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Is count iggy an American Democrat or a British Labour or a Canadian liberal?

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grumpy old man

grumpy old man


OTTAWA — Michael Ignatieff has some ’splainin’ to do.

As the Liberal leader scoots across the country asking for your vote, it seems he has forgotten where he has voted in the past.

Ignatieff now claims he has never voted in a foreign country, but quotations from his past suggest he voted Labour in Britain and would vote Democrat in the U.S.

“I am an American Democrat. I will vote for Kerry in November,” Ignatieff told The Glasgow Herald in 2004.

Ignatieff, a professor at Harvard at the time, was defending his record as a human rights advocate against charges that he had become a neo-conservative who backed then-president George W. Bush in the Iraq war.

Ignatieff and some other left-leaning intellectuals supported Bush in the early days of the war.

Despite the statement that he would vote for Kerry, Ignatieff now says he has never voted outside of Canada.

“Mr. Ignatieff is and always has been a Canadian citizen, period. He has never held any other citizenship and as such, has never voted in a foreign election,” Ignatieff spokesman Michel Liboiron told QMI Agency.

Asked to clarify why Ignatieff once said he would vote for Kerry and why he says now that he has never voted outside of Canada, Ignatieff’s spokesman dodged the questions.

“Mr. Ignatieff has simply confirmed what we already know — that he is a progressive, compassionate liberal. Always has been, always will be,” Liboiron said in an e-mail.

American law states that only citizens can vote. Ignatieff was living in Cambridge, Mass., at the time. Voting without being a citizen is considered a crime punishable by up to five years in prison and/or fines of up to $10,000. Illegally registering to vote carries the same penalty.

While the public record only shows Ignatieff said he would vote for the Democrats, his record in Britain shows he did vote.

In a 1998 book, Ignatieff says he voted Labour in 1997 to oust the ruling Conservatives.

The Conservatives had been in power since 1979, first under Margaret Thatcher and then under John Major.

“Why did I vote Labour? I wanted the rascals out,” Ignatieff said in Identity and Politics: A Discussion with Michael Ignatieff and Sean Neeson.

Identity and Politics is a record of an Ignatieff speech and a question-and-answer session at the Liberal-Democrat conference in Brighton, England, in 1998. A copy of the short book is kept at the Library of Parliament.

The Liberal-Democrats are a left-of-centre party that used to place third in British politics but recently became part of a coalition government with the Conservative Party under Prime Minister David Cameron.

In Britain, it would have been completely legal for Ignatieff to vote. British law allows citizens of Commonwealth nations living in Britain to cast ballots. Residents aren’t automatically registered to vote and are required to sign up to get their name on the voters list.

According to online records, Ignatieff was registered to vote in Britain as recently as 2002.
Is there something wrong with someone who seems to feel a compulsive need to identify himself as an American when not? After all, it seems when in America he is "an American Democrat".

Why would iggy's people deny such claims when the record seems to say the opposite?



That's two lies he's been caught in with his writings. (First there was his background fudging and now this voting nonsense.)

Perhaps he should not put anything in writing, period, as he seems to forget what he's written.



Your Conservative bias is showing, and that is disgusting! There is no corroborating evidence that the lies you are quoting are true, because they are not true!
I just watched an interview of a Conservative running in Regina, where her "big" campaign literature is pushing the huge benefit of income splitting (for rich Conservatives), but fails to mention that it is a "pie in the sky" typical Conservative promise that cuts in only when Hell freezes over, or the deficit is eliminated!


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

GOM.. can you post links to the articles you copy and paste? (like the one about Iggy saying he was going to go soft on crime)

also of note.. this is the same as the article I linked.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man


OTTAWA — First he said he didn’t, now he admits he did.

Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff was forced to backtrack Monday and admit he voted in foreign elections while he lived outside of Canada.

Late last week, Ignatieff, through his spokesman, denied he had voted in the U.S. or any other country while living outside of Canada.

“Mr. Ignatieff is and always has been a Canadian citizen, period. He has never held any other citizenship and as such, has never voted in a foreign election,” Ignatieff spokesman Michel Liboiron told QMI Agency last week.

On Monday, Ignatieff was singing a different tune.

“I’m a Canadian citizen,” Ignatieff said in Kingston, Ont. “I’ve never been the citizen of another country. I’ve never voted — can’t vote in the United States. But I’m a Commonwealth citizen, so I have voted in a British election.”

In 2004, Ignatieff described himself to a British reporter as “an American Democrat” and said that he would vote for Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry.

Ignatieff’s voting record in Britain came to light in a small book kept on the shelves of the Library of Parliament, Identity and Politics: A Discussion with Michael Ignatieff and Sean Neeson. The book is a record of an Ignatieff speech and a question and answer session at the Liberal-Democrat party’s conference in Brighton, England, in 1998.

“Why did I vote Labour? I wanted the rascals out. I wanted them out badly,” Ignatieff said when asked why he voted for Britain’s Labour Party in 1997. Labour won the 1997 election ending nearly 18 years of Conservative rule.

Ignatieff has repeatedly said the election is about trust, but dismissed the idea his conflicting statements on his voting record should call his own trustworthiness into question. The Liberal leader called questions about his voting record, “The subject-changing question of all time.”

Ignatieff was unclear when asked about his voting record in Canadian elections during his time living in Britain and the U.S.

“I voted in a couple. Can’t remember, happy to tell you. But I voted in Canadian elections since I was able to vote,” Ignatieff said.

Canadian citizens are eligible to vote outside of Canada if they have Canada as their primary residence or have lived outside the country for less than five years.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

count iggy is caught again. Not sure why iggy feels the need to lie about seemingly inconsequential matters. But I'm very disappointed when his supporters dismiss the lies.

That applies to all parties. If caught in a lie or lie by omission then man up. Plead mea culpa, then move on.



Talking about dismissing the complainers , take a look at The Free Press report today about $50,000,000 in unlawful ? pork barrel spending for the G8 meeting!
Election time sure bring out the Wikileaks! At least harper and the Conservatives have reacted properly- in arresting those who leaked the attorney generals early report! lol
There are no answers to poor government control, when spending is at $56 Billion in the year. There are bound to be the odd, very small questionable spending.



grumpy old man wrote:

If caught in a lie or lie by omission then man up. Plead mea culpa, then move on.

The problem here is that he didn't just make a single error of omission.

What he has been doing is clearly demonstrating a pattern.... a pattern of deceit and obfuscation of the known facts to cover up his lies.

That is incredibly serious.

BTW...exactly what has Harper been caught lying about? Zilch.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

I'm telling you.. its Alzheimers.



Alzheimers doesn't make liars out of people though.

The old adage about a liar always getting caught up in their lies is what is at play here.

It's not a disease but simply his character.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

I bet he dont even remember lying Smile



Are you saying he doesn't read his own books? Smile


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

perhaps he doesn't even write them?

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