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Questions on aboriginal issues...

6 posters

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1Questions on aboriginal issues... Empty Questions on aboriginal issues... Mon May 25, 2009 10:38 am



Howdy, all.

I just watched a documentary yesterday (can't find it on the net now, it's at home) about Manitoba's aboriginals. The documentary is from the 90's but the description claims it's equally valid in 2006. It paints a grim view of aboriginal life.

First, let me be perfectly clear that I don't simply believe things because they're said in a documentary. I reject the notion of a fair and balanced media, and I don't expect any media to be impartial or concise, nor that any media ever was or ever will be.

I have a few questions about Manitoba's aboriginal issues, and I ask these questions precisely because I don't know the answers to them, so I'm not picking a fight, I'm merely trying to learn more about the issue.

1. Is there a political party campaigning specifically on aboriginal issues in Manitoba? If so, which party is it, and where can I find out more about their views on the issue? I'm sure all the big parties have some views on them, but what I'm looking for is a party that targets aboriginal issues as a first priority.

2. Are aboriginals full Canadian citizens with exactly the same rights and duties as anyone else?
2.1. If not, in what way is it different being an aboriginal than being
a non-aboriginal? What are aboriginals allowed which non-aboriginals
are not and vice versa? Please give examples, no matter how mundane and
seemingly insignificant.
2.2. If not, is there a process for an aboriginal to become a full citizen, no different from anyone else in any way aside from race?

3. Where can I find statistics on how high a percentage of aboriginals speak fluent English/French and/or know how to read and write? - personal experiences also appreciated.

4. Are there organizations of aboriginals who help each other to become successful? If so, which ones?

Even if you only have personal opinions or anecdotes on any single one of these questions, I'd appreciate them. I don't mind political incorrectness, either.

Thanks in advance.

2Questions on aboriginal issues... Empty Re: Questions on aboriginal issues... Mon May 25, 2009 10:47 am


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

1. Nope

2. yep. only real difference is that their health care and other expenses is not provided by the province, but the feds.. say like flood fighting on the reserves.. federal responsibility.
3. Statscan ...maybe doubt that they have that level of detail but I have not met a single Native person that does not know how to speak English. In fact their own languages are something they dont know alot of.. Norway House?? yeah I think them.. have recently instituted a policy to entice their own language back on the people.

4. Yup tons.. here is one

3Questions on aboriginal issues... Empty Re: Questions on aboriginal issues... Mon May 25, 2009 2:48 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

well shout my mouth... full details on language for ya

of the 175,395 reported natives in MB there are
128750 that only speak english
8075 that only speak french
and aboutn 2900 that speak multiple languages.

personally I find it rather difficult to believe that 35,600 only speak one language and that one language is not French or English.. not sure how that is possible, aren't the sensus forms only offered in french and english?

4Questions on aboriginal issues... Empty Re: Questions on aboriginal issues... Mon May 25, 2009 3:57 pm



Deank wrote:well shout my mouth... full details on language for ya

of the 175,395 reported natives in MB there are
128750 that only speak english
8075 that only speak french
and aboutn 2900 that speak multiple languages.

personally I find it rather difficult to believe that 35,600 only speak one language and that one language is not French or English.. not sure how that is possible, aren't the sensus forms only offered in french and english?

how many illiterate or non-declared?

5Questions on aboriginal issues... Empty Re: Questions on aboriginal issues... Mon May 25, 2009 4:30 pm

St Norberter

St Norberter

Don't forget that treaty ( or is it status - I can never remember which is which.) Indians ( those that live on reserves) Don't pay taxes or CPP, they only pay into E.I. Now I'm not sure if they have to live on reserve to qualify or if they can live on reserve and work off reserve.

Also, if you live on a reserve and you purchase anything, you don't pay taxes on them. The key is that they goods have to be shipped to the reserve, so you can biy what ever you want in Winnipeg, as long as they are shipped to the reserve they are tax exempt.

6Questions on aboriginal issues... Empty Re: Questions on aboriginal issues... Mon May 25, 2009 5:01 pm



Also, to be clear, there are 3 groups of aboriginals in Canada:

1. Indians (that's the legal name of First Nations People under the Indian Act).
2. Inuit
3. Metis

This site should tell you much of what you want to know

7Questions on aboriginal issues... Empty Re: Questions on aboriginal issues... Mon May 25, 2009 8:30 pm



You will notice this just took affect just so you know and the rights they have are equal just the treatment is not , at the risk of the backlash I will probably get but it is true . The native issue is Canada's dirty little secret which most will not acknowledge is there.

8Questions on aboriginal issues... Empty Re: Questions on aboriginal issues... Mon May 25, 2009 9:02 pm

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Not so much a secret IMO.

The way I see it is the hand is ALWAYS outstretched. Please sir can I have more? Then there is the Chicken Little scenario: The sky is falling. The sky is falling.

I know bugger all about education on the reserves. But if the stats presented here today are true how can they be explained?

okay so the liberals were in power for 13 years.. 13 x 35 = 455 school were built...

Considering there are only 615 reserves in Canada... just how fricking many schools do they expect to be built?

How often should schools be replaced? I know of some functioning schools in Winnipeg that have been around for more then 100 years.

"and less than half are listed in good condition. "

who put them in less then good condition?

AND WAIT JUST A fricking MINUTE!!! 455 of those schools were built within the last 20 years... so either they have well over 900 schools OR a good number of the new schools have already fallen into dissrepair.

If they have over 900 schools.. maybe that is the problem..too many buildings.. whats the average number of kids per class? per school? why do some reserves have more then one school?
The NDP and First Nations leaders want the federal government to “admit there is a problem” with how schools on reserves are funded and earmark specific funds to build an maintain schools each year.

How do we reconcile this?

One might argue inferior construction methods. Why? Why would a school built in Winkler be of superior quality to one built in Peguis? Are the specifications so inferior? Are the contractor's building on reserves just bad at their jobs?

How do we reconcile this?

One might argue the remoteness of the reserves plays a large role. Okay. But what about schools built in Churchill? Or Nunavut?

How do we reconcile this?

When do we make the chiefs and the people accountable? Why don't the chiefs and the people demand their communities maintain their schools? Why don't the chiefs and the people clean and repair their schools?

Instead they demand more money. If Deank's numbers are right Canada will have replaced almost 75% of the Indian school stock in the last twenty years.

How do we reconcile this?

Something needs to change. It is not just the white man that must change.

9Questions on aboriginal issues... Empty Re: Questions on aboriginal issues... Mon May 25, 2009 10:25 pm



One might argue inferior construction methods. Why? Why would a school built in Winkler be of superior quality to one built in Peguis? Are the specifications so inferior? Are the contractor's building on reserves just bad at their jobs?

How do we reconcile this?

Yes the school is better built as it has more money to be spent it is built from Concrete where quit a few on the northern reserves are ATCO trailers and nothing more . They are not built to last the same way. There is not as much money available for the building . This is from my time spent in them for all who doubt me . The high-schools in Thompson and Gillam are not bad but they are years ahead of the reserves schools . Make the amount of money equal , this will probably never happen though . As the economics dictate other wise .

Education is the biggest fault holding back Natives, and they are to blame for that as they do not take it seriously .

10Questions on aboriginal issues... Empty Re: Questions on aboriginal issues... Mon May 25, 2009 10:33 pm

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

I think Deank's post demonstrated the money is roughly equal.

It should also be noted not every reserve is sitting in some desolate, impossible to reach locale. Some are to be sure. But would it be fair to say most are accessible?

The next question might well be why stay on the reserve if it is so inaccessible. Maybe it is time to go mainstream? I know people want to keep their traditions and way of life. But how is that working for them? And really, who is living their traditional lifestyle?

11Questions on aboriginal issues... Empty Re: Questions on aboriginal issues... Mon May 25, 2009 10:36 pm

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

BTW I just saw the plans and specs for an RCMP post on a northern reserve. It too is all trailers - 10 of them. Including cells.

I'm not sure what this say's.

12Questions on aboriginal issues... Empty Re: Questions on aboriginal issues... Mon May 25, 2009 10:40 pm



Lack of funds to transport concrete is the biggest problem to northern reserves , and the cost is huge . remember the use of winter roads or planes.

13Questions on aboriginal issues... Empty Re: Questions on aboriginal issues... Mon May 25, 2009 10:56 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

not my numbers.. numbers are taken right from the posting of the people demanding more...

true storey RE building a nonnative Company building on Native soil. Cant remember if it was a community centre or a school or some other such community building.

The Contractor paid up front for all the materials and had them shipped up during the winter. Contractor asked for payment before spring when his guys would fly up and start building. Band refused said it had no money. Contrator attempted to take them to court. Court said.. tough luck they have nothing to sieze and the court has no jurisdiction and no way to force payment. Contractor could not even demand materials be returned because there were no more ice roads AND the band said you are not welcome on our land, anyone coming here to get it back will be considered trespassing.

lumber and materials were basically destroyed due to lack of proper storage. Building was not built..
government stepped in and paid the contractor but guess what, no other contractor would go up and build the building without twice the cost of building up front.

Anyone want to guess at why buildings cost so much on reserves? Shipping, sure thats an answer, but it aint the whole answer

14Questions on aboriginal issues... Empty Re: Questions on aboriginal issues... Tue May 26, 2009 6:21 am



And for the last 5 yrs that story no longer can apply to the band they can be sueed now . Banks and severel other stores have and have been succesful in it .

15Questions on aboriginal issues... Empty Re: Questions on aboriginal issues... Tue May 26, 2009 8:00 am



Examples please. Sucking blood from a stone is alwasy successful.

16Questions on aboriginal issues... Empty Re: Questions on aboriginal issues... Tue May 26, 2009 8:11 am

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

The company I work for is owed money from a reserve that refuses to pay. We now won't touch a job on any reserve unless paid in advance. Period.

I'll bet Rona won't extend credit to a reserve...

17Questions on aboriginal issues... Empty Re: Questions on aboriginal issues... Tue May 26, 2009 8:22 am



There was one case only (McDirmid Lumber) that got money, but only because the Credit Union the band used was outside the Reserve.

They are basically 'judgement proof'.

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