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CBC: should it stay or should it go?

grumpy old man
Miz point
9 posters

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1CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty CBC: should it stay or should it go? Mon Dec 28, 2009 9:53 pm



Ahh the CBC (the Communist Broadcasting Channel)is the worst news channel in Canada.

All I want for Christmas is the dismantling of the CBC.

In the past month the state broadcaster has provided two glaring examples of why it cannot be trusted to report the news fairly, of how it uses the $1.1 billion extracted from taxpayers each year to fund its operations to promote its own narrow, left-of-centre agenda.

Of course, there are little examples of the corporation's bias every day: the way it looks for the most reasonable spokespersons to represent the liberal-left side of an issue and for inarticulate amateurs to represent the right-of-centre side. The adjectives -- controversial, contentious, right-wing -- it uses to describe conservatives versus the ones -- progressive, dedicated, moderate -- its uses to describe the left.

Most of the time Mother Corp's bias simmers just beneath the surface -- a sneer here from the host, a scoffing tone there from a reporter.

In a recent report CBC did on the influence of Christians in the U.S. government, all of the reporters and analysts who set up the segment and who commented on it subsequently were clearly hostile to people of faith with right-of-centre views. They framed the discussion in a way in which it was impossible for viewers to disagree with their slant and still appear sensible: Do you agree or disagree with the way conservative Christians are attempting to break down the separation between church and state?

This is what reporters and politicians sometimes call the "Do you still beat your wife?" question. There is no way a person who disagrees with the questioner can answer and still appear reasonable.

But how come the report included only conservative Christians seeking to instil traditional values in public affairs? How come there were no examples of social-justice preachers and priests who use their positions of influence to push for more welfare, or carbon emissions curbs, same-sex marriage or withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan?

Oh, that's right, because when faithful people share the same worldviews as CBC reporters and producers, they're merely being sensible and judicious. They are not dangerous fundamentalists hell-bent on destroying our way of life. So it never even occurs to the people devising the alarmist stories CBC runs to cover the threat from the left as well as the right.

Still, these are merely the daily drip-by-drip cases of CBC subjectivity masquerading as even-handed journalism.

The two recent examples that have completely blown the corporation's veneer of objectivity are much, much worse.

Last month, CBC pulled a documentary just hours before it was to air because China's communist government objected to the way the film unflattering portrayed its treatment of the spiritual movement Falun Gong.

Beyond the Red Wall repeated claims -- well documented by several sources -- that Beijing arbitrarily imprisons, tortures and uses Falun Gong members for slave labour.

The CBC claimed it had not withdrawn the documentary due to pressure from the Chinese government, although several CBC sources admitted the rescheduling came only after the Chinese embassy in Ottawa telephoned the corporation and asked that the piece be witRating 2eld.

Instead, it pulled the film less than five hours before it was to be shown because it wanted to do "due diligence" to ensure "it's a solid piece of work that will stand up to intense scrutiny."

This was just so much disingenuous spin, though.

The corporation had had the finished product in its hands for eight months. Its lawyers, fact-checkers and executive producers had given it the green light. Indeed, it had aired already on the French equivalent of Newsworld and once on the English all-news channel in the middle of the night.

It's hard to escape the conclusion that the CBC was permitting the Chinese politburo to dictate what it would and would not show. We know Beijing has already barred some journalists from the 2008 Olympics.

Perhaps the CBC cratered on the Falun Gong documentary because it feared losing the rights to broadcast the Summer Games. Whatever its motives, the incident did irreparable damage to the corporation's reputation.

Then last week we learned at least one CBC reporter was writing questions for Liberal MPs to ask of former prime minister Brian Mulroney when he appeared before the House of Commons's ethics committee. One CBC spokesman claimed the reporter had not written the questions, but rather had merely dictated them over the phone, but the difference is meaningless.

Here was evidence of our publicly funded broadcaster seeking to be a player in a national scandal. Not content to report the news, Mother Corp set out to make some.

The MPs on the committee were not embarrassing Mulroney enough, so the CBC decided to feed them questions designed to make him look even worse. And who knows, perhaps the answers may damage even the current Conservative government whose very presence in office clearly irritates the broadcaster.

Most Canadians no longer put their faith in the CBC; that's why so few of us watch it anymore. But we shouldn't have to fund its biased, agenda-driven coverage, either.


2CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Mon Dec 28, 2009 10:22 pm

Miz point

Miz point

And what is the source of this article because I can tell it is a cut and paste. Time lines and typos are a dead giveaway.

example...." and asked that the piece be witRating 2eld. "

Btw some of us posting on this very forum have had the pleasure and displeasure of working for the Mother Corp or how we used to call it, the Canadian Broadcorping Castration, but man, to call it the communist broadcasting corporation is a bit of a stretch. The examples cited are nowhere near as contentious as some many of us have heard on so-called conservative radio here and south of the border. My perception of the above-rant? Difficult to take seriously - not when one weighs the role of the CBC over the course of many years in terms of bringing this country's voice together. Perhaps in the last decade or so that has changed, and has not most of the media changed out there - but it still remains to be said that ounce per ounce of integrity CBC will outshine say, the SunMedia Corp or NewsCorp just about any day.

Michael Enright, he of Sunday Morning on CBC Radio One, did a wonderful tour of the United States of America leading up to the last presidential election. He went on-air with AM news stations of both stripes ("left" and "right") and got into some engaging DIALOGUE with his American counterparts. That is but one example of where the CBC cannot be labelled a puppet of the left....or having a particular bias because if one chose to listen carefully to the banter they would have realized that the hardcore rightists (not the wingnut variety) did not ever have to resort to shouting down, or engage in histrionic fits or any other bullying - it was what it was, great friggin radio NOT biased in any way at all.

3CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Mon Dec 28, 2009 10:42 pm



It's from the Edmonton Journal. Didn't read like GC's usual prose. Copyright ©️ (c) CanWest MediaWorks Publications Inc.

4CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Mon Dec 28, 2009 11:06 pm

Miz point

Miz point

An op-ed it from a centrist, rightist or leftist rag it is what it is - OPINION/EDITORIAL designed to lend a particular slant, in a broad and general fashion, citing examples sure to raise the ire of those individuals who are in agreement with the person who penned the piece. I believe the word "inflammatory" would be most appropriate in this case.

In this one course I took for my philosophy section we used to take advantage of OP/ED pieces (source publications deliberately kept secret so that no bias would be incurred by the reader) in order to understand the framing and deconstruction and analysis of persuasive discourse. I believe a course such as that should be mandatory starting in Junior High School English classes.

5CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Mon Dec 28, 2009 11:24 pm

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

No matter the source (although we should credit our sources) I agree that I'd like to see the end of public funding for the CBC.

There have been many discussions on this topic. I believe a thread or two on this forum also speaks to it.

6CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Mon Dec 28, 2009 11:31 pm

Miz point

Miz point

Yes, if they take money for commercials then why do they need public funding? I tried to watch the fourth Harry Potter film last night and to my dismay it was cut several times in order to accomodate the numerous adverts which btw under CRTC (another body that should be dismantled) rules can only be aired at least in nine minute increments.....several times last night ads were being run before the nine minute allowance. History TV is also guilty of this infraction....

CBC has their hands in several of the "special interest" much revenue is received from those ventures? And the cable fees? And the myriad of subsidies like Telefilm Canada etc...?

7CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Mon Dec 28, 2009 11:49 pm



Just because some people want an institution like the CBC, doesn't mean the taxpayer should have to pay for it.

8CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:48 am



They should do what PBS does. Run pledges every month to raise the necessary funding for the programming.

9CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:51 am



If you enjoy The National, you'll absolutely love this wonderful hot/cold mug, which displays Peter Mansbridge when the mug is cold, and Adrienne Arsenault when its hot... yours for a pledge of $125 or more.

10CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:53 am



LennyJessop wrote:They should do what PBS does. Run pledges every month to raise the necessary funding for the programming.

That is the best idea for the CBC.

11CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:09 am



Triniman wrote:It's from the Edmonton Journal. Didn't read like GC's usual prose. Copyright ©️ (c) CanWest MediaWorks Publications Inc.

Thanks Triniman...I almost always post my source but last night I was super tired. Thank again.

12CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:12 am



Miz p since you say you are a journalist I for one would love you to post some of your published articles. I would love to read them. Thanks. Smile

13CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:40 am

Miz point

Miz point

I have no desire to post any pieces of mine here. What purpose does that serve?

14CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:22 am



It doesn't serve any kind of purpose....I was just interested in some of your writings. Which newspapers and magazines have you been published in? You are also a photographer right? Have you had any pictures published? I would love to see them.

15CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:36 am


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

CBC should stay. but not in its current format/largess.

CBC does not need to have 5+ different reporters attending each newsworty item.
One Bilingual reporter (or use the miracle of subtitles) is all that is required.

CBC should NOT be part of this group of broadcasters demanding more money from Cable operators for rebroadcasting their signal.

CBC should NOT have a 24 hours news show.

16CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:40 am



Deank wrote:CBC should stay. but not in its current format/largess.

CBC does not need to have 5+ different reporters attending each newsworty item.
One Bilingual reporter (or use the miracle of subtitles) is all that is required.

CBC should NOT be part of this group of broadcasters demanding more money from Cable operators for rebroadcasting their signal.

CBC should NOT have a 24 hours news show.

CBC should be privatized, sink or swim.

17CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:00 pm



I think Lenny said it best...CBC should be like PBS.

18CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:05 pm



Miz point wrote:I have no desire to post any pieces of mine here. What purpose does that serve?

I should think the purpose is obvious...especially to a 'journalist'.

19CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:15 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

one thing about CBC that has always bothered me.

CBC French. ALWAYS gets alot more of the popular movies broadcast alot quicker then the English channel. Why is that?

20CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:18 pm



Deank wrote:one thing about CBC that has always bothered me.

CBC French. ALWAYS gets alot more of the popular movies broadcast alot quicker then the English channel. Why is that?

Just to piss you off. Wink Maybe because the French speaking are more important than the English speaking.

21CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:42 pm



Miz point wrote:I have no desire to post any pieces of mine here. What purpose does that serve?

It would serve me in the following ways.

I would love to read some of your pieces, I feel it would enlighten me.
I would love to see how your writing style would differ from your posting style.
I would like to read your writings to see if they would evoke an emotional response.
I would love to see how some of the other forum members would critique your writings.
I would love to see some of the images you have captured from your extensive travels. A lot of the places and people you have photographed I've never been to, and would love to see.

You are of course entitled to do what ever you wish, post them or not that is entirely up to you. But please keep this in mind when you critique anything I post, you know the old saying "Judge Not - Lest You Make a Fool of Yourself".

Thank you for your time.

22CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:45 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

Goth_chic wrote:
Deank wrote:one thing about CBC that has always bothered me.

CBC French. ALWAYS gets alot more of the popular movies broadcast alot quicker then the English channel. Why is that?

Just to piss you off. CBC: should it stay or should it go? Icon_wink Maybe because the French speaking think they are more important than the English speaking.

heh... thats exactly what I was thinking.... (with my slight little addition of course)

23CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:53 pm

Miz point

Miz point

LivingDead wrote:
Miz point wrote:I have no desire to post any pieces of mine here. What purpose does that serve?

It would serve me in the following ways.

I would love to read some of your pieces, I feel it would enlighten me.
I would love to see how your writing style would differ from your posting style.
I would like to read your writings to see if they would evoke an emotional response.
I would love to see how some of the other forum members would critique your writings.
I would love to see some of the images you have captured from your extensive travels. A lot of the places and people you have photographed I've never been to, and would love to see.

You are of course entitled to do what ever you wish, post them or not that is entirely up to you. But please keep this in mind when you critique anything I post, you know the old saying "Judge Not - Lest You Make a Fool of Yourself".

Thank you for your time.

I write in many styles depending on the kind of story it is I am working on.....I provided an important link to GC privately.....I will not publicize on here my work as I do not believe it is germane to your statement of judgement being that what you posted was not of your design but of someone else's and I was only remarking as to certain aspects of said quote not the person utilizing the quote.

I value my privacy. My photos as you already know are on my flickr site which I believe is listed here....or is it my forum site? I have not checked in a long time. I do not wish to publicize my professional name here as I tend to impart lots of insider gleaned over the course of many, many years.

And as to the judge not quote - that is a two way street baby. Think about it before you attribute certain actions to me (which btw you have not done so but someone else has done on your behalf) - whatever. No worries, just clarification.

If you have any questions regarding the aforementioned links PM me.....I need to rest now as I have been quite unwell....

24CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:58 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"I need to rest now as I have been quite unwell...."

I hope Mr P or HellGeek can cook you up some Chicken Soup Miz P!.

25CBC: should it stay or should it go? Empty Re: CBC: should it stay or should it go? Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:00 pm

Miz point

Miz point

JTF wrote:
Miz point wrote:I have no desire to post any pieces of mine here. What purpose does that serve?

I should think the purpose is obvious...especially to a 'journalist'.

No, the purpose is not obvious as I have nothing to prove to anybody. Why JTF the need to put the word journalist in quotation marks as it relates to me? That is a bullshit move if there ever was. C'mon. Do not even start to question my credentials as you will have to eat both of your feet. Not a tasty prospect, non? Oui?

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