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Hydro DiscrimiNation

grumpy old man
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1Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Hydro DiscrimiNation Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:27 am



So I heard an ad on the radio yesterday from MB Hydro.

Apparently they are hiring for new line technicians. Having some sort of an Open House this week/end for potential applicants.

It actually sounded appealing, a 4-year apprenticeship program, 10-week trades program...and when you're're probably making close to 6-figures.


At the end of the ad, there was a blurb saying "Aboriginal applicants who do not meet the minimum educational requirements may still qualify and should contact MB Hydro directly for more information".


Talk about straight-out discrimination. That's like telling every white guy "don't bother applying...we're really looking for dumb aboriginals". What about the non-aboriginal whose educational experience isn't so high? But might still have some smarts and the wherewithal to do the job? What about the woman who has no education.

Isn't MB Hydro a government-run entity? How can they have standards that are different for one group than another? How can they offer "special circumstances" based upon gender, race, religion?

It's a good thing I have a decent job and don't really need one...or I'd be at that open house protesting and demanding I get a job before ANY "special needs" applicants. Because they aren't QUALIFIED for the position.

2Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:32 am



Pandering for votes there Doer???

3Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:36 am

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

This is simply a piss poor way of providing aboriginals with greater job opportunities. What they ought to do is have some other agency create a (new) program for aboriginals that will bring their skills up to snuff to then qualify to apply for trade jobs.

This is reverse discrimination. African Americans have now learned that equal opportunity programs aimed at races/gender were not working in the US. I expect this will not work for aboriginals either.

4Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:39 am



Doer's way of getting them off the province's welfare rolls and onto Hydro's welfare roll. Nothing more to it than that imo.

5Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:55 am



Just sent this letter to the employment office at Hydro (signing my name at the end)


I heard an ad on the radio yesterday for an Open House coming up for new jobs with MB Hydro.

It all sounded appealing until a blurb at the end about “Aboriginals who have a lower education than the standards may still qualify”.

With all due respect to whoever dreamed up that ad…it’s insulting to both aboriginals and non-aboriginals alike.

Non-aboriginals who work their butt off trying to reach certain levels of educational standards and achievement in order to qualify for a decent career with a good salary are insulted that other people, simply due to their racial background are now “qualified” to do the same job…having done less work. It’s a blatant example of discrimination…and should be stopped.

Aboriginals who meet this lessened criteria would be insulted that standards are lowered for them…and assume Hydro believes them to be “lesser” people…and thus…discrimination again.

Aboriginals who apply but that meet the regular standards would be insulted, for the similar reason of non-aboriginals…in that they have worked and achieved something, only to have others who have not be “handed” the same job they worked so hard for.

I understand the purpose of this program may be to offer careers to those who have less educational opportunity, or less experience in general…but to advertise it in this manner creates the appearance that MB Hydro is discriminatory based upon race…and quite frankly insults everyone.

My understanding is that MB Hydro is a government-run entity. Standards for workers should be EQUAL for EVERYONE, regardless of race, gender, religion, etc. Having multiple standards for various peoples only harbours an animosity among people and workers alike.

If Hydro is so desperate to hire Aboriginals of a lower education level, they should sponsor a program for ANYONE with a lower education level…to help train them and increase their marketability in the workplace.

I’d personally recommend someone review these policies and reevaluate the goals of the Human Resource department. Employees in any business (but ESPECIALLY a government entity) must not be discriminated against…whether they are part of a minority or not!

Thanks for your time,

6Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:05 am


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

When I was young and living up north I was not offered a job simply because of no native background. I went through the entire day long process of the testing and then the interview in front of 7 people and at the end they asked me about 10 times if I was sure I had no native ancestory....

On the test I had even actually corrected a mistake for them and showed proof that none of the offered answers were correct for the one question. I had a perfect score. I was physically fit and based on my work in the forest industry met their standards for height I have climbed and such forth.

This has been happening for a long time for alot of the work up north it is a requirement that X percentage be Native people. BUT this is the first time that I have ever heard that they would lower standards for people.

7Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:09 pm



AGEsAces wrote:Just sent this letter to the employment office at Hydro (signing my name at the end)


I heard an ad on the radio yesterday for an Open House coming up for new jobs with MB Hydro.

It all sounded appealing until a blurb at the end about “Aboriginals who have a lower education than the standards may still qualify”.

With all due respect to whoever dreamed up that ad…it’s insulting to both aboriginals and non-aboriginals alike.

Non-aboriginals who work their butt off trying to reach certain levels of educational standards and achievement in order to qualify for a decent career with a good salary are insulted that other people, simply due to their racial background are now “qualified” to do the same job…having done less work. It’s a blatant example of discrimination…and should be stopped.

Aboriginals who meet this lessened criteria would be insulted that standards are lowered for them…and assume Hydro believes them to be “lesser” people…and thus…discrimination again.

Aboriginals who apply but that meet the regular standards would be insulted, for the similar reason of non-aboriginals…in that they have worked and achieved something, only to have others who have not be “handed” the same job they worked so hard for.

I understand the purpose of this program may be to offer careers to those who have less educational opportunity, or less experience in general…but to advertise it in this manner creates the appearance that MB Hydro is discriminatory based upon race…and quite frankly insults everyone.

My understanding is that MB Hydro is a government-run entity. Standards for workers should be EQUAL for EVERYONE, regardless of race, gender, religion, etc. Having multiple standards for various peoples only harbours an animosity among people and workers alike.

If Hydro is so desperate to hire Aboriginals of a lower education level, they should sponsor a program for ANYONE with a lower education level…to help train them and increase their marketability in the workplace.

I’d personally recommend someone review these policies and reevaluate the goals of the Human Resource department. Employees in any business (but ESPECIALLY a government entity) must not be discriminated against…whether they are part of a minority or not!

Thanks for your time,

RACIST DOG!! Not that I mean it, I just wanted to be first.

8Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:13 pm



first? to call ME racist? or are you referring to the MB policy?

I'm anti-racist. NOBODY...of ANY race should be entitled to anything because of their race.

If you think about history...had the Indians actually fought back and killed anyone who stepped on shore instead of letting them land and come in...we'd be in a completely different world.

The race issues have nothing to do with race...they have to do with power...who had the power, who lost the power, and who still has it. 200 years this area...Natives were NOT a minority...and did not have enough power to stop the oppressors. Today though...opportunities ARE there for those who will take them...and race has little to do with that.

9Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:20 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

Its tongue in cheek AA.

10Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:23 pm



Thought everyone knew me well enough that I didn't need smiley faces. Smile

11Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:31 pm



I don't know anyone who doesn't need smiley faces Smile

But I don't want anyone to think I'm upset about the ad because I'm racist. If you read my letter...I find the insult from all sides of the issue. We should be beyond this as a society...and especially in the public sector.

12Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:54 pm



Good letter AA. Well done. (We all await their response anxiously.)

13Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:55 pm



We should ,but we aren't, because the social engineers in our left leaning society, especially the public sector, have long forgotten about individual intiative, competition and personal drive. It is easier to find an excuse for behaviour rather than just kicking in the door and making the change.
Type A personalities are treated as child eating, fear mongering neo-conservatives.

14Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:14 pm



Hmmm... there's a reason that some First Nations people have less educational background than other races.

I'd probably run a competency test to see if the applicant would be able to sufficiently learn the job instead of using educational background.

It would be tough to allow all applicants to do this but I'd find a way.

15Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:21 pm



How about we hire the most qualified people to do the job regardless of race or gender INSTEAD of hiring people for the job based on race or gender?

I'm really getting tired of the "token minority race/sex" bullshit. If people don't meet the qualifications that a specific job requires, then they don't qualify. Too bad so sad. End of story.

Last edited by EdWin on Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

16Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:24 pm


contributor plus
contributor plus

Why do First Nations people have less educational background than other races?

17Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:29 pm

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

One of the legacies of reserves is this educational gap. But there can be no reason today as far as I'm concerned. There are other rural towns that find a way. Not every town has a school. Where possible create a collective and develop a native school system in a central location. Or get the hell off the reserve.

It seems reserve life is horrid. Then why stay there? Or why not do something about it? There is a native community of 10,000 in northern Manitoba. Holy frick. That is huge. But the chief complains that there is no hospital. Build one for God's sake. No money? Hold a fundraiser or twelve. Quit waiting for someone else to do it.

Build a proper school system. Do it yourselves if Canada won't/can't. Whatever you do quit blaming everybody else. I guarantee you were the average Canadian to see you making these efforts we'd be a lot more sympathetic and accommodating.

18Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Sat Jun 13, 2009 4:47 pm



Shut down untenable reserves. Phase 'em out. Tie mandatory training to welfare so that welfare is no longer a way of life.

19Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:09 pm



Which northern reserve has over 10,000 people?

20Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:29 pm

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

It was reported in the Free Press a few times of late. I'll see if I can find a link.

21Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:23 am



Regardless of how the Chiefs press the no schools issue I don't believe that the lack of schools is the main point.

The main point is getting these children engaged in their school work. I would love to have the opportunity to be chief in one of the smaller remote reserves so I can attempt getting the children more engaged in school work and the community as well as developing future leaders. I don't think there ARE any true attempts at doing this.

As for Hydro, they see a problem right now and they're taking action at addressing some of the problems. This is good, especially since Hydro has historically created some of these problems in addition to the fact that the crown has encroached on First Nations land for generations. This will additionally give the opportunity for the various communities to benefit from hard working, well trained individuals when they return to their communities (Which will have long-term impact).

Etc. Etc.

22Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Sun Jun 14, 2009 12:07 pm

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Good. How do we engage the youth?

23Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:10 pm



Hydro is a little weird that way, and I do not agree with it at all. I tried to get on for 5 years with the company, with no response. However, as soon as I swallowed my pride and informed them that i have a learning disability - ADD (diagnosed at 16), they replied a month later inviting me to take an aptitude test.

Not something I'm proud of since I think jobs should goto the most qualified person, but since it's available I may as well take advantage of it. :penguins:

24Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:09 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

I know opasqia reserve is close to 10K.. might even be 10K by now. They are quite a good reserve many job and recreational opportunities for their people. I guess thats what happens when leaders do a good job and the people want to work hard too.

25Hydro DiscrimiNation Empty Re: Hydro DiscrimiNation Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:14 pm

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Except they don't want to work at Tim's... But it is not the Opasqia reserve.

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