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Does your particular vote really matter?

grumpy old man
9 posters

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1Does your particular vote really matter? Empty Does your particular vote really matter? Tue Sep 27, 2011 5:54 pm



Mine doesn't. I live in Hughie's riding.

Regardless of how I vote, or if I vote at all, he'll get re-elected easily.

I've voted for him in the past. But, I might just not bother to vote this time. The campaign has been boring. I would definitely vote if I lived in a swing riding, however.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

As I've stated in another thread I don't want my vote to be a neutralizing vote, allowing the ndp to become reelected.

So yes, my vote matters.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

every vote matters



Deank wrote:every vote matters

Right up until we switch to electronic polling stations.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

ummm. why?



I may not vote , for the 1st time in 50 years!



I agree...every vote counts.

We considered voting "strategically" here in Ft. Rouge to help oust the Nipper but thought better of the idea.

Hopefully, the Liberal will steal some votes from the socialist pig which will enable the Good Guy to sneak past both. Smile



40% of eligible voters will likely stay away from the polls.

A minority of ridings can swing one way or another. In most ridings, the outcome is already pretty much known ahead of time. Of course, if no one voted, that would change things.

Still, I'm of the view that a small amount of votes will ultimately determine the outcome and mine won't be one of them. The Tories could run a dead guy and he'd win easily in my riding.



In my riding the PC candidate doesn't have a hope so it'll be between the NDP and Liberals. I will not vote for the NDP but our liberal candidate seems like she'd do a good job. I have never voted liberal before, but if my vote will help keep the NDP out then I just might!

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

I hear what you're sayin' goth. If the liberal candidate stands a reasonable chance of getting elected then I'd say your vote will do the most good.

I have a feeling the liberals will be completely shut out of this election (a hangover from the federal election and historically poor showing in this province).



Goth_chic wrote:In my riding the PC candidate doesn't have a hope so it'll be between the NDP and Liberals. I will not vote for the NDP but our liberal candidate seems like she'd do a good job. I have never voted liberal before, but if my vote will help keep the NDP out then I just might!

Strategic voting, good choice. I'd do the same.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

Triniman wrote:40% of eligible voters will likely stay away from the polls.

A minority of ridings can swing one way or another. In most ridings, the outcome is already pretty much known ahead of time. Of course, if no one voted, that would change things.

Still, I'm of the view that a small amount of votes will ultimately determine the outcome and mine won't be one of them. The Tories could run a dead guy and he'd win easily in my riding.

I have news for you....they are running a dead guy



Goth_chic wrote:In my riding the PC candidate doesn't have a hope so it'll be between the NDP and Liberals. I will not vote for the NDP but our liberal candidate seems like she'd do a good job. I have never voted liberal before, but if my vote will help keep the NDP out then I just might!

That's exactly what we were thinking in Ft. Rouge.

However, if the Liberals run a strong campaign and take votes from the NDP, and the PC candidate gets out the vote, we have a chance of getting him elected.

The thing never knows what will happen.

Maybe the Nippers will stay home and so will the Liberals thinking the cause is won before hand.

My advice...stick with the party whose principals you like or associate with best.

eViL tRoLl

eViL tRoLl
contributor plus
contributor plus

JTF wrote:My advice...stick with the party whose principals you like or associate with best.

I am getting the impresson that the mainstream parties, in particular NDP and PC, have no principals or have abandoned them in favour of vote buying. Only the Greens have a consistent philosophy of environmental priority and social justice.

Even if one agrees with many points of the election platform, it is difficult to vote for a party if the avilable candidate in your riding is a total moron.

For example if you support liberal ideas, how could anyone of sane mind vote for someone like this:



Deank wrote:
Triniman wrote:40% of eligible voters will likely stay away from the polls.

A minority of ridings can swing one way or another. In most ridings, the outcome is already pretty much known ahead of time. Of course, if no one voted, that would change things.

Still, I'm of the view that a small amount of votes will ultimately determine the outcome and mine won't be one of them. The Tories could run a dead guy and he'd win easily in my riding.

I have news for you....they are running a dead guy

If you have tongue, you must bite it! Lol!

holly golightly

holly golightly

I was taught that if you don't vote, you don't have any right to complain after the fact. Even if you go to the voting station and spoil your ballot because you are undecided, at least you made your opinion count and did not leave it to the rest of the people to make the choice for you



holly golightly wrote:I was taught that if you don't vote, you don't have any right to complain after the fact.

You were taught wrong. There's no law that said your right to complain is suspended if you don't vote. You pay taxes, so you should be able to complain if you wish to.

Having said that, I haven't missed a vote yet...

eViL tRoLl

eViL tRoLl
contributor plus
contributor plus

holly golightly wrote:I was taught that if you don't vote, you don't have any right to complain after the fact.

I think that you have every right to complain about the morons who decided to vote and elect an incompetent government. More people should refuse their vote until parties get their act together and find better candidates or issues to address.



eViL tRoLl wrote:
holly golightly wrote:I was taught that if you don't vote, you don't have any right to complain after the fact.

I think that you have every right to complain about the morons who decided to vote and elect an incompetent government. More people should refuse their vote until parties get their act together and find better candidates or issues to address.

That would be nice...better candidates and better policies/parties.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

We should have the recall vote. That alone "should" make the elected officials live up to promises and do a better job.



We have one every 4 years Dean.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

Its not even close to the same thing JTF and we should not have to wait 4 years.

Lets pretend Hughie gets elected..say with a majority.

and then on October 5th they hold an announcement saying ..hey guys.. thanks for that.. FYI... PST is now 11% and we are selling MB Hydro for $16 to my friend billy.

wouldn't you like them removed?



No privatization without referendum

15.3(1) The
government shall not present to the Legislative Assembly a bill to
authorize or effect a privatization of the corporation unless the
government first puts the question of the advisability of the
privatization to the voters of Manitoba in a referendum, and the
privatization is approved by a majority of the votes cast in the

Cannot sell Hydro without a referendum.



it doesn't matter who gets put up as a candidate...they will NEVER appeal to ALL the people.

How fast do you think things are going to happen Dean? You think you'd get in office, and next month things start changing?

There's a reason people still blame the past governments for the woes of's because it takes time to swing the ship around...and usually by that's election time again, and nothing has been done.

I agree that if an elected leader seems to have gone off the deep end, there should be some method for stopping them before they do real damage (ie. selling hydro for $16 to use your example)...but there should be other things in place to straighten things out before it gets that far. But it should not be just because people don't agree with some decisions that are made which are based upon the information available at that time (ie. based upon reason and logic)


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"How fast do you think things are going to happen Dean? You think you'd get in office, and next month things start changing?"

indeed they would if all 32 Greens were in. okay... 6 months cause we need to clean the crap out the NDP left behind.

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