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Why Manitoba will remain a welfare province.

eViL tRoLl
grumpy old man
15 posters

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This is why Manitoba is going nowhere.

1) No Payroll Tax

Saskatchewan doesn’t charge a payroll tax as exists in Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec.
This is what Payroll tax does for businesses in Manitoba

2) Our basic tax exemption in Manitoba;
Basic Personal Amount - will increase by $100 to $8,134 effective January 1, 2009 ($8,034 in

In the gap(Saskatchewan)we have the following.

The basic personal exemption and the spousal exemption, both currently $8,945, will each increase by $4,000 while the current child tax credit of $2,795 will go up another $2,000.

That will mean a tax saving of $440 per individual or $1,320 for a working family with two children.

Wall said that a family can now earn up to $41,300 before they start to pay any provincial income tax. More Info here

Our government is failing us. I'm getting close to thinking about a move to Saskatoon or Regina.



I could have done a better job at explaining MB's woe's. I will just cast my next ballot for the provincial Conservatives as I have done in the past. Although I'm not liking McFadden

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Evil Doer will find another way to spin this. We also have a huge blue collar mentality that thinks "a job in hand"... and refuses to see the big picture. And the feds feed into Evil Doers trap. People think we're doing okay.

McFadyen is damn near invisible. He has done zero to make Manitobans sit up and take notice. He conceded that last election to the NDP hoping the next will go his way after Evil Doer retires.

The PCs need a much more dynamic and aggressive leader.



Remeber the oil revenue they are recieving for now when it is gone they will be back at the trough like us . And it will not last as long as Alberta .



grumpy old man wrote:The PCs need a much more dynamic and aggressive leader.

Perhaps you should run....



Evil Doer; suits him to a tea!

Donothing is living up to his name, he's doing nothing to help boost Manitoba's economic position out of a have-not province.

He has no brains and no balls to get the job done, the loser.

Can we please get someone in office who is the complete opposite of Evil Doer and actually cares about Manitoba's future?



Triniman wrote:
grumpy old man wrote:The PCs need a much more dynamic and aggressive leader.

Perhaps you should run....

Yea then we would all have inside info and you would have the pulse of the province .



I remember way back when the tax started , the company I was with, refused to pay the tax, and advertised that fact! The provincial government, was very unhappy with the advertisements, "Payroll Tax Sale!"- come in and buy some____!
Pretty funny, because the NDP government were not happy when the company ads were calling them stupid for taxing job creation!
I remember a guy coming in to buy some merchandise, and he was smiling at me! turns out that he was a Conservative MLA, and ended up being the premier of Manitoba!

The government is pretty hard pressed to be effective when there is civil disobedience! It took over 5 years for them to determine what was owing and get a judgement in court, and they never collected a cent!
I remember the lawyer for the company, asking if we wanted the 1-2 or 3 year plan, on delaying the court case! Pretty funny!



I haven't figured out what point is being made?
Is it that Manitoba will continue being a welfare province until it starts to manufacture its oil, and potash, which is causing Saskatchewan a headache in contributing to its 3 billion dollar surplus from business taxes?

Alberta is in worse shape with an 11 billion dollar surplus!



IMO, business is not too responsive to an NDP government, in almost all cases.

With them in power, we will continue to miss opportunities.



Actually, its the opposite, an NDP government is not responsive to business. Not sure why they can't grasp the concept....oh yeah, businesses can't vote, but morons who think they are entitled to sit on their arse and get all the benefits of someone who works hard do vote and thats who the NDP cater to.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

If businesses cant vote why then do union seem to have the power of a vote?

Should more companies get involved in sitting down with their employees during an election and explaining why voting for party X would be a good benefit to the company and therefore a good benefit to the employees?



Because employers should be apolitical. If an employer did advocate for its employees to vote a certain way, wait for the outcry.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

But unions can and thats fine?



rosencrentz wrote:I haven't figured out what point is being made?
Is it that Manitoba will continue being a welfare province until it starts to manufacture its oil, and potash, which is causing Saskatchewan a headache in contributing to its 3 billion dollar surplus from business taxes?

Alberta is in worse shape with an 11 billion dollar surplus!

FYI: Manitoba is sitting pretty, if the provincial governmnet opened up the north to mineral and oil exploration we too could be one of those nasty provinces with a surplus.

If Manitoba had some progressive leaders with real business sense we could easily be a have province with a non-oil based economy.

A few more hydro-electric dams, new transmission lines on the east side of the big lake. Some deals with Excell energy of Minnesota and with Montana-Dakota Utilities Co., Northern States Power Company, and Otter Tail Corporation in North Dakota.

End the provincial governments abuse of crown corps' bank accounts. They belong to the corporation and not to the general revenues of Manitoba.

Cut payroll tax, encourage companies to set up manufacturing or more aerospace companies to set up in and around Winnipeg, Brandon, Morden/Winkler, Steinbach. Use Winnipeg's central location for what it is, a very good selling point for relocating North American distribution centers here.

I could go on and on.. But sometimes I ask myself why? Why should I care when so many others either don't care or remain silent? Why do we need to rely on Transfer payments from the Fed's? Some vision and strategic planing with some good and proper financial leadership would take Manitoba out of the dark ages.

And that my friends is why Saskatchewan has surged ahead of us. They have taken the initiative and did the right thing.



Perhaps we need to replicate Saskatchewan's move to form a new political party...and oust the NDP.

We need another Brad Wall methinks.

Last edited by JTF on Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:02 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spelling oops)

eViL tRoLl

eViL tRoLl
contributor plus
contributor plus

Pavolo wrote:Remeber the oil revenue they are recieving for now when it is gone they will be back at the trough like us . And it will not last as long as Alberta .
Exactly, international analysts predict that Canada will be hardest hit of all countries by the global recession due to the dependence on oil and commodities. Alberta is already feeling the pinch of an oil price lower than profitability and oil companies have halted expansion plans. Soon all these workers who have flocked there to make a quick dollar will be back in their home provinces to collect welfare dollars, abandoning their overpriced homes and unaffordable mortgages.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

you mean just like every time oil booms and busts?



eViL tRoLl wrote:
Pavolo wrote:Remeber the oil revenue they are recieving for now when it is gone they will be back at the trough like us . And it will not last as long as Alberta .
Exactly, international analysts predict that Canada will be hardest hit of all countries by the global recession due to the dependence on oil and commodities. Alberta is already feeling the pinch of an oil price lower than profitability and oil companies have halted expansion plans. Soon all these workers who have flocked there to make a quick dollar will be back in their home provinces to collect welfare dollars, abandoning their overpriced homes and unaffordable mortgages.

And see, that is why I love my company. The majority of our clients are not oil and gas based, but rather industrial, unlike many other environmental consulting companies here in Alberta such as the one I worked for as a summer student last year. A reduction in oil and gas prices will have little effect on the amount of work we get, so my chances of being laid off are slim to none, and I can still make a more than decent wage.

Of course, not everyone is in this boat.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

You work in a boat in Alberta?



He's a pirate on the North Saskatchewan River.....


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

thats a good song.



I still do npt understand the headline? Is someone saying that Manitoba would be a have province, if it tried to develop its mineral wealth??
That makes absolutely no sense to me! Companies develop what they think will be profitable!
We had a Conservative government for 10 years and I am sure that Manitoba was open for business!
Saskatchewan is in the money only because Potash demand and pricing has skyrocketed as well as the oil sands development!

Manitoba will be in the money if we can develop a market for mosquitoes, perhaps a renewal in the pet rock craze of a few years ago, and possibly exporting some welfare recipients!



If blue-green algae ever becomes a sought-after export, then we're in the money!



rosencrentz wrote:I still do npt understand the headline? Is someone saying that Manitoba would be a have province, if it tried to develop its mineral wealth??
That makes absolutely no sense to me! Companies develop what they think will be profitable!
We had a Conservative government for 10 years and I am sure that Manitoba was open for business!
Saskatchewan is in the money only because Potash demand and pricing has skyrocketed as well as the oil sands development!

Manitoba will be in the money if we can develop a market for mosquitoes, perhaps a renewal in the pet rock craze of a few years ago, and possibly exporting some welfare recipients!

They are dying for optimistic people like you out in Calgary, Rosey! You should consider a move out there soon!

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