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We DEMAND that you meet two conditions to end the blockade!!!,, but we wont say what.

Miz point
grumpy old man
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holly golightly


Or maybe the jobs that they have been trained for are just not the ones that are available yet. When I looked at the referral site it explained what years certain jobs would be available so that may also be the case, that the jobs for this year are not the ones that most of the FN have taken training for.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Deank wrote:Supposedly over 300 NCN people have gone through the training at the purpose built education centre since it opened.

So mayhaps the training is insufficient? Or the other hand being, people are simply refusing to follow the process for getting hired.
I'm willing to bet the training is not the issue. It makes zero sense to go to the cost and effort of developing a purpose built program that does not deliver what is required...

I bet, and this leaves me open to accusations of racism, that it is work ethic that is at issue here. AA has well articulated his experience. We have the exact same experience in our business.

An employer needs people that can be relied upon to show up day in and day out. Not show up when they feel like it. Not bugger off at payday and return a week or two later.

Read some of the posts on the CBC website. Boggles the mind but aboriginal posts say the same thing: but defend this as simply the way it is!


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

It might not even get that far. They might simply be ignoring the "you must keep following up" mandate to keep themselves "registered"


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

got a link the CBC website discussion? I am too lazy to go looking for it.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Here is one I referred to:
Just for your information ...... I know a guy who was hired not once but twice to work at the Dam . He is a person who is used to having people take care of him and only works when he needs to .

He is full treaty but can pass as white . In fact he prefers to pass himself off as white . He obviously is ashamed of his heritage which is really sad .
Anyways ... he was hired through the Employment Office on York St . in Winnipeg and he said that they were not hiring enough native people for the job even though they were qualified .
So there .
If these people were protesting ... they must of had a reason for it and it's not for you backroom racists to judge .
if you don't like the way things are .. go run for office .. otherwise MYOB


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

grumpy old man wrote:

Here is one I referred to:
Just for your information ...... I know a guy who was hired not once but twice to work at the Dam . He is a person who is used to having people take care of him and only works when he needs to .

He is full treaty but can pass as white . In fact he prefers to pass himself off as white . He obviously is ashamed of his heritage which is really sad .
Anyways ... he was hired through the Employment Office on York St . in Winnipeg and he said that they were not hiring enough native people for the job even though they were qualified .
So there .
If these people were protesting ... they must of had a reason for it and it's not for you backroom racists to judge .
if you don't like the way things are .. go run for office .. otherwise MYOB

heh... probably a Delorme A huge chunk of the Delorme family no longer looks Native at all.



Or...they DID hire the required 1/3 employees from First Nations...and within the 1st week, they all "injured their back" and are now on WCB...and this blockade group is trying to allow the "next wave" of freeloaders to get on the books.



uh oh, don't let the blogger Graham Hnatiuk read any of the comments in this thread or he might get really upset!


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

too bad many of his other blogs have been great in the past, he has seriously lost a lot of credibility with this post.

I wonder what line he used to draw in the sand at what becomes terrorism?

Using terror as a weapon is terrorism.

They used terror as a weapon hence they are terrorists.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence


Last edited by Deank on Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:43 am; edited 1 time in total


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

man that guy and some of the people commenting are so completely clueless on this topic. They seem to think that the protestors departed peacefully. Yeah after a court order and after the RCMP served them the order and after the GRAND CHIEF of canada told them to stop. Not real peaceful is it?

They seem to think that just because the protestors are Native this some how gives them the right to be above everyone else. Its nothing to do with racism on my part.

NO ONE has the right to hold another person or another persons property hostage.

But apparently anyone who disagrees ( interestingly enough including the chief and council of their band and the grand chief of Canada) are racists. Yeah, let that work its way into your head.



Yes it is to bad that the natives have not taken this seriously , the training has been in place for 3 yrs and they from what Ive heard did not show up . Some did and they are working on site , some are busy drinking . To bad this is an area that the natives need to change if to be taken seriously . Their lack of accountability when it is needed.



Deank wrote:man that guy and some of the people commenting are so completely clueless on this topic. They seem to think that the protestors departed peacefully. Yeah after a court order and after the RCMP served them the order and after the GRAND CHIEF of canada told them to stop. Not real peaceful is it?

They seem to think that just because the protestors are Native this some how gives them the right to be above everyone else. Its nothing to do with racism on my part.

NO ONE has the right to hold another person or another persons property hostage.

But apparently anyone who disagrees ( interestingly enough including the chief and council of their band and the grand chief of Canada) are racists. Yeah, let that work its way into your head.

I don't understand why anyone needed a court order to break up this little get together on crown land. If a cop comes to break up the next party at RC's house, can we tell him to go get a court order? What crap!!

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Different rules apply man. After all we fricked these people over in 1875. You have no compassion. Please resume feeling guilty. And keep your wallet open. We will likely need to dig our hands into it further...



Sorry, but both sets of my grandparents didn't get here until 1910 - 1915, and I'm not Catholic, so I'm having some trouble with the guilt thing.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Nonetheless. Is your wallet open?



No, its empty!!



Deank wrote:too bad many of his other blogs have been great in the past, he has seriously lost a lot of credibility with this post.

I wonder what line he used to draw in the sand at what becomes terrorism?

Using terror as a weapon is terrorism.

They used terror as a weapon hence they are terrorists.

I'm not quite sure where this terrorism thing comes into play in this blockade. Isn't a peacefull blockade just a protest?

btw, I'm in no way agreeing with the blockade as I believe it to be a criminal act.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

They were holding people and property against their will for a particular purpose.

How is that not terrorism?

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Wonder what would have happened were someone to try to drive a vehicle through that illegal blockade? Would "peaceful" have turned "violent"? That's why I call it terrorism. The threat of violence = terrorism IMO...



Well...he can come read my post here.
I tried posting at his blog...but some error page kept coming's what I was going to post:

Terrorist is EXACTLY the correct term for what they are doing.

Can a worker from that area go home or go to work without risk of injury or damage to themselves or their vehicle/equipment?


So it's a bunch of rogue idiots who are THREATENING people and property in order to get what "they want", rather than actually working within the system.

They claim they want more "Native" workers hired (in accordance with some contract). Well there's a couple of problems with that.
1) There's nearly 1000 workers for that project...and they want 1/3 to be Native. That's 300+ workers...and of those Natives who are unemployed, or actually looking to work...Hydro would be hard-pressed to find 300+ workers who would ACTUALLY WORK...especially for more than a week or two before claiming some disability.
2) Why is there a RACIALLY DISCRIMINATING clause in the contract to begin with? What if that same contract said "in order to do the work...1/3 of the workers had to be white males? Gee...anyone hear "lawsuit" and "protest"?
3) Enough with the stupid "it was their land" crap. 5000 years ago, all the land belonged to someone else. Look at used to all belong to Greeks & Romans...and where are they now? The natives claim to want to be their own "Nation" and fend for themselves...but then they turn to everyone else for handouts and to freeload. If they want to fend for themselves...fine...give them...Saskatchewan...and tell them "good luck". Otherwise...end the garbage...say "welcome to Canada"...and no more special treatment or benefits just because of some ridiculous bloodline or skin colour.

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