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The Conservative Government and Climate Change

grumpy old man
13 posters

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So I was reading this article in the Globe and Mail and it really pissed me off!

Ottawa dashes hope for climate treaty in Copenhagen

I can't stand that the Tories are trying to hold true climate change back!

The Harper government has been criticized for undermining the global
talks by insisting on smaller reductions for greenhouse gases than
other developed countries, by demanding that emerging economies such as
China and India agree to binding caps on their emissions, and by not
tabling a plan for meeting Ottawa's own targets.

You wanna know why Harper wants to have the other nations do their part but not ours?

It's gotta be because the tar sands oil companies want to keep fully exploiting that resource without regard for the environment. Harper is putting the financial profit of his backers ahead of the long term environmental wellbeing of the planet.

How sick is that?

Canadians are disconnected from the true scale and environmental impact of the tar sands because most of us don't live in that remote area of the country.

I really, really hope that climate change and the tar sands becomes an election issue next time round.

The Conservative Government and Climate Change 87856



I am not 100% sure climate change really exists. More fear mongering, just like with this whole H1N1 crap. Don't buy it!

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

I wonder if this is a Conservative issue or a Canadian issue? I what Harper doing any different than what Iggy might do? I guess what I'm saying is is this a political issue?

That said, what do the tar sands contribute over-all? 1% 10% More? Something else to consider, are Canada's change initiatives more onerous than Europe?

Maybe we ought to divorce the reduced emissions initiatives from the global warming debate. Thereby avoiding the contentious discussions that seem to dominate the issue.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

I want to know why India and China get a "free ride" just because they are finally catching up to us Westerners.

Kind of pointless for Canada to spend trillions of dollars over the next 300 years if India and China are not even trying and are in fact encouragine greater use of fossil fuels.



As far as I'm concerned, Climate change is a 100% reality. Cow farts have more impact on the climate than all the fossil fuel mankind burns.

Climate Change = Another way for Governments to enslave the masses even more than we already are. IMHO its just another TAX.



God forbid we have one of those Taxxes .



Of course climate change exists! It has been changing continuosly over time, sometimes getting a little warmer and sometimes a little colder. What some scientists are saying is the climate "may" be getting a lot warmer because of excess carbon.
And the last article 3 days ago said that only 3 times before has it been warmer, and then the article goes on to some incredible statement, instead of saying- "hey if 120,000 years ago it was warmer, and there was no carbon being made by the tar sands, then what the hell are we wasting billions of dollars trying to cut back," when it is obvious that all these warnings are only speculation.



The way I saw all this "climate" stuff come down is this:

The UN has been slowly taken over by a lot 'agenda-ed' people that want a fundamental change in the world's economic system...they want the rick to give some of their money to the poor on a permanent basis...a dramatic shift of wealth.

This is a way of doing so.

The rich countries produce the emmissions and pay the poor countries for doing so...pretty much a tax imho....but much more profound in its meaning though.



Wow. A paranoid group on this forum.'re all entitled to your opinions. What really surprises me, is that all you people think that this is just some way to get more money out of you or some other conspiracy don't see the flip side of the coin.

What about the corporations who have an agenda in continuing their pollution of our...your...atmosphere? How come none of you challenge their assertion that climate change is some sort of hoax?

All the scientists in the world are telling us that this is really happening yet all on this forum seem content to keep the agenda of our corporate overlords going.

Seems early similar to how the Christian Church didn't want people reading ancient Greek knowledge during the middle ages as it was inconvenient for the authority of the Church itself.

Keep on believing what certain people want you to believe. I think for myself.



You think for yourself do you? I think for myself. Until all scientists agree and have proof that climate change is really happening then I will believe it. Just like this whole H1N1 crap, the government and media are trying to panic people...I will not let that happen to me. I refuse to get that vaccination and I will not let big pharma and the government use my children as guinea pigs. I don't believe everything I read or see on TV. Not all scientists agree that climate change is really happening due to humans but they agree that climate change is happening. According to the Authors of Freakonomics methane gas from cows is far more damaging to the environment then humans.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Ex-Pat-Pegger wrote:Wow. A paranoid group on this forum.'re all entitled to your opinions. What really surprises me, is that all you people think that this is just some way to get more money out of you or some other conspiracy don't see the flip side of the coin.

What about the corporations who have an agenda in continuing their pollution of our...your...atmosphere? How come none of you challenge their assertion that climate change is some sort of hoax?

All the scientists in the world are telling us that this is really happening yet all on this forum seem content to keep the agenda of our corporate overlords going.

Seems early similar to how the Christian Church didn't want people reading ancient Greek knowledge during the middle ages as it was inconvenient for the authority of the Church itself.

Keep on believing what certain people want you to believe. I think for myself.
Seven people have commented and you ascribe those seven singular comments to "all on this forum"... You then go on to say "All the scientists in the world are telling us...". Really? All of them?

Generally speaking I don't get involved in debates on this topic mostly because I don't know who to believe. But you seem to want to create a heated debate after SEVEN comments? Seven! Then you throw some horsesh1te christian church red herring comment into the fray.

What is your real agenda here in this matter EPP?



Over the period preserved in the sediments, there were two ice ages and three warmer periods, so-called interglacial eras, highlighting the rarity of modern climate conditions.
The above statement tells us that there were 3 other times that it was warmer and that was before anyone hired Liberal lackeys at $250,000 per year to go out and check the carbon emissions! Or was it to run some advertisements.
What gets me is the writer of this article comes to the opposite conclusion that I come to!



Seven people are the only ones who've spoken up. None are in support of the theory of human induced climate change. The part about the Christian church in the middle ages was a comparison. People blindly listened to the church then and it set western civilization back 1,500 years. People blindly listen to the counterarguments to human induced climate change, which are put out there by polluters, and it may kill the planet.

The only difference? We should know to question authority. In the middle ages people who questioned authority were killed. Today, it seems like they are just mocked.

As far as DeanK's last post is concerned, the article you mention would seem to indicate that either, we are the proponent of climate change or a new ice age is around the corner.

For all I know, we could be right around the corner of a new ice age, however, as the planet is a closed system, all of our pollution has to impact some other aspect of that closed system.

What could that be?...the atmosphere?



Just like people blindly listen to Al Gore, some scientists (not all), and the media. Sounds similar to those who blindly listened to the Church. No?



I don't think any country, regardless of wealth or any other status, should be allowed to do just pollute to their hearts content. I think we are all responsible for taking care of our one home, planet Earth. Whether people think global climate change exists or not, I believe the responsibility is on all of us to do our part in reducing pollution in the environment. Prevention is always better than suppression. We all need to co-operate (yes, I know, wishful thinking) to achieve this goal. Whether it will happen or not only time will tell.



Al Gore's message is pretty compelling and independent. It is backed by independent scientists.

David Suzuki, although the man drives me nuts, has been waring us about climate change for a generation now, also independent.

Hmmm....on second thought, the tobacco companies denied smoking causes cancer for years....maybe I should start smoking again because Imperial tobacco funded scientists denied what we now know is the truth...smoking causes cancer.

Pollution is causing climate change.

Oh, and I'll be among the first to get a swine flu shot, even though it is just a serum to make people compulsively spend during the holiday shopping season. We're in a recession folks! Get your flu shot so we can spend our way back to prosperity.

The Conservative Government and Climate Change 886966



We all have the right to believe what we believe. I will not use myself or my children as guinea pigs for a shot that has not been tested enough and it contains mercury. Why would I put that into my body or my children s bodies? I have never had a flu shot and don't plan on starting now.

So the scientists who say climate change is the normal course of the earth are wrong? I am not saying I am a firm believer in any theory, I recycle, I rarely drive and I do my part to help mother earth. I am just don't believe the sky is falling.



Those shots have mercury in them?



EdWin wrote:Those shots have mercury in them?

yes they do. But researchers and dr's are saying it's safe for pregnant women and children. Like I believe that!


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"What about the corporations who have an agenda in continuing their pollution of our...your...atmosphere? "
huge fucken difference between pollution and climate change..


contributor plus
contributor plus

CO2 ain't pollution.



incognito wrote:CO2 ain't pollution.

Methane is 10 times the green house gas emission than Carbon Dioxide.

Blame it on Cow Farts.



Pollution causes climate change.

CO2 comes out of smokestacks and the tailpipes of cars.

Hmmmm....did the oil lobby pay all of you off just like Harper?


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

1) The earth has been warming for the last 10000 years.
2) The sun is in such a low cycle that it almost makes up for the slight warming experienced over the last 50 years. WHICH MEANS if it were not for the warmth of the last 50 years we would be experiencing a significantly cooler last 4 years. Say now... did we not just have 9 consecutive months of below seasonable weather?

3) Did the alternative energy companies pay you off?



The sun is in a low cycle? Of what? Sun Spots?

I'm not sure how the last 9 months were in Winnipeg but it was one hell of a hot summer here on the coast. My tomatoes grew halla large...on my balcony.

I wish someone paid me off.

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