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Photo Radar: Looking for eight angry NDP

grumpy old man
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grumpy old man


Here is an eMAIL I received from Erin Selby:

Thank you for raising your concerns about the issue of refunds for photo radar construction zone tickets. I have forwarded your correspondence to the attention of the Hon. Dave Chomiak, Attorney General who will be responding directly to your questions.

I have received a number of comments on both sides of this issue over the last week and am taking the matter seriously.

Again, I appreciate your bringing this matter to my attention.

Here is an eMAIL I received from Bonnie Korzeniowski:

Thank you for emailing me your concerns about the issue of refunds for construction zone speeding tickets. I have forwarded your correspondence to the attention of the Hon. Dave Chomiak, Attorney General, who will be responding directly to your concerns.

I have received a number of comments on both sides of this issue and am taking the matter seriously. I appreciate your bringing this matter to my attention.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

great minds think alike?


Automatons do what they are programmed to?

cool thing though that Mr Chomiak will be answering you personally two MLAs have pretty much guarenteed that

(and now back to skipping every 3rd or 4th word)

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Got a response from chomiak's assistant. No personal reply as yet.



Haven'T heard from Bill Blaikie yet wonder if I will , that's too funny Bonnie used to work with my wife .

JT Estoban

JT Estoban

I got a reply from Mr Chomiak on Friday to my email(s), but I haven't received permission to publicly post them yet.

However, I have to say that I wasn't surprised by the reply, filled with distortions and even outright lies. So I replied, picking apart each of his lies and stating them as such. I asked him to reply if he so chose to attempt to tell the truth. However he has yet to do so. Considering it took a few weeks before he replied the first time, it may take a little while longer before he finally does reply...if at all.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

Why would you need permission to publically post them?

Who initiated the email conversation. You or him? If you, he has no authority to mandate the comments can not be made public. And even if him, unless there are trade secrets or government secrets in it, any claim to privacy is laughable at best.

JT Estoban

JT Estoban

I wasn't sure on the disclosure rules....even though I am not a politician, I can't scold them if I don't follow the rules myself.



contributor eminence
contributor eminence

Think of email like you were having a conversation with the dude in person. Would you have a problem telling people what he said if you ran into him on the street and he answered your questions?

Sure its nice to ask for someone's permission to post their comments, but not legally required as long as properly attributed.

Do Porcupines have pines?

JT Estoban

JT Estoban

Ok, well if Deank says I can post it, I'll post. Wink

JT Estoban

JT Estoban

Dave Chomiak - Minister of Justice and Attorney General wrote:

Dear Mr. (Estoban):

I would like to thank you for sending
me your comments regarding the use of photo radar enforcement in construction
zones as I feel this is an issue that is important to all of us as Manitobans.
The safety of citizens and visitors on our City streets is a responsibility
that we all share.

Monies collected from photo radar
tickets are used to help fund police in the City of Winnipeg and the costs of
the Manitoba Justice system. In consultation with the City of Winnipeg and the
Winnipeg Police Service, the decision was made not to refund the photo radar
tickets. The Province responded quickly to strengthen the photo radar
regulations to ensure that all motorists, as well as administering
municipalities, have a better understanding about the conditions under which
photo radar enforcement can be used in constructions zones.

To be clear, the role of the
province in regard to photo radar is quite limited. The enabling legislation
for photo radar is in The Highway Traffic Act. Individual municipalities
determine whether they wish to use photo radar within their jurisdiction.
Decisions about location and frequency of use are made by the administering
jurisdiction, in this case the City of Winnipeg, in consultation with their
police services. The province plays no role in where photo radar is used.

Yours truly,
Dave Chomiak

Minister of Justice and Attorney


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

hmmm.. what do you see as lies in that? Almost sounds like a press release.

JT Estoban

JT Estoban

JT Estoban wrote:1) "The Province responded quickly to strengthen the photo radar
regulations to ensure that all motorists, as well as administering
municipalities, have a better understanding about the conditions under which
photo radar enforcement can be used in constructions zones."

reply = No, not really. I still have no idea what constitutes a "safety
issue" nor does anyone else. And that's pretty well the only language
that was changed in the legislation! So, please tell me, as a motorist,
what exactly is a "safety issue" that would require the speed limit in
a construction zone to be reduced when no workers are present.
Anything? Someone's say so? And further to that, how am I, as a
motorist, supposed to know that a safety issue does in fact exist, and
that is why the speed limit is reduced? Am I, and everyone else,
supposed to trust that the party responsible for making that
determination (who is that exactly? who makes that call?) is going to
honestly say that indeed, there does exist "some kind" of safety issue
where by the speed must be reduced?

I find that hard to believe. Especially after it's been proven that
whenever possible, the government(s) are going to game this program in
order to maximize profits. So I think that explanation is hogwash. This
legislation needs to be further amended to remove the ambiguity
regarding where and when these mobile units can be deployed. Not only
in construction zones, but in ALL zones they are allowed to be
deployed. Tell us what the rules are supposed to be. Should a mobile
unit be deployed to a school zone on a Sunday morning @ 6:30 a.m.? I
don't think so...that's just a blatant cash grab. If one wants to make
the argument that it's a "safety issue" and deploying a mobile unit at
that hour of that particular day is going to increase safety, then I'd
respectfully (if I can) call that person a liar.

Your statement that you clarified when and where the photo camera's
can be in constructions zones STILL NEEDS to be spelled out clearly. It
in fact is NOT understood clearly by the public.

2) "To be clear, the role of the
province in regard to photo radar is quite limited. The enabling legislation
for photo radar is in The Highway Traffic Act."

reply = The province is responsible for the enabling legislation, The
Highway Traffic Act. You must take me for a fool to believe that there
is very little the province can do in this regard. You made this law,
and you've modified it recently (as stated above, it's still just as
ambiguous as it was previously, if not more so, with the high potential
for abuse by municipalities, such as the City of Winnipeg) so to say
that you have "no control" is disingenuous at best and at worst a lie.

3) "The province plays no role in where photo radar is used."

reply = I beg to disagree. "The enabling legislation
for photo radar is in The Highway Traffic Act." and in that enabling
legislation, it spells out where photo radar is allowed and not
allowed. So clearly, the province plays a HUGE role in where photo
radar is used. One might even say the province plays the biggest role
in determining where and when mobile photo radar units can and cannot
be used. Again, another statement that's disingenuous at best, and at
worst a lie.

So, the facts remain, the province clearly has the jurisdiction to
tell municipalities (and cities) where and WHEN photo radar can be
used. The issue is this, photo radar was sold to the public as a
"safety" issue, and over the length of the entire program, it has been
abused by the city of Winnipeg and run as a money making operation.
This is clearly wrong and needs to stop. The province sets the rules,
and the city has to play by them.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

ahh. I see now what you mean. The way his reply to you was with a different slant completely.

JT Estoban

JT Estoban

That was my reply....and yeah, I'm not buying the "oh we don't have anything to do with it, it's the city, yeah, the city you want to talk to"

B.S. the city or anyone else for that matter could not operate photo radar without the enabling legislation. So that's a steaming pile of B.S. IMHO. Smile



What gets me is the fact that their would be any ticket issued merley for income, and the fact that the system is such that you have to go to court to plead innocent!
In the old days you could just go down to somewhere on Broadway and they, a justice of the peace, would tear up the ticket when you told them that the stupid ticket was given to you at 2 in the morning when all the workers were off the road , having a coffee break!!

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Read this carefully sandboxsters. Marty Gold, pay attention... This is Dave Chomiak's response to my letter. Pay particular attention to the bolded sentences (bolding is mine).
I would like to thank you for sending your comments regarding the use of photo radar enforcement in construction zones as I feel this is an issue that is important to all of us as Manitobans. The safety of citizens and visitors on our City streets is a responsibility that we all share.

Monies collected from photo radar tickets are used to help fund police in the City of Winnipeg and the costs of the Manitoba Justice system. In consultation with the City of Winnipeg and the Winnipeg Police Service, the decision was made not to refund the photo radar tickets. The Province responded quickly to strengthen the photo radar regulations to ensure that all motorists, as well as administering municipalities, have a better understanding about the conditions under which photo radar enforcement can be used in constructions zones.

To be clear, the role of the province in regard to photo radar is quite limited. The enabling legislation for photo radar is in The Highway Traffic Act. Individual municipalities determine whether they wish to use photo radar within their jurisdiction. Decisions about location and frequency of use are made by the administering jurisdiction, in this case the City of Winnipeg, in consultation with their police services. The province plays no role in where photo radar is used.

Yours truly,

Dave Chomiak
Minister of Justice and Attorney General

cc. Premier
Mayor Sam Katz and another councilor appeared on Gold's program recently and If I'm not mistaken they did not have discussions with the Premier or Chomiak in this matter. I'd appreciate clarification though.

The other issue raised by Chomiak has to do with the Police Service involvement in the issue at hand. Those same city politicos stated the Police do not issue instructions for the placement of cameras. That is managed by another city group (Transportation?).


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"Those same city politicos stated the Police do not issue instructions for the placement of cameras. That is managed by another city group (Transportation?)."

so the police are simply the transportation groups secretaries for putting out memos then? interesting.. and extremely difficult to believe

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

I don't follow. Geeze Deank, try to speak English good eh?

The city politicos are wrong? Lying? What is it you are trying to say?


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

I am trying to say exactly what I said. Its difficult to believe that the city police are mere secretaries for other city departments.

Not sure what you cant understand from this
"so the police are simply the transportation groups secretaries for putting out memos then? interesting.. and extremely difficult to believe"

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Whatever. Deank if you're trying to push my buttons you're succeeding. I can't read your "fucking" mind. Assume that maybe some folks have no clue as to the "secretaries" comment. I still don't get it but I don't have any patience for ignorant mind games.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

what freakin ignorant mind game?

Your comment was "Those same city politicos stated the Police do not issue instructions for the placement of cameras. That is managed by another city group (Transportation?).""

so if the police do not say where they go.. why are they the ones that you EMAIL with questions about photo enforcement. why are they the ones that send out press releases about photo enforcement. You know, things that secretaries do.



Everyone is missing the solution!

Drive at 49KMH and their is no tickets!

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Anyone surprised at the 33-21 vote -- directly along party lines? Doer say's he voted with the police. How remarkably disingenuous.

They can do this because Winnipeggers and Manitobans keep reelecting these knobs.



grumpy old man wrote:Anyone surprised at the 33-21 vote -- directly along party lines? Doer say's he voted with the police. How remarkably disingenuous.

They can do this because Winnipeggers and Manitobans keep reelecting these knobs.

Like you actually expected a Nipper backbencher to break ranks and do the right thing?


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

" Doer say's he voted with the police. "

Huh? He voted that its okay to take money from people illegally as long as you are the police? neat.



Doer has always been a major fcukwad. He has perfected his ability to lie with a straight face.

It disturbs me that I live in a herd that elected this piece of crap.

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