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Airport security ..

grumpy old man
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26Airport security .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Airport security .. Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:30 pm



Freedom isn't free. So pitch in your $1.05, guys...

27Airport security .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Airport security .. Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:35 pm



AGEsAces wrote:

Here's some facts:
1) It is IMPOSSIBLE to protect everyone from everything...there will ALWAYS be risk in life.
2) It is NOT the government's responsibility to protect everyone from everything.
3) MOST of the hijackings and bombings the terrorists have achieved...are because too many people have been too afraid to act...expecting "somebody else" to do something.
4) Rather than deal with terrorists directly, the governments have decided they want to "talk" to discuss the "why" rather than the "what".

So here are some solutions:

1) Put simple security in place. Metal detectors. Cameras (these are the best...because they can identify people after they've committed a you're actually catching CRIMINALS...not people who are thinking about doing something).

2) Get the government OUT of people's privacy. Giving up privacy & liberty in the name of security creates a dictatorship regime...whether it is run by an individual, or a large government body doesn't matter.

3) Training for EVERYONE. It will take years for this to develop...but force everyone to serve in either the armed forces or public service (police, fire, etc.). Anyone age 16-18 who have quit school, or over 18 regardless, must serve a minimum of 2 years. Teach them to identify potential threats, and deal with those threats effectively and immediately.

(my wife bugs me if I don't lock the doors when we're driving around. she's paranoid someone will jump in and try to hijack the vehicle. she wants to know what i'd do if someone tried it with me driving...she really doesn't want to know. cause without hesitation I'd be out of my seat and ripping the hijacker's head off his shoulders. she doesn't want to hear that...or especially hear that it would be WITHOUT HESITATION!

The reason criminals get away with what they do, is because people don't react. One guy holding up a store with 3 people in it. That criminal should not walk away. They should be subdued and shot between the eyes...IMMEDIATELY...but too many people will stand there stunned and let the criminal do whatever)

4) Read above. IF the government gets hold of someone...sure...due process...have a trial...then drag them into the street and shoot them. Or hang them from a flagpole for a week. Get the message out that the criminal activity will no longer be tolerated...and those who insist on committing crimes will not only be tried...but will be punished slowly and severely so they will regret what they did for the short remainder of their life.

Terrorists/Criminals thrive on the insecurities of others. And every time the government imposes some new form of "protection"...the criminals have won. They have achieved their job. "Terrorism" does not mean someone has to die. It simply means the terror level of individuals have been raised.

Well said, Ages. Especially #2

28Airport security .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Airport security .. Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:08 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

1) Put simple security in place. Metal detectors. Cameras (these are the best...because they can identify people after they've committed a you're actually catching CRIMINALS...not people who are thinking about doing something).

2) Get the government OUT of people's privacy. Giving up privacy & liberty in the name of security creates a dictatorship regime...whether it is run by an individual, or a large government body doesn't matter.

then who monitors the Cameras? Airport security .. - Page 2 Icon_scratch

29Airport security .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Airport security .. Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:21 pm



Deank wrote:1) Put simple security in place. Metal detectors. Cameras (these are the best...because they can identify people after they've committed a you're actually catching CRIMINALS...not people who are thinking about doing something).

2) Get the government OUT of people's privacy. Giving up privacy & liberty in the name of security creates a dictatorship regime...whether it is run by an individual, or a large government body doesn't matter.

then who monitors the Cameras? Airport security .. - Page 2 Icon_scratch

Why does anyone need to "monitor" the cameras?

I mean...sure...let someone monitor them...there's no real privacy issue of watching people walk in/out a door. A security guard could sit at the door and nobody would care.

But again...why monitor them?
Cameras are in place to catch the act a criminal committed. They aren't prevention...they are evidence.

So someone steals a TV...narrowing down a time-line is pretty simple. WORST case is go back to the last inventory count...but typically it can be narrowed down to within 24 hours. So pull the camera footage for that area for the past 24 hours and start narrowing down the suspects.

Computer technology EXISTS that can even do the searching for you and identify the person committing the crime (if they are in a database somewhere). It's just not widely used...yet.

30Airport security .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Airport security .. Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:26 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

who enforces what the cameras catch? Robots?

31Airport security .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Airport security .. Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:31 pm


contributor plus
contributor plus

arm the cameras.
charge kids to play.

32Airport security .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Airport security .. Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:35 pm



Deank wrote:who enforces what the cameras catch? Robots?

you ask silly questions...

and it's silly that you ask questions you know the answers to.


33Airport security .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Airport security .. Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:43 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

so... its okay to be monitored by government, provided its alien in nature?

Can we just ban clothes? It would make it far easier if everyone simply had to be naked at all times.

34Airport security .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Airport security .. Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:53 pm



you're missing the point Dean...or maybe you're not and just TRYING to be a PITA.

it's not about's about witnessing.

it's putting a system in place that witnesses the crime, that cannot have memory lapse, or confuse the details.

a simple method of actually catching a thief in the act...even if the recording isn't reviewed for 3 years.

cameras do not inherently mean conspiracy...they provide an effective means of identifying those who do break the law...and...personally...i don't care about the law...i care about the victim. the camera can help identify those who have somehow hurt someone else (either directly or indirectly) and provide stable proof of wrongdoing.

Now if only the punishment would fit the crime...then we'd be closer to a perfect system.

I just realized the topic of this thread was "Airport security..."

how fittingly apt that is considering my point of view.

take that couple in Newark who snuck under the wire to have a last-second smooch before departure.

so THOUSANDS of people, and HUNDREDS of flights around the WORLD were inconvenienced...why?

because the couple decided to have a smooch? NOPE
because the guard left his post? NOPE
because security was lax? NOPE

All because of one reason...because someone was MONITORING a camera...and THAT person caused the alarm to be sounded.

Was there actually a threat? NO!!!
Had the guard caught the guy, or come back as he was ducking under...would there have been a huge incident? NO!!! (he would've just told the guy to go back behind the barrier)

PRIME Example of security gone awry. Personally...I give kudos to that couple who were willing to say "screw you" to a barricade and stupid security measures in order to say goodbye to each other. NONE of those barricades should be there anyway. They obviously are useless.

I teach Safety & Health (which isn't security...but security is always "in the name of Safety" so it applies)...and the one thing I tell EVERYONE who takes my classes..."THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS PREVENTION...THERE'S DETERRENCE, AND THERE'S INVESTIGATION"

And that applies to EVERYTHING with Safety & Security.

35Airport security .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Airport security .. Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:58 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

i think you are missing the point Ages, you are saying less government whilst at the same time advocating for more.

It is the government afterall that would be the ones reviewing cameras after the fact and going after the criminals.

Who gets to decide when a camera recordings can be viewed?

What happens if there is a mugging. The tapes are checked for information about the mugging but on it they also see someone else entirely committing a crime that was not reported by anyone. Can they act on that other crime after the fact even though no one reported it?

36Airport security .. - Page 2 Empty Re: Airport security .. Tue Jan 12, 2010 5:34 pm



How are more cameras...more government?

That much I don't get.

Do you realize 100 years ago...(both in the US AND Canada) that it was not uncommon for a criminal to go free if a crime was committed WITHOUT a witness? And in some places in the US I know...the witness HAD to be a law enforcement officer or military personnel.

Fortunately, because of forensics and other breakthroughs...some criminals actually get caught.

So say 10000 cameras are installed...all filtering back to a giant video database. That's "MORE" government? It's certainly more presence...but not more control.

And recordings should only be allowed to be viewed, if requested for a specific item. But the general public should be allowed to make that request if they have a reason.

Maybe someone backed into your car in a parking lot? or on the street? and you want to identify who did it? Maybe you slipped on some ice, and you want to go after the owner, but need proof since they have since salted the sidewalk.

But certainly...if a video is pulled to find one crime, and a second one is observed that may or may not be investigation into that crime could be initiated. I think it would have to be determined to what extent that is you don't open an investigation because someone was littering...or...heaven forbid MizP...they were spitting on the sidewalk Wink.

But, if someone were attacked, or a car was broken into, etc. That video file should be copied and noted for use should that investigation go anywhere.

As with any technology or's only negative if it's abused by someone.

Read The Lost Symbol (by Dan Brown), there's an interesting bit in there about scientific breakthroughs. One of the characters created a computer program which, in the wrong hands, could ruin the world...but could also be one of the biggest tools in fighting terrorism and crime. The character was asked about the moral implications, and her simple response was "the technology exists, that can't be taken away, someone is going to use it...what they do with it is the moral question...not the creation of it."

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