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Should the Province start mandatory driver retesting?

4 posters

Should Manitoba require MANDATORY retesting for drivers? If so, How Often?

Should the Province start mandatory driver retesting? Vote_lcap0%Should the Province start mandatory driver retesting? Vote_rcap 0% [ 0 ]
Should the Province start mandatory driver retesting? Vote_lcap0%Should the Province start mandatory driver retesting? Vote_rcap 0% [ 0 ]
Should the Province start mandatory driver retesting? Vote_lcap15%Should the Province start mandatory driver retesting? Vote_rcap 15% [ 2 ]
Should the Province start mandatory driver retesting? Vote_lcap15%Should the Province start mandatory driver retesting? Vote_rcap 15% [ 2 ]
Should the Province start mandatory driver retesting? Vote_lcap38%Should the Province start mandatory driver retesting? Vote_rcap 38% [ 5 ]
Should the Province start mandatory driver retesting? Vote_lcap31%Should the Province start mandatory driver retesting? Vote_rcap 31% [ 4 ]
Should the Province start mandatory driver retesting? Vote_lcap0%Should the Province start mandatory driver retesting? Vote_rcap 0% [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 13

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The subject was brought up in another thread...but figured I'd take a poll of sandboxians (partly so I could play with the poll feature).

I also read this recent article about Alberta:
Alberta drivers are the worst

And wonder how Manitobans would fare if they had to retake a written exam every few years?

So, my question is:
Should Manitoba require MANDATORY retesting for all drivers?

If so, how often would be reasonable?

eViL tRoLl

eViL tRoLl
contributor plus
contributor plus

Is this done anywhere else? Many would probably think of this as a major money grab, having to pay for regular re-testing. It is already highly annoying to have to renew the license every couple of years (what's the point of this anyway).



I know of some areas (in the US) where mandatory retesting is done after age 65.
It's done every 2 years.

I wouldn't consider it a money-grab, as it would be paying for a service rendered...and should be part of the license renewal.

Tying in with it, should be a 3-5 year license (rather than every year renewal), so people aren't renewing each year, they just go take the test every few years.

Now, the purpose:

As we all know, laws DO change...quite often adding laws (mostly useless)...but does someone who took a driver's test in 1960 know the same information that is current today?
Then why should they be driving on roads today if they don't even know what the signs mean?

It would also encourage people to be more aware of driving laws, instead of just assuming they "know" how to drive, and keep them current as to changes/updates.

It would also allow changes within the driver education system to be more current...and you'd get less of the "drive as I say/not as I do" attitudes between parents and kids.

holly golightly

holly golightly

Ages, I would have selected one of the options however my answer to this would be yes, depending on age and along with age will depend on how many years between testing. Your choice of drivers with better records can be a bit misleading in. Just because someone has a great driving record doesn't mean they are a good driver. It could just be they have either never been caught or have never caused an accident, but been in many that were deemed someone else's fault. And I also think that as a person gets older, they should be tested more often. For those between 25 & 45, once every 10 years, 45-55 once every 5 years, 55-65 once every 3 years, 65-75 every 2 years and over 75 every year. Medical conditions should also be a determining factor. A doctor could/should make a request to have a person tested if s/he feels the person should be tested because of a medical condition, regardless of age. As well a family memeber who is a caregiver for a parent should also be able to make a request to have their parent tested if they feel the parent should not be on the road.

I just renewed my license and my license expiry date is 2014 so they have incorporated the extended license times. In 2014 I will have to go back in and have the picture updated and if there are any changes to the restrictions, they would also be noted. I will receive notice each year of the cost for my license (if it goes up or down) but it will continue to come out of my account monthly if that is how I choose to pay or I will just have to mail in a cheque or call in my Visa number for payment.



something else to note holly, is that currently if a doctor prescribes a medication, motor vehicle branch is notified if it could cause issues (at least for Class 1 drivers).

My doctor gave me some meds for my heart as a precautionary thing, and I got a letter from MPI saying my Class 1 was being revoked and scaled down to a Class 5.

I got it fixed, but it was a hassle to get information from my doctor, etc. to convince them I was not a risk.

holly golightly

holly golightly

Ages, I agree with that part of the driver's program because your driver's license is part of your job and by having to take the meds puts your physical person at risk of injury while doing your job, not to mention others on the road as well. What I don't agree with is the hassle that class 1 drivers have to go through to get the license reinstated after they have finished the meds and the medical exam is now cleared. A very dear family friend went through something similar to yours in that he was on a medication for 3 weeks, once he was off the meds and went back for the follow up test and was cleared, it took another 4 weeks to reinstate his license. He lost almost 3 months of work for what added up to a minor infection. Unfortunately, this also puts class 1 drivers in a situation where it affects their income which also sucks but what is worse, loss of income from driving for 3 or 4 weeks, maybe a couple of months or loss of life? Not sure if the company you work for offers med insurance with short term disability but our friend's company does and he was able to claim for the time he was unable to drive so at least some of his expenses were covered.



Retesting older drivers, a driving test makes sense, but I seem to have read that cannot happen because of age discrimination laws. It could be challenged as unconstitutional!
It is really serious to lose your driving freedom! I know my driving skills are deterioating, but I just back up at a slower sped, until I hit the car beind me. That seems to work pretty good! lol



@Holly - I don't drive professionally anymore...but I'm not willing to give up my Class 1 license so's something worth keeping as a "fallback" should I ever need a quick there's ALWAYS demand for drivers.

@Rosen - On one hand...I agree with you, that it may be age discrimination...but if that attitude were taken with all government policy, then the age 65 for Canada Pension wouldn't exist...someone would be able to start collecting at age 25.
Plus, the age factor is not based upon age, it is based upon known people age, the body, mind, reaction time deteriorates...and those are factors which apply to driving.

I can tell you that things like mandatory testing will probably never happen in our lifetimes. There are too many industries that depend on millions of drivers on the road to lobby against it.

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