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It's not cold in Winnipeg it's 'Incredibly Cool'

grumpy old man
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Goth_chic wrote:
Triniman wrote:Maybe Canadians hate Winnipeg because we have an NDP government. They assume that those of us who choose to live hear like living in a socialist paradise.

Doer may retire and hand over the interim leadership to Blaikie, assuming he wins the riding. Then, Doer can become the CEO of the rights museum and we can say that Manitoba is also the human rights capital of Canada.

I hate the fact we have an NDP government.

What do you suggest we do about? I say the public should start a "Draft Doer" movement to get him the CEO job at the rights museum. A Doer-less NDP will not last long and will not win the next election.



Triniman wrote:
Goth_chic wrote:
Triniman wrote:Maybe Canadians hate Winnipeg because we have an NDP government. They assume that those of us who choose to live hear like living in a socialist paradise.

Doer may retire and hand over the interim leadership to Blaikie, assuming he wins the riding. Then, Doer can become the CEO of the rights museum and we can say that Manitoba is also the human rights capital of Canada.

I hate the fact we have an NDP government.

What do you suggest we do about? I say the public should start a "Draft Doer" movement to get him the CEO job at the rights museum. A Doer-less NDP will not last long and will not win the next election.

Sure....lets start a petition. :-)

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Timing is everything...

The Doer government's decade-long political honeymoon could be nearing an end thanks in part to an unpopular farm bill that appears to have given the Tories a surge of support among rural voters.

I will start a new thread...

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Okay, this was written by Lindor Reynolds, but it is apropos of this threads' discussion...

By: Lindor Reynolds
The temperature in Winnipeg today will be in the range of minus 45 with the windchill. The temperature in Las Vegas, by contrast, will be plus seven.

They don't know from windchill in Las Vegas.

So what would possess an entrepreneurial couple to consider leaving the glories of Sin City and moving to the Peg?

"We like to ski and snow," says 56-year-old Susan Ashby. "We're up for a challenge."

Here's the backstory on Susan and Peter Ashby. They're Brits who went to the States 10 years ago and moved to Panama City, Florida. There are only about 150,000 people there and they found it too small.

From there, they moved to Las Vegas, with a population of over two million, not including the tourists. That was plenty big.

The couple, who run a catering company and would like to set up a tea room here, can't get green cards to stay in the States permanently.

Next step, Canada.

"We are applying for a Canadian visa under the Manitoba provincial program. This is different to the federal program where a visa is issued and the holder can move anywhere in the country," says Susan.

"Under the provincial program, you are making a commitment to Manitoba and to invest in the province, in our case to operate a business."

But why not just return to England now that their time in the States is up? Why take a chance on Winnipeg?

"We certainly don't want to go back to England," says Susan snappishly. "It's gone downhill in the last 10 years."

As for Winnipeg, they think the population is the right size, she says, and it sounds like a good place to live.

"It is large enough to attract entertainers and exhibitions, but not too large for travelling around the whole city. We are pretty sure we could not settle in a small town," she says.

"With the international airport close to the city and direct flights to London this is also a bonus. Especially if we had to travel in the winter."

And here's the part I really liked:

"I believe wherever someone decides to live it is what you make of it. If you need to be alone, this can happen in a large city as much as a small community. We want to be involved in what will hopefully become our new permanent home."

Susan and Peter got in touch because they're desperately seeking more information about Winnipeg. They've been to the Destination Winnipeg site but that didn't give them the feel they were looking for.

So here's the pitch: Send me an e-mail, a package of information, whatever you like that would help a pair of newcomers. Maybe you're a realtor with ideas on relocation homes. Maybe you have a line on a place they can rent to start a business.

You might be an English expatriate with a few tips for settling in; you might be part of the Chamber of Commerce with some thoughts on how this couple can make a smooth transition.

For those of you who remember the charming Hughes family from England who visited here a few summers back, we are not planning to host this latest family.

No, really, I mean it.

If they(sic) Ashbys decide to relocate to Winnipeg, great. We wish them well. But what they want now is some practical advice on starting a new life on the Prairies.

You can e-mail suggestions to me or sent letters c/o the Winnipeg Free Press, 1355 Mountain Ave., Winnipeg, R2X 3B6.

I'll forward everything along.

My first piece of advice? Try to arrive in the summer.

And never mind what everyone says about the mosquitoes. They're not that big.



I hate the cold. I hate the cold. I hate the cold. I don't like that is's dry. Makes my skin dry and itchy. I hate the cold. It's not natural.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

I hate it when it's THIS cold.



Hey, guests can post here...



Its Winnipeg. Its December. Its cold. Whats so hard to understand? I'm already tired about the bitching and whining about the cold. Dress up, suck it up and shut up. It is what it is. No earthquakes, no hurricanes, no volcanoes.

This is beautiful. As I walked to the bus, theres the crunch of snow under my feet. You can hear every sound for what seems to be miles. I stood the other morning staring at a gazillion stars in a clear sky.

There are only 2 kinds of people in the world. Those of us who live here, and all the rest that want to.



I'll just stay inside and wait for the winter to pass. I don't see anything beuatiful about winter in Winnipeg. I miss the winters of the east coast. Although they have been having wacky winters lately. Not this cold though.



libermom wrote:I'll just stay inside and wait for the winter to pass. I don't see anything beuatiful about winter in Winnipeg. I miss the winters of the east coast. Although they have been having wacky winters lately. Not this cold though.

I like when it's mild and snowing...not this frigid shite. I make myself go out I have to go to work and then to the gym.

The beautiful thing is when it's -10, no windchill and lightly snowing. With all the x-mas lights.....



I hope the Ashby's like cross-country skiing..... Hopefully they don't think the Rockies are just two provinces away...



Had relatives come over from Wales years ago. Thought we could take a day trip to the Rockies.



Many, many Europeans are amazed by the size of our country when they travel around Canada...maps just don't seem to capture our size properly. How can one possibly describe driving through Saskabush and nopt seeing a tree for 1000 miles.



I met a guy from Switzerland (he now resides in London, England) and he came to visit Canada for the first time a few years back. He was amazed at my girlfriends house and the size of her backyard. He rents his flat in London for $1,500.00 pounds a month and it is 1/4 of the size of my friends house.

He was amazed at how we live here, how we go out to eat all the time, to nice restaurants. he said going out and eating in pubs is the norm in London but going out to a nice restaurant is rare unless of course you are rich!


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

JTF wrote:. How can one possibly describe driving through Saskabush and not seeing a tree for 1000 miles.
thats a load of horse crap. its at most 378.60 miles



Deank wrote:
JTF wrote:. How can one possibly describe driving through Saskabush and not seeing a tree for 1000 miles.
thats a load of horse crap. its at most 378.60 miles
Nope, it's 1000 miles. Yup, after you've went zig-zag in the fields from border to border... tongue


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

oh.. headlighting... err I mean nature observation distance is being included well no one said that.



I never see much in Saskatchewan. I fall asleep in Moosimin and usually don't wake up until Swift Current.



Freeman wrote:I never see much in Saskatchewan. I fall asleep in Moosimin and usually don't wake up until Swift Current.
Hope you're not the one driving...


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

does it really matter? I am fairly certain cruise control only started to become an option when one of the bigwigs from the car companies drove down the transcanada in saskanobush



Apparently the cold is actually "newsworthy", as my wife & I were taking my daughter to her dance class at the Forks yesterday...Global had a camera & interviewer out there asking people "What brought you out on such a cold day?"

When she asked my daughter replied "My birthday is August 13"

THAT made the broadcast Smile



LOL i bet that was cute



Heh girl...she knows it pays to advertise and in advance just to make sure. cheers


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

AGEsAces wrote:Apparently the cold is actually "newsworthy", as my wife & I were taking my daughter to her dance class at the Forks yesterday...Global had a camera & interviewer out there asking people "What brought you out on such a cold day?"

When she asked my daughter replied "My birthday is August 13"

THAT made the broadcast Smile
damn kids can be funny sometimes.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

okay you know what... it is cold in Winnipeg
especially if you try pulling your van into the garage to work on the van... and then spend 2 hours working on the extremely freakin cold steel door that almost fell on the van when you tried to close it...
did I mention the door is steel ( or some sort of freakin heavy metal )... and that because the bolts are small I was working on it with no gloves.. ugg... instant "burn" all over my hands.. I cant feel my legs right now either...and then good thing about cutting yourself? at least you know your hands are not frozen solid when the blood still comes out.



Dean the "Crusher" ?
Dean the "Butcher" ?


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