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Got my MTS Bill fot tv , phone internet- $141 for the Month

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So the TV $51 for 50 channels or so , cut to basic for $35? still a rip off, internet Eye cancelled for saving of ? $40, and left the phone alone at $35 call display, messages.
I was on the internet out at my gazeebo when because it is so far from the house works sometimes. Anyhow when it wasn't working I tried to re-connect, but it wouldn't so the smart computer asked if I wanted it to try piggybacking on my neighbours connection, and I thought that was a good idea, so here I am out at the gazeebo, on the internet and better yet, not paying for these wave lengths.
Somehow when it is for free, it seems to work better.
If it is stolen, even better! lol



Careful. What you r doing is called "theft of bandwidth." Call the RCMP for more details.



Nothing like stealing from the neighbours to feel better about saving a few bucks on internet. Why not go one step further and run an extension cord to their house so you don't have to pay for the hydro to charge your laptop while your at it?

I can't believe that people are still running their wi-fi routers wide's for reason's like this that in addition to WEP/WPA everyone should also use MAC addres filtering. At least you can keep the neighbours off your network. I'd also suggest turning down the broadcast strength on your router to the minimum level required to reach all areas of your home that you need access from. With my router broadcasting at 100% I can pick up my network half-way down the block...that's just asking to have uninvited company.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"Why not go one step further and run an extension cord to their house so you don't have to pay for the hydro to charge your laptop while your at it? "

say.... would that work with a water hose too???



Technically it would work great....just think you could get rid of most of your utilities in this way. Might as well run a splitter of their tv cable while we're over hooking up the garden hose too. Why didn't I think of this sooner?


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

not sure... sounds like an awsome idea!

heh... HOWEVER....say you and your neighbour split the cost evenly for internet.

What then? Still bad? not as bad? worse?



Why not let someone else use your unused bandwidth?

Be courteous though, don't be peer-to-peer sharing large files over unpaid-for access.



I steal internet!!!! wahooo, I have been doing it for almost a year! As a friend of my said,
"if it's free, it's for me!"



This is bad, the same as a group of people splitting the use of a snowblower, or the use of gardening equipement.
It is only communists who would share!
I don't understand where the signals are coming from, but I have cut my "entertainment" bill in half, and am still put off at a $35 per month MTS bill, and 2 cell phones, one at $10 and one at $14,5 per month, for emergency use only.
The TV started at $7.95 per month and when you check out what additiins thi ere have been , is worth appx $4.95 per month.
I think free internet for "really" older people, who are beyond thie re years in being able to enjoy life, is a God given wright! Probably should be enshrined in our Constitution Actof 1982 ! lol



Deank wrote:not sure... sounds like an awsome idea!

heh... HOWEVER....say you and your neighbour split the cost evenly for internet.

What then? Still bad? not as bad? worse?

I think that may technically be against the TOS of your ISP as your not allowed to re-sell bandwidth....BUT at least you are getting permision in advance to log onto your neighbours network so I dont see anything wrong with it.

Using someone bandwdith without permision IS stealing. How do you know you are using their "unused bandwdth" ? Maybe they are the type like me that has multiple devices connected to the internet at the same time and your causing their network to bogdown cause you were too cheap to buy your own internet.

You wouldn't go over to your neighbours with an extension cord or water hose and just take hydro or water without asking, that would be stealing. But jumping onto their access point without asking for permision is ok? I fail to see the logic. Theft is theft.

It's precisely because I glanced at my router logs one time many years ago, and saw how many attempts were being made to connect wirelessly that I decided to bump up to MAC adress filtering. At least it keeps out the "honest" neighbours even if it can be spoofed by someone who knows what they are doing. But they'd have to be sitting on my doorstep to do it.

Sharing is one thing, but taking without asking is theft.

Sorry Deank, I realised the post sounded like it was all directed at you since I quoted your post. I got off on a tangent.

Last edited by grumpyrom on Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:42 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Sounded too negative towards



love&hate wrote:I steal internet!!!! wahooo, I have been doing it for almost a year! As a friend of my said,
"if it's free, it's for me!"

Your neighbours are clearly idiots. Glad your proud of stealing from people with a lower IQ than you.



Taking witout asking is OK in my b ooks. I do run all my lawn watering off my neighbours hose, because they are at the b each in thi er rich cabin and eye have never bean invited! I am two grupmy ad no that.
Why shoudn't they pay for some of my watering, my wife as a huge garden, great roses and those roses need lots of watering.
Besides thi er water hose runs right against my fence way out of sight!
Mayybe the internet is a promblem case it was running so slow in the house but fast enough out hear in the gazeebo!
I have no idea what bandwidth means or what the ailment is for those people who have a promblem with thi er teeth being blue!



If you have no idea what bandwidth is or network slowdown means maybe you may want to go next door and politely ask your neighbour.

Sorry Rosen, but wi-fi theft is one of my big pet peeves. I know you wouldn't do any of the other things I mentioned before, but yet you feel ok with using someone elses broadband. I'd suggest that if you really felt you were doing nothing wrong that you may want to consider going next door and asking your neighbour if you can continue using their wi-fi as you've been enjoying it so much up to now. Or maybe call up the CRTC or RCMP and ask them for quidance.



How do identify what neighbour this is?
Everytime I got knocked off my $41 band (whatever that is), there were 3 other something's in the area , but i needed a password.
Yesterday I did not need a password and I am fine with that, as well as using my neighbour's water, loaning his snowblower, and letting him plug into my power at the gazeebo to get him electicity into his 6'x10' playstation for his kids.
What the hell is bandwidth? I bet you it has something to do with the internet which , as I understand , is a bunch of tubes or boobs, was it?
Slow, was how my computer was running earlier! Does that mean that my neighbours bandwidth was in use, and preventing me from enjoying posting?


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

pretty much



God you have so much exicitment Rosen how do you manage it . Laughing



There is so little enjoyment, but thank goodness there is this Forum, the King DeanK, and so many other loveable characters like Pavola, GOM, Grupyrom, JTF, & MizPoint, Freeman, Electrician, AgeAces, Heigihg, and everyone whom I missed mentioning



grumpyrom wrote:If you have no idea what bandwidth is or network slowdown means maybe you may want to go next door and politely ask your neighbour.

Sorry Rosen, but wi-fi theft is one of my big pet peeves. I know you wouldn't do any of the other things I mentioned before, but yet you feel ok with using someone elses broadband. I'd suggest that if you really felt you were doing nothing wrong that you may want to consider going next door and asking your neighbour if you can continue using their wi-fi as you've been enjoying it so much up to now. Or maybe call up the CRTC or RCMP and ask them for quidance.

While I understand the technicality of the may be able to argue a case.

Unlike stealing hydro or water where you actually have to trespass and make a "hardline" connection in order to access the service...wireless internet is different.

You could argue that you are not taking their are using whatever service is being broadcast onto your property. It's not like you're taking your computer to their house and stealing are merely using what is being given to you because their broadcast strength is high enough to reach you.

You could compare it with an apple tree growing in your neighbors yard and extending over your fence. The apples/branches on YOUR side of the fence are (in fact) yours. You can make applesauce, or just have a bite.

It would also be similar to someone broadcasting music from a radio. If it's loud enough to reach you...then you get the benefit of listening as well.

And before you start arguing about people "paying" for the internet, so that makes it "stealing"...let's look at those who may play the "digital radio" through their TV/Entertainment Centre. You technically would be paying for that too through your cable bill...and if you play it loud enough, you are "giving" the music to your neighbors (whether they want it or not).

No...the way I see it...if people are dumb enough not to secure their wifi connections so people can't arbitrarily login to them...they should not be allowed to have the equipment in the first place.



grumpyrom wrote:
love&hate wrote:I steal internet!!!! wahooo, I have been doing it for almost a year! As a friend of my said,
"if it's free, it's for me!"

Your neighbours are clearly idiots. Glad your proud of stealing from people with a lower IQ than you.

I could come up with a witty comeback, but I'll take the higher road. Plus if they are dumb enough to leave an open connection then that's great for me, and FYI there are like 6 open networks that I can get onto where I live. So perhaps a lot of people around me are not smart in technical ways?



Man I don't get this place sometimes, some strange logic used at times. Apparently I'm finding out that quite a few people are morally ok with stealing broadband from strangers that are not intelligent to protect themselves from the theft. Wow....just simply wow.

As long as they can save a buck some people will justify just about any behaviour.



grumpyrom wrote:Man I don't get this place sometimes, some strange logic used at times. Apparently I'm finding out that quite a few people are morally ok with stealing broadband from strangers that are not intelligent to protect themselves from the theft. Wow....just simply wow.

As long as they can save a buck some people will justify just about any behaviour.

I think it really is a matter of perspective.

Personally...I could care less if someone is using my broadband, provided they aren't doing anything illegal (thus I get tagged), and aren't stealing information from my computer. If all they are doing is logging online and using the internet...or reading their what. That said, I currently have no wireless service at my house...and even when I did, I had it blocked and secure...moreso to keep the idiots out of my system than off my broadband.

I still liken the wireless service to the radio signal though. If the people transmitting the signal don't know how to protect their equipment properly...they have a problem. If they are noticing their internet connection slowing down significantly, or problems on their systems...there's probably a good chance they'd call their provider (MTS, Shaw, etc.) and complain...who might be able to come out and secure the connection for them.

But it's really not hurting anyone to use someone's wireless broadcasting.

It's probably only prevent people from doing what was suggested earlier. Of having 4/5 houses get together and have one house with wireless...and everyone login through that account.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

considering the Government is currently trying to pass a bill that makes it so that cops dont even need warrants to get information on anyone's IP. There are other reasons for not sharing other people's IP as well.


contributor plus
contributor plus

Deank wrote:considering the Government is currently trying to pass a bill that makes it so that cops dont even need warrants to get information on anyone's IP. There are other reasons for not sharing other people's IP as well.

uh, like flying under the radar with your kiddie porn? No you, but someone elses.

i'm all for the cops catching those pedophile asshats


contributor plus
contributor plus

me require identification for opening bank accounts to, but no identifiaction to go online, create anonymous accounts, and harass people, steal money, abuse children?

I'm starting to go from the internet should be anonymouss, to the definately not 'completely' anonymous side/

eViL tRoLl

eViL tRoLl
contributor plus
contributor plus

I would assume that if you have a wireless router and NOT configure WPA, MAC address, and blocked SSWID, you do this with the intention of setting up a neighborhood freenet.

I once had a neighbour who did not even change the default password - I changed its SSID to "Dumbass Freenet" - never used it myself though.

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