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CCPA tells city.. raise taxes.. help the poor more..

grumpy old man
8 posters

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contributor eminence
contributor eminence

among other reccomendations... charge people who live outside the city $4 per day to come work here.
set up a fee to encourage people to conserve ewater.
and on top of increasing business and personal taxes to the tune of 12.3 million to cover budget shortfall they are suggesting we spend more money too...

"Moreover, the CCPA budget called for $4.3 million to be invested in city-wide recreation and leisure activities through greater co-operation with school divisions, the provincial government and Winnipeg's network of community centres. "




Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives for those who don't want to click the link to find out what CCPA means.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Drastic times call for drastic measures. Our current investment in Winnipeg is woefully inadequate. Has been for a very long time. Witness our roads, water and waste-water, community centres...

In the interests of getting elected we have frozen property tax rates. Evil Doer does not seem to grasp the significance of Winnipeg to the province and simply has not invested nearly enough in the city.

Communities are exploding around the city. Those people do indeed consume city services and do not pay for them. Let's use the perimeter as a toll gate and charge commuters a fee. $4 sounds about right. For those suggesting they pay in other ways. Pffffttt.

Wanna shop elsewhere? Knock yourself out. Want to open a business outside the city? Knock yourself out.

Time we all paid our way.



Tough times ahead...



Funny how the forum main page cuts off topic titles.... check this one on the main page......



I agree it is time to talk annex to the surrounding municipalities , this would be fought . Fine do as Kenora did take the area's surrounding and add them to your tax rolls , let them stay as separate communities .


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

is raising taxes and raising expenditures the proper way though?..
Also...yeah whatever charge people a toll...and then we can become even more mired in financial woes as businesses set up shop outside the city to accomodate the employees.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

FlyingRat wrote:Funny how the forum main page cuts off topic titles.... check this one on the main page......

LOL help the poo



It has not been the doom of Kenora it has given it a bigger tax base to work with and less reliance on the province .

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Deank wrote:is raising taxes and raising expenditures the proper way though?..
Also...yeah whatever charge people a toll...and then we can become even more mired in financial woes as businesses set up shop outside the city to accomodate the employees.
I don't believe you've thought this all the way through. Are all businesses going to flee Winnipeg to set up outside the perimeter? What employees are to be accommodated? There are but a handful of people, big picture wise, that will be affected.

Yeah I think I'll take my chances that the city will not fall apart when this toll is implemented.



True Yes it was a increase in my tax but you pay it and hope for the best . No one left Kenora cause of it but some big improvements have been started since . Waterfront Drive, and the province has stepped up their spending on road improvements with the money they no longer give the City Of Kenora. So in my opinion incorporation works , problem here is Doer doe;s not have the balls to take the firestorm that will arise.



I love the idea of charging people coming into the city $4!
This is such a great idea ! Who thought this one out? Joe the dunce??
And how in the ???? would it be collected? It cannot be collected, that it is why it is such a great idea. typical government? bureaucracy , idiot, suggestion!
It would generate approximately $1,200,000 in salaries for all of the people that would be hired at each road that led into the city, so the $4 could be collected! It would be estimated that the revenue would be approcimately $750,000 almost enough to cover the expense! lol
What does set up a fee to encourage people to conserve water?
Another incredibly stupid idea, in my humble opinion. I am looking at a map of Manitoba, and lo and behold there is so much water available, that if one had any common sense, which the CCPA obviously is lacking, there is absolutely no reason to conserve water in Manitoba because there is no shortage of water in Manitoba. But, no they are going to set up a fee? A fee for what? What a waste of ink!
A fee for useless ideas is what we need!
Would someone google the canadian Center for Policy Alternatives, and google the members names and then find out which government Conservative or Liberal set them up?
Also check their names against the recently parolled adscam felons!
I sure wish that I could get paid to make nonsensical innovative ways to raise money for the city.
How about a $5 per household charge per month to go into a fund , to help community centers?
Ralph Brown Community Center has had to lay off its resource director, because they have no sustainable income to pay her!



How about abolishing this CCPA? Someone is obviously paying them something.

Do any of them live outside the city? We should charge them for making the proposal in the first place

What will help reduce the city budget? Get rid of the city bureaucracy. Get rid of the middle-management positions scattered about they system.

Take those middle-management and put them into a position that actually does something fixing the streets.

The REAL problem with the budget has NOTHING to do with outside workers. They are ALREADY paying extra taxes, it's just going to the feds...because they are spending more money on gas. The REAL problem, is the mismanagement of city operations. The top-heavy employment structure, where everyone is told to delegate work rather than DO any. The stupid notion that gets put in everyone's heads that they "mean something" and are "special individuals" so don't have to do any real work.

The Conservatives are afraid to fire anyone because the Liberals and their Union enforcers will start throwing accusations and lawsuits. The Liberals keep coddling everyone, believing if you "hug them" they will do more work out of the good nature of their heart.

Unfortunately, the BEST thing that can happen to fix things, is for it to fail. Either that, or get someone in office who has the pull and nerve to walk through and start firing/moving people...obliterating useless positions and minimizing or restructuring where the money is spent.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

I'd be willing to wager a $4 per day entry fee would bring in almost $100K per day in revenue * 200 working days or 20 million.

yeah I can easily see how that wont impact anyone.



Sorry, I just can't buy into a toll to enter the city.

Another item in the socialist alternative budget is a $15,000 tax on new houses. So they really do want people to move out of the city!!



Deank wrote:I'd be willing to wager a $4 per day entry fee would bring in almost $100K per day in revenue * 200 working days or 20 million.

yeah I can easily see how that wont impact anyone.

It won't...because $19M of that will go back into the toll system. At least that's what the financial summaries will say. And the other $1M will probably be wasted anyway.

A toll system "sounds" good...except the political system is never satisfied. It starts at $4, but then the toll collectors want a raise, and benefits, and then the roads need "fixed", and then the toll system needs to be expanded, and more middle-management needs to be hired, and of course the politicians want their salaries raised since now there's an influx of the tolls go up, and up, and up...and that scares away people from buying around the city and property values go down.


contributor plus
contributor plus

So let me get this straight…

People living outside the city who work shop and play in Winnipeg, yet use few services other than the roads traveled to get here... should be penalized.

But people wandering in off the rez, who collect welfare, breed children they don’t look after, commit most of the major crimes, and severely strain police, fire, medical, social, and justice services... should be rewarded.

Yeah, makes total sense to me… NOT!!

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Sorta comparing apples and raisins me thinks.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

incognito wrote:So let me get this straight…

People living outside the city who work shop and play in Winnipeg, yet use few services other than the roads traveled to get here... should be penalized.

But people wandering in off the rez, who collect welfare, breed children they don’t look after, commit most of the major crimes, and severely strain police, fire, medical, social, and justice services... should be rewarded.

Yeah, makes total sense to me… NOT!!

sums it up real well.

I would like to add the additional information of the fact that most of the "road" dollars comes from provincial and federal coffers, so those people outside the city have already paid their share...

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Deank wrote:I would like to add the additional information of the fact that most of
the "road" dollars comes from provincial and federal coffers, so those
people outside the city have already paid their share...
Pardon? What specifically do you mean? The federal and provincial governments PAY for most of Winnipeg roads? Since when? I understand Evil Doer upped his road maintenance $$$'s before the last provincial election but was that for Winnipeg roads? When did the feds begin paying for Winnipeg roads?



The Province covers the costs for most of the roads outside the city, and for sections of the perimeter.

The feds contribute money to every province for road maintenance and construction. Typically it's for the larger roads like the Trans-Canada.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

Evil doer gave 180 million specifically for Winnipeg
Feds gave something similar to that. again specifically for Winnipeg.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Is this an annual thing or an every now and then thing?



For roads outside Winnipeg, including the perimeter, it's annual.

There are occasional donations (usually for specific projects) handed down from the feds & province.

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