Pretty incredible, in depth coverage of everything and everyone who has been impacted with this trajedy!
This act , of terror, has cost the U.S.A. more lives, more money, and all other countries with costs to try and prevent similar acts of terrorism through out the world.
You have to thank "our" Canada for being one of the safest, places to work and raise a family.
Just think of all the countries where they have been ruled by a "King" or "Colonel" for 30 or 40 years with no freedom of speach, etc. The ones who are in control of the army and their own secret police to murder any opposition party members.
This act , of terror, has cost the U.S.A. more lives, more money, and all other countries with costs to try and prevent similar acts of terrorism through out the world.
You have to thank "our" Canada for being one of the safest, places to work and raise a family.
Just think of all the countries where they have been ruled by a "King" or "Colonel" for 30 or 40 years with no freedom of speach, etc. The ones who are in control of the army and their own secret police to murder any opposition party members.