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Police investigate website posting of alleged beating of suspected car thie

holly golightly
Miz point
grumpy old man
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Guest that point you turn the camera off.



Personally, I think it has come down to people being sick and tired of crime. Nothing ever seems to happen to the criminals. They get arrested, go to the remand, go to court get time served and are right back out on the street. People are going to start fighting back...I say it's about bloody time. I don't agree with racial slurs or posting pictures on the net, but I can understand defending ones family and property by any means necessary.

IG Guy

IG Guy
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contributor plus

death128 wrote:I think I've had a change of heart on this... on the guys post... he pretty much states that they took their boots to this guys head... which is taking things too far... and he insinuates that what they did was in fact illegal and that they did know it was illegal...

The fact that they knew it was illegal and they seem to want to cover it up sickens me... The fact that they were found to be bragging about the act after the incident tells me these people need to be charged with a crime as a deterrence...

And GC... I've never said that the child being out was an issue... it just seems that whenever a child is out late it seems to be brought up as an issue... Personally, I have no issue with that other than it's probably not a good idea to have a child out on New Year's Eve with all the drunks driving....

GOM... I think the 'race card' was pulled when the dude posted the racist comment on the WH forum... I mean.. if someone says something like that, the race card has already been pulled...

I beleive all these douche bags pictures should be online for every one to see. I dont believe these pics should have been followed up with racial slur. I do applaud the actions that were taken to stop this thieft and hope future thiefs think twice! I would do that same. My loi-ville slugger sits by the door waiting for such an inncident to occure. I will not factor in what race the person is, the only thing I will be concerned with is protecting my property. I feel I have the right to do so because I know that the police will not respond for days if anything of mine is stolen!



Defending ones property is fine but killing someone and it will happen is wrong as the perp is doing to you .





Why would anyone think that a report would be complete, fair and balanced?
The NEWS media, is the least reliable of all media! Their aim is to get readership, and complete and balanced with their time constraints does not work!
Bias anyone? Just look at CNN and then tune into Al Jazeer (English), add the 2 up and divide bt 2 and you might have a more balanced report!
Every person killed in Iraq, Afghanistan or the middle east is a "freedom fighter" ? if you read the Western news? lol



Still the question has to be asked , are we ready for drunks to be judge jury and hangman .



Well why it seems that drunks wrote the laws we live under and drunks seems to be enforceing charges because there is a lack of evidence indeed!!! Bullshit!

....and the police wonder why they get no respect.



As much as some of you hate Brodbeck, he hit the nail on the head in this am's column. The solution was simple. If buddy didn't want to get the snot kicked out of him, don't break the law. Seems easy enough to understand.

As far as the drunken mob putting the boots to the prick, if you've ever been in a street fight, remember rule number one....there are no rules. The idea is to incapicitate the other asshole so that he can't do you any more harm. By the looks of the picture, they got that part right. And who is to say how drunk they were...the drunk guy that started it all by trying to jack a car with a woman and child in it.

Justice has been served, time to move on.



Tom Brodbecks article this morning was absolutely priceless and I couldn't agree more. Who would of thought that trying to break into someone's care while their kids are inside might just possibly get you an ass kicking? Lol. For once I couldn't agree more with him, his article this morning actually made me smile. Common sense really is all that's needed. Now if only we could find some common sense to impart on our judiciary system.



Common sense as part of the judiciary....I're talking a little crazy there.



Last night in I was watching the news and Miss Fontaine of the Southern Chiefs Organization is calling this a hate crime. What a fricken joke. Maybe if these organizations spent the time and money on helping their people get educations and jobs then we wouldn't be dealing with this. It is very sad when you really look at it. Almost every local crime I read or hear about describes the criminal as aboriginal in appearance. My best friend works at the remand centre and has told me that 95% or more of the inmates are aboriginal. Instead of crying racism why don't the chiefs and band members try and fix the problem? I don't think it's in native culture to steal, assault or it?



How is it a "hate" crime?

A guy was trying to steal a car...he was caught, and the crap kicked out of him.
Doesn't matter if he's indian, white, black, purple...

Yes, the comment on the website was slightly "racist"...but quite honestly deserved because it was in context.

"dirty indian thief"
the guy was dirty and unkempt
while slang "indian" is still a descriptive term for a native person (considering ottawa still calls it the "Indian"'s also accepted by government)
thief = well...maybe it should've said "attempted thief", cause nothing was actually stolen.



What crap? Remember who the victims were in this situation...the woman and her child in the car that jerk off was trying to get into. Hate crime, my ass. Did these people conspire to go out looking for minorities and beat the crap out of them for no other reason than that they were a minority? They used reasonable force to protect 2 individuals. Is it a hate crime because asshole was trying to steal a car occupied by white folks?


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

Maybe its thier tradition to steal cars with people in it, and be stopping him from performing his traditional views it became a hate crime?



Deank wrote:Maybe its thier tradition to steal cars with people in it, and be stopping him from performing his traditional views it became a hate crime?

what'd he think the car was? a covered wagon? Wink


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"a covered wagon? Wink"

those are a "white man" invention too...



Freeman wrote:What crap? Remember who the victims were in this situation...the woman and her child in the car that jerk off was trying to get into. Hate crime, my ass. Did these people conspire to go out looking for minorities and beat the crap out of them for no other reason than that they were a minority? They used reasonable force to protect 2 individuals. Is it a hate crime because asshole was trying to steal a car occupied by white folks? :party 005:



10:40 WinnipegHeights operator says 'We don't tolerate racism, we don't tolerate homosexuality'


(Epic Fail)



JTF wrote:Well why it seems that drunks wrote the laws we live under and drunks seems to be enforceing charges because there is a lack of evidence indeed!!! Bullshit!

....and the police wonder why they get no respect.
The system we have created puts every ones rights ahead of justice this is way the police get no respect.
Hence any excuse works.

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