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Property tax reform

5 posters

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1Property tax reform Empty Property tax reform Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:06 pm



Let me know if this issue has been covered before, but what's the deal with city property taxes being based on the value of your home? All that does is punish the homeowner for taking pride in his/her property by fixing it up. Increasing taxes on the hardworking people who are doing good things in the neighbourhood is some kinda crazy ass policy my firends.
Property taxes should be on lot size alone.
And don't get me started on school taxes...lets just continue to build the empires of school divisions and forget about text books. Heck, someone has to push those pencils.

2Property tax reform Empty Re: Property tax reform Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:18 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

well its not just the city... its the entire province for the most part.

But based on lot size alone? hmm.. the idea has merit provided there are some regulations preventing people building massive oversizes houses on small lots.

3Property tax reform Empty Re: Property tax reform Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:29 am

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

I don't know what the solution is if not property values. Is that not how most NA juristictions assess municiple taxation?

I really don't think small increases in taxes due to home improvements would discourage improvements. Nor do I think peeps should look at increases as punishment. If one moves from a $100k home to a $150k home one would expect to pay more in property taxes. Same same no?

It seems most fair to base property taxation on value. I'd be interested in hearing some alternatives.

4Property tax reform Empty Re: Property tax reform Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:58 am



Maybe what he meant was, if his home was worth $ 3xx.000.00 in 2004 and paid $ xxx in property taxes, in 2009 his property could be worth $ 6xx,000.00 and pay double taxes, but still might not have earned that much money in the meantime. So, would he be forced to sell his home and buy a smaller home for a (now) higher price and give up all his sacrifices?
Maybe the province (and city) is doing what the rest of the world is doing nowadays... Raising property taxes, garbage fees, energy bills, etc, etc...
It will be the poor people (more and more will become poor, by the way) that will begin the revolt against this stupid taxation and all the hand-outs going to big businesses.

5Property tax reform Empty Re: Property tax reform Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:05 am

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Yeah, except I don't believe that is how property taxes are increased. If values increase across the board then they simply lower the mill rate and tax increases are kept to a minimum, for all.

If one were to double the value of their house through renovations then under our system one should expect to see a significant tax increase. And I suppose if one can afford to double the value of their home they should be prepared for a significant tax increase.

As for stupid taxation name a better way to manage the costs associated with running a city. I'm all ears...

6Property tax reform Empty Re: Property tax reform Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:20 am



It's in the amount that taxes are going up and the way that this money is going spent out of control that should be taken into consideration. The city and/or province should, first, at least, try to balance their books before raising taxes significantly. I saw those property tax increases a few months ago, I think they were for the 2010 taxation period, they have all sky-rocketed...
We have similar problems here, but being in the European Community, has forced the govt to lower or drop many property taxes. But, remember, I'm in ITALY, you wouldn't believe how many new taxes have formed and how many services have raised their fees.
Getting back to the original topic, as I said, maybe not all people wanted to become filthy rich and own mansions, but a normal person owning a small bungalow hoping to just live his /her life peacefully, now will have to dish out a little more money for those who can't keep their expenses under control...

7Property tax reform Empty Re: Property tax reform Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:01 am



Let's look at a real life example...say I replace all the old windows in my 60 year old home with energy saving triple pane, lowE windows. And being the honest citizen that I am I take out a permit to do so (if that's required for new windows). This wise home improvement means the value of my home goes up and consequently I'm taxed at a higher rate. Is this fair taxation?

8Property tax reform Empty Re: Property tax reform Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:09 am



No permit needed and it alone would not make that much difference , put in a pool or build a garage and you will see some change .

9Property tax reform Empty Re: Property tax reform Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:21 pm

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

goodsense wrote:Let's look at a real life example...say I replace all the old windows in my 60 year old home with energy saving triple pane, lowE windows. And being the honest citizen that I am I take out a permit to do so (if that's required for new windows). This wise home improvement means the value of my home goes up and consequently I'm taxed at a higher rate. Is this fair taxation?
I understand your point. But what are the alternatives?

10Property tax reform Empty Re: Property tax reform Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:57 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

this property is taxed at X rate and always will be..

11Property tax reform Empty Re: Property tax reform Sat Jun 27, 2009 5:09 pm



Part of the discussion has to be on the consumption of services. I live in a side by side and have a small frontage, but unlike many other properties in the area, I have a back lane which has to be maintained and cleared of snow. Is it cheaper to have a backlane, vs street only? In other areas, (Seven Oaks Crossing and Amber Trails, some streets have a "service road" and these are larger houses.

12Property tax reform Empty Re: Property tax reform Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:04 pm



I wish I had an alternative taxation system Grumpy, but other than lot size (with standards as to the size of home allowed on any given lot) I don't know what to suggest.
I guess what I'm getting at is that people should have incentives to improve their property -- and property taxation based on appraised value does the reverse.

13Property tax reform Empty Re: Property tax reform Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:07 pm

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

No argument there. Perhaps a tax holiday for 5 years for home renos?

14Property tax reform Empty Re: Property tax reform Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:45 pm



Freeman wrote:Part of the discussion has to be on the consumption of services. I live in a side by side and have a small frontage, but unlike many other properties in the area, I have a back lane which has to be maintained and cleared of snow. Is it cheaper to have a backlane, vs street only? In other areas, (Seven Oaks Crossing and Amber Trails, some streets have a "service road" and these are larger houses.

Yes this city needs to look at a system based on consumption or use of city services . The people who live out of town and come here to use all of the services , them vamoose back out of town .
Would at least pay something back for it .

15Property tax reform Empty Re: Property tax reform Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:01 pm



Pavolo wrote:
Freeman wrote:Part of the discussion has to be on the consumption of services. I live in a side by side and have a small frontage, but unlike many other properties in the area, I have a back lane which has to be maintained and cleared of snow. Is it cheaper to have a backlane, vs street only? In other areas, (Seven Oaks Crossing and Amber Trails, some streets have a "service road" and these are larger houses.

Yes this city needs to look at a system based on consumption or use of city services . The people who live out of town and come here to use all of the services , them vamoose back out of town .
Would at least pay something back for it .

Nope, no bites today.

16Property tax reform Empty Re: Property tax reform Mon Jun 29, 2009 12:56 am


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

yes oh my does it ever suck when people who dont live here come and spend money here and help to run businesses here. I really hate that.

17Property tax reform Empty Re: Property tax reform Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:49 am



Our taxes should go to the city first, then the rest to the Feds. Probably eliminate the province if it, tax reform, is done properly I'd reckon.

18Property tax reform Empty Re: Property tax reform Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:54 am

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

There is the notion of city/state, sorta' a city being a complete stand-alone authority. That would work well for Winnipeg but it would hurt Manitoba. So tax reform is very much needed. After-all we voted the mayor and councilors to govern Winnipeg not Doer or Harper.

19Property tax reform Empty Re: Property tax reform Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:54 am



Deank wrote:yes oh my does it ever suck when people who dont live here come and spend money here and help to run businesses here. I really hate that.

Yeah, but they can't get a library card.
sarcasm end


20Property tax reform Empty Re: Property tax reform Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:53 am



grumpy old man wrote:There is the notion of city/state, sorta' a city being a complete stand-alone authority. That would work well for Winnipeg but it would hurt Manitoba. So tax reform is very much needed. After-all we voted the mayor and councilors to govern Winnipeg not Doer or Harper.

Having the money go to the city's needs first, our standard of living would increase dramatically and at the same time eliminate the waste that goes on in Ottawa by cutting their funding.

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