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Wii or xBox or ???

holly golightly
grumpy old man
15 posters

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1Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Wii or xBox or ??? Fri Dec 19, 2008 12:27 am

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

What is the best game system on the market today?

2Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Fri Dec 19, 2008 12:57 am


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

heh.. really it depends on why you want it.
Family fun cant beat Wii.. simply impossible.

3Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Fri Dec 19, 2008 1:00 am



Depends on who your buying for, they target demograpics for the systems are completely different. I have a Wii and Xbox 360, haven't tried the PS3 much.

The Wii is the best system for the casual gamer and for kids (Nintendo still distributes some great titles of their own). My 10 year old loves her Wii and DS for games like Animal Crossing, etc. By far the easiest to pick up and have fun with quickly. However, for serious gamers the graphics are severely lacking and there's a lack of good first person shooters etc. A very fun system,, but VERY different from 360 and PS3.

Xbox 360 and PS3 are pretty similar in titles available and graphics. In those 2 instances it becomes personal preference. The main differences are the Blu-Ray player in the PS3 which is arguably the best on the market, and the dfference between Xbox Live (not free but arguably the best online service) and Sony's Network (free but not as good as Live). These 2 really come down to a preference of software titles IMO, both are solid choices .

Hope that helps you choose GOM. Let me know if you need any further advice.

4Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Fri Dec 19, 2008 6:20 pm

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

I've now had two very strong recommendations for the PS3 w/ Blu-Ray. Apparantly now it comes down to cost... I assume the PS3/Blu-ray is the most expensive.

Thanks for the feedback.

5Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Fri Dec 19, 2008 6:24 pm



Just an aside - ask a Future Shop customer service rep just how many XBOX360s have been returned for warranty/replacement. A girl I know who works at Future Shop tells me they've seen DOZENS come back, versus two PS3s.

For the record, that's not my own anti-Microsoft bias talking.

6Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Sat Dec 20, 2008 1:14 am


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

buy your PS3 at superstore.. make sure its at least the 80GB... and use the coupon that superstore always has..

7Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:00 am

holly golightly

holly golightly

What age group are you looking to buy for? IMO if you are buying for someone under 16, leave it on the shelf and buy something that they would have to do physically, like pay for their hockey or soccer registration and then take them to the games once a week instead of contributing to the couch potato mentality. If they are over 16, ask which they prefer. My kids are all grown (over 20) and we did not buy them any of the fancy game consoles because we wanted them to get out and do things, play hockey and soccer. Once they were old enough and working they bought their own games. They still play hockey and soccer more than they play the game consoles. Think about who you are buying for and why before you buy, make it a responsible purchase. Just a thought to put forth in an ever increasing "fat" world.

8Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:04 am


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contributor eminence

my kids have had every console (except the XBOX ones ) as they come out. They are still heavily involved in sports. So while I understand the direction you are going Holy.. its still really the kids upbringing that has them doing stuff.. not just because they have access to video games.
do BOTH! Smile

9Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:10 am

holly golightly

holly golightly

But you are making a responsible choice as a parent to have them involved in sports, but making these choices comes with some sacrifice and I imagine your kids are still fairly young. What will be sacrificed come high school, sports, studies or gaming? That is why these consoles should be limited in purchase and time allowed to play by parents and families. Parents need to responsible for their own actions as well as those of their children.

10Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:12 am


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"What will be sacrificed come high school, sports, studies or gaming? That is why these consoles should be limited in purchase and time allowed to play by parents and families. Parents need to responsible for their own actions as well as those of their children."

I have a 16 year old too... Smile.... and yeah I agree the parents need to take control. I make my kids make the right choice to be involved..

11Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Sat Dec 20, 2008 2:14 pm

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Ummm, I'm thinking of buying one for an "old" friend. Yeah that's it. A friend.

12Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Sat Dec 20, 2008 2:49 pm

holly golightly

holly golightly

GOM, if the console is for an "old" friend then consider the WII as it offers not only gaming but fitness challenges as well (boxing, bowling, tennis and even yoga).

Just an observation and question, DeanK
"I make my kids make the right choice to be involved.." Why not encourage them to make the right decisions on their own? And do you set the example by being physically involved yourself, not just on the sidelines as a spectator or coach?

13Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Sat Dec 20, 2008 4:05 pm



I want to get a wii...right now they are hard to find but after x-mas they should be back in stock.

14Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Sat Dec 20, 2008 4:11 pm



play station 3!!

15Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Sat Dec 20, 2008 4:26 pm



I don't see that Wii being too high in resolution. The other consols are "nicer" to watch (Not counting the Nintendo DS eye-killers).
The price you pay for the consol and games equals and surpasses the price of a laptop PC. So, neither are toys, obviously. I'd personally "choose" a laptop PC, and have them learn how to use it, not only for playing games...

16Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Sat Dec 20, 2008 4:30 pm



The PSP is FAR too fragile for kids... I've fixed alot of them so far...

17Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Sun Dec 21, 2008 12:07 am


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"Why not encourage them to make the right decisions on their own? And do you set the example by being physically involved yourself, not just on the sidelines as a spectator or coach?"
they make the right decisions on their own. As children they need guidance as to what the right decision is.
Coach is hardly a sideline person. If you actually think that,... well I really dont know what to think of that opinion other then you must have had some very poor coaches as you were growing up.

18Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:06 am

holly golightly

holly golightly

You missed the point DeanK, do you still participate as a player yourself or only as a coach/parent who stands on the sidelines. Believe me I have been coached by some of the finest in the country so I know all about what coaching involves but what makes me hold these coaches to an even higher respect is that they practice what they preach, in that they still play the game themselves. That is the example that all coaches should make if they really want the respect of their players. And don't give me the excuse that there isn't enough time, you have to make the time to do so. Those are the choices a good coach and parent has to make.

19Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:31 am



holly golightly wrote:You missed the point DeanK, do you still participate as a player yourself or only as a coach/parent who stands on the sidelines. Believe me I have been coached by some of the finest in the country so I know all about what coaching involves but what makes me hold these coaches to an even higher respect is that they practice what they preach, in that they still play the game themselves. That is the example that all coaches should make if they really want the respect of their players. And don't give me the excuse that there isn't enough time, you have to make the time to do so. Those are the choices a good coach and parent has to make.

I'm going to play "DA" here on this one.
I have played with, against, and for some of the finest players & coaches for Volleyball and Soccer. But I would NEVER judge a coach based upon how well (or even IF) they played the sport.

One of the best volleyball coaches I know can't play...but he knows the game inside-out. Knows the strategies, the positions, the techniques. Knows how to inspire the players, and demand the best from each of them. But he has never walked on the court to play a single "official" game.

Now those are few and far between...and yes...some coaches do just walk out there and yell or blow a whistle...and that's a shame, especially when they are supposed to be inspiring the youth and providing leadership.

But please don't ever think a "coach" is just there, as the crappy coaches are actually rarer than you might think. Especially today, when parents are willing to step up and say something if they think their kid isn't getting the training they should.

And I would side a bit with DeanK on this one. HAVING the toys for the kids to play with does not mean you're providing a bad example, or allowing bad choices. It could be argued that you're teaching the opposite, as though they have those games to play...they STILL choose to go out and play their sports and other activities. And if they are sitting at home bored (or having met DeanK in person...if he's bored), they have the option of pulling out the game system and having some competitive "action" to kill some time. At least they are interacting and keeping their minds moving...certainly better than watching crappy shows like The Family Guy or Trailer Park Boys.

20Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Sun Dec 21, 2008 2:35 am


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

umm wait.. I cant let them watch Family guy now???

21Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Sun Dec 21, 2008 2:37 am


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"You missed the point DeanK, do you still participate as a player yourself or only as a coach/parent who stands on the sidelines."

I think you are missing the point Holy... missing it by a very long shot....If you think a coach just sits on the sidelines... you really have no clue at all and have been coached by some very very poor coaches.

22Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Sun Dec 21, 2008 2:59 am


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

today for instance.. lets use just today.

each of my 10 year olds... 1.5 hours of physical activity... 1 hour of "arts and crafts" with me... we watched two christmas shows ( one 30 minute and one 2 hours ).
They played for 3 hours on the Wii, PS2, Gamecube, SNES systems ( yup all of those saw some action today ) when they had a friend over right after hockey, then they wound the day down playing against each other on a internet computer game and are reading waiting for me to sing with them before they go to sleep.

So to say that just because they access to gaming systems they are being corrupted in some way is utter nonsense.. You say that because I cant skate worth sh1t but I still go out on the ice to teach them how to play hockey with them makes me worthless because I dont actually play hockey.. I'd like you to tell me why I NEED to actually play the game to be involved and to be a good parent. I have coached soccer, hockey and baseball amongst other sports and I can gaurentee you that just because I dont waste my time playing with other adults and would rather spend my time with my kids I am a far better person and coach then the person you are thinking of as a good coach. My kids are far more important then my own entertainment, maybe if you think it should be otherwise you need to take a look into your soul and contemplate that for awhile

I spent 5 hours with my kids today doing stuff (never mind 2 hours of travel time) that had nothing to do with game systems. I never forced them to do any of it. In fact to ensure that they had the choice to make it to their sports this weekend I have spent the last week in the bitter cold fixing the van into the wee hours of the morning in between going to multiple doctors appointments and actually working.. ( and building a new garage door because the old one broke )

What did you do for your kids this week? How about just today? What did you learn in the last 24 hours that does not interest you in the least and you have no intention of ever participating in it again, just so you could teach your kids? Anything? Oh wait.. no that would not be good because GOOD parents MUST actually participate. Yeah I will run that by my brother in law this week.. let him know that because he can barely walk he will never be a good parent for my nephew when he is playing soccer.

23Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Sun Dec 21, 2008 3:51 am




24Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:16 pm

holly golightly

holly golightly

DeanK, what colour is that cast on the arm you just broke patting yourself on the back for being superdad? Good for you for spending 5 hours today with your kids, you should be very pleased that you could spare that time for them. And you ask what I did with my children today? Not much considering they are all over the age of 20 and in fact one was working and the other 2 , hmm lets see are at their own games as coaches and as players, one in South Dakota at an invitational soccer tournament. I have never said that YOU are a bad dad, I have never judged YOU as a coach, all I stated is that the coaches that I hold in utmost respect are the ones that actually know what is going on on the field or rink because they actually have and still do play the game. How can a coach tell a player what to think or do in a given situation if they have never experienced it themselves? Book learning and coaching clinics help but can't replace actual experience.

And it is now Sunday morning and my son is on his way to coach his hockey team, just heard from my daughter and her girls team is in the championship game in South Dakota and they are concerned if they will actually make it home tonight considering the weather. Both of these children are coaching other people's children because they don't have children of their own so they have made the decision to be involved regardless, they didn't wait until they had kids to become involved. So yeah I am very proud of how my kids have grown to become adults and even more so that they have chosen not to wait to coach until they are parents. And both of them still play the game at a very high level so they can appreciate what the players are experiencing on the pitch and ice. And HOLLY's cast is pink.

25Wii or xBox or ??? Empty Re: Wii or xBox or ??? Sun Dec 21, 2008 4:34 pm

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

I've heard that before... I too do not believe that a coach must have actually played the game to be a uber-successful coach. It is an old wives tail in my view.

If one truly understands the nuances of the game; understands how the players think; how the opposition plays... Those peeps can be very successful. I believe to think otherwise is a little uppity, snobbish...

Chill peeps. It sounds like you're both good parents. This pissing contest you have sounds like each of you feel you're the bestest parent of all times.

You just go about it in your own way and you've been successful. Hmmm. Did either of you have children before? No. And yet you succeeded. Heh heh.


off topic Now get back on topic or start a new thread...

Last edited by grumpy old man on Sun Dec 21, 2008 7:10 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fixed grammar and punctuation...)

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