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Good Hearted Street Creature

5 posters

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1Good Hearted Street Creature Empty Good Hearted Street Creature Mon May 25, 2009 9:06 pm



A friend of mine's mother had her purse stolen about two weeks ago. She had parked her car behind her seniors home complex in around the osborne village at 5pm on a sunny monday afternoon. Having to get bags out of her trunk she placed her handbag on top of the roof of her car. Being 61 years of age and starting to get a little bit forgetful these days (true, i know her, she's forgetful) it just so happens that she forgets her purse there and heads into the building. Putting away her groceries she realizes she forgot her purse and went back out side to get it. Not more than 10 minutes had gone by and her purse was no where to be seen. She was so distraught. Not for the loss of her 200 hundred or so cash dollars she lost, but for all her personal items, identification, pictures, cell phone, make-up, etc.
She felt awful. Began to question her own mental capacity for forgetting and went through the processes of re-newing and re-obtaining all her lost items.
Now today, two weeks later, she gets a card in the mail from canada post. She has a parcel to pick up from nova scotia. She goes to the post office and gets her package. it is her purse. complete with all its items, minus the cash.
Apparently the thief had the good sense to put the purse with the personal effects into a mail box and good job for canada post to get the purse back to the lady within a two week time.
So, if there is a good hearted street creature reading this thread, im sorry you felt the need to steal anothers purse for money, maybe you were desperate and hungry, who knows, but thank you for returning this ladies purse via the mail box. that was a thoughtful thing for you to do. : )

2Good Hearted Street Creature Empty Re: Good Hearted Street Creature Mon May 25, 2009 9:26 pm

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Amazing the purse found its way to Nova Scotia... I guess this is something of a good news story. I hope she learns from this. I think women carry far too much in their purses. And when they go missing too much has to be replaced. Some things are irreplaceable. At her age she should carry only what she'll need when she goes out.

Oh, and I'm not yet 61 and I'm getting more forgetful every day. It is a little disconcerting.

3Good Hearted Street Creature Empty Re: Good Hearted Street Creature Tue May 26, 2009 8:19 am



Getting her purse back was bizarre. I wonder if she'll have a few purchases for gas on her credit cards.

4Good Hearted Street Creature Empty Re: Good Hearted Street Creature Tue May 26, 2009 3:18 pm



this just in!

yes.. it was bizarre she got her purse back.. the credit cards etc were immediately canceled along with the cell phone account so the thief could not access any of those, however, after going through the purse, she found an empty match book that had "im sorry i stole your money" written on it

a plea from the thief! ... or maybe it was someone over at canada post being cute.. who knows lol

the matchbook has been forwarded to CSI for dna samples.. kiddin

5Good Hearted Street Creature Empty Re: Good Hearted Street Creature Tue May 26, 2009 3:28 pm



lanfearinc wrote:the matchbook has been forwarded to CSI for dna samples..kiddin

Why "kiddin"?
It should get forwarded to a CSI type lab for fingerprints/DNA/etc.

Whoever stole that purse should be arrested and put behind bars.

Returning the purse is a nice gesture...whoop-de-do!!!

The hassle & harassment she went through trying to cancel everything, get it reissued. The expense involved on getting new licenses.
The personal loss of income (for many people, $200 pays a lot of bills).

Had she lost the purse and someone returned it...with or without the money...then fine...she screwed up and pays for it...but here someone actually stole it...and they should pay for their crimes...not be paid by the victim!!!

6Good Hearted Street Creature Empty Re: Good Hearted Street Creature Tue May 26, 2009 3:45 pm



ok. simmle down Ages.. i didnt mean to get yer panties all knotted up in a bunch.. Yes the thief should be reprimanded, but surely you realize that due to the budget the police have to use, their time could be more well spent tagging samples of dna from unsolved murders than from matchbooks found in a stolen purse that was returned. Be realistic. I firmly stand by my "kiddin" comment. This is my thread, i started it.. you are just a commenter so my statement RULES over yours!!

the point here is that.. she DID get the purse back and maybe there is HOPE for this one particular thief. Or maybe there isnt.. who is to say that a regular citizen didnt find that purse, and seeing the id in it, and seeing the address where the purse belongs, decided to toss it in the mailbox instead of returning it to the victim for fear that they would then be accused of having stolen it, put in prison, charged, and oh dear, possibly receive the death penalty and hung as an example to show the rest of the thieves that they better not steal a purse or they will die for it.

7Good Hearted Street Creature Empty Re: Good Hearted Street Creature Tue May 26, 2009 3:56 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

cops in the states are dusting for prints when the value of stolen stuff was only $50

8Good Hearted Street Creature Empty Re: Good Hearted Street Creature Tue May 26, 2009 4:08 pm



I dont want to hear about "cops in the states" this is Canada Dean

Have you seen what goes on "in the states" F***ck the states and all their bullshit

9Good Hearted Street Creature Empty Re: Good Hearted Street Creature Tue May 26, 2009 4:12 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence


Maybe it was an American thief who stole the purse and was scared of the typical American tactics... Smile

10Good Hearted Street Creature Empty Re: Good Hearted Street Creature Tue May 26, 2009 4:18 pm



I don't care what happens in the States either...and you're right lan...there's no point in dusting for anything...cause whoever this CRIMINAL is, would probably just get let go anyway, instead of actually being punished for a crime.

If your friend's mother doesn't want to press charges...that's her business too.

I might have mixed feelings myself if I were in the situation. Would I want to go through the hassle of pressing charges, attending the hearing, etc.? Maybe the point of dusting for prints would be pointless in the end. And the argument could be placed of "serves her right" for leaving it on the roof anyway...despite the fact that it shouldn't matter.

Rereading your original post though, I have new concerns of why someone who (as you stated) is losing mental faculties is driving in the first place? Seems a reasonable argument for mandatory testing.

11Good Hearted Street Creature Empty Re: Good Hearted Street Creature Tue May 26, 2009 4:24 pm



lol.. yes Ages! I have also wondered that exact same thing. but she was the victim in this scenario so I didnt want to bridge the issue of wtf is she doing driving anyways? lol.. indeed.

12Good Hearted Street Creature Empty Re: Good Hearted Street Creature Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:30 pm



My wife's purse got stolen while she was parked in front of the school picking up my son for an appointment! Smashed driver's side window... snatched purse.... gone in 60 seconds.

Public service announcement: don't leave your purse in the car, even for a minute!

13Good Hearted Street Creature Empty Re: Good Hearted Street Creature Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:31 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

what area of the city is that school?

14Good Hearted Street Creature Empty Re: Good Hearted Street Creature Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:04 pm




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