Pav you said:
On the flip side it would be nice of some would stop having to give flippant arrogant attitude to who ever , for not agreeing with their way of thinking as some one else said it grows tiring too.
Pav I 100% agree with you...Since when does how something is spelled or written when posted more important then the message or opinion being posted?...and...
And how many of us are asking the few who are so bent over backwards to themselves change their ways such as they appear to want to force others to do?...and...
And as far as I am concerned it is a very lame "childish" excuse to say that these individuals are simply trying to understand what someone is writing or saying to justify their behaviors or actions...and...
And I will even go as far as to say that the same behavior is more of an attempt to silence the other individuals instead...and...
And it's all wrong in my opinion my friends...GGF