tough on crime . Think what you want but the reality is guite different .

Maybe in your world. Just keep in mind that we'rein this predicament because of successive Liberal governments not having the balls to deal with crime. They put in place the milksopping, limpwristed laws and appointed the weak kneed judges and namby pamby justice officials.



And the Conservatives went right along with it by voting it in . in our world . Sorry boys but you will never change my mind on this as I saw them all stand to go along with it , over mine and many others objections . Yes there was a group that did oppose it and we were dismissed by them , we were to tough on youngsters , told to me by the PC whip forget his name .
What you forget was at the time both parties had seized on the idea of youth reform and that included soft crime punishment .

It may have been a Liberal idea but it had all party backing so to bad . You now have the consequences. I know it is wrong and I agree it has to be changed I fought for it 22 yrs ago and will still fight for it , The changes do not go far enough .

And just so you know There was no public out cry over the JYO at the time and that is why it passed . every one was to busy to pay attention . To blame the liberals is a cop out where were you all when it went thru . In your own world .



"And the Conservatives went right along with it by voting it in..."


You do realize that Chretein had a majority don't you? The Conservatioves didn't vote anything in....that was all Liberano sh it.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

oh man it was that long ago wasn't it? I remember debating the proposed changes in law class in high school. Me and a couple other people were the against table... hmmm.. I wonder if I could find that somewhere buried in my old school books it would be a hoot to see if we were on the mark for any of the reasons why it was bad.

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