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Answer: Spend spend spend spend spend spend spend spend spend spend spend spend spend...

grumpy old man
6 posters

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grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Question: What does the ndp government do better than any other government?

In addition to a planned half-billion dollar deficit, the Manitoba ndp government has overspent an additional $233 million. That means that Manitoba, a have not province, has overspent almost 3/4 of a billion dollars in the last fiscal year!

The citizens of Manitoba do not have this limitless pile 'o cash as the ndp seems to believe.

Manitobans, vote anyone but selinger and his spend recklessly cronies. We can be a have province and prosper. Believe it!

Over expenditures by provincial department: 2010-11

Aboriginal and Northern Affairs — $1 million

Advanced Education — $329,000

Agriculture and Food — $4.7 million

Education — $2 million

Entrepreneurship, Training and Trade — $4.4 million

Family Services and Consumer Affairs — $69 million

Health — $47 million

Healthy Living — $309,000

Infrastructure and Transportation — $10.6 million

Innovation, Energy and Mines — $2.5 million

Justice — $24.5 million

Labour and Immigration — $222,000

Local Government — $30,000

Other Appropriations — $37 million

Total — $233 million

Source: Winnipeg Sun



How much was the federal deficit again? $20-something Billion last year? Over $30 Billion the year before? None of the parties are doing any better at keeping spending in check. They're all the same, the only difference is where/who the money goes to. IMHO the Conservatives shouldn't be throwing stones in a glass house. Once they can balance a budget they can start opening their mouths again. Basically what I'm saying is they're all hypocrites and liars, the only difference is some bribe you with your own money, some bribe someone else. Same sh1t, different pile.



Grumpyrom and grumpy- fed -56 Billion , this year -40 Billion, but there hasn't been 1 dollar wasted by the Harper Govt! Except their ad money!
The Fed deficit is not to be blamed on harper. If I am not mistaken, they brought in a balanced budget in Dec 09, and had to prorogue the govt because no one was going to support it? Then they brought in extra spending of $56 Billion to get the economy going!
Wasn't that what happened?
In Manitoba Selinger isn't at fault, except for Bipole 111 line for wasting money, and I don't think that has started in earnest yet?
Manitoba has too many old , too many poor, and possible too many people stuck up North with nothing to do!
How can you blame Selinger on that?

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

grumpyrom wrote:How much was the federal deficit again? $20-something Billion last year? Over $30 Billion the year before? None of the parties are doing any better at keeping spending in check. They're all the same, the only difference is where/who the money goes to. IMHO the Conservatives shouldn't be throwing stones in a glass house. Once they can balance a budget they can start opening their mouths again. Basically what I'm saying is they're all hypocrites and liars, the only difference is some bribe you with your own money, some bribe someone else. Same sh1t, different pile.
Was that a planned deficit? Did it have anything to do with one of the worst recession's in history? Why do people forget the recession?

Did the federal government overspend the budget or was there a surplus?

Are we comparing apples to apples?

Gotta remember that Manitoba raked in record transfer payments and STILL not only could we not balance the budget we ran a planned deficit and the EXCEEDED the planned deficit.

AND... the Manitoba government raked in a few hundred MORE in income than planned!

Okay, can we stay focused on this government and their reckless spending? Or do we continue to deflect, the classic misdirection ploy...

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Here, rosen did some homework...

Question, how much of the federal deficit was someone else's money? Answer. None.

How much of the Manitoba budget was someone else's money? 20%~? 40%~?



The 2010 Stimulus Package:
The spending restraint, outlined in its 2010 budget, would net $17.6-billion in savings over five years and bring the deficit down from a high of $53.8-billion this fiscal year, ending March 31, to a low of $1.8-billion by 2015.
Before the cuts kick in, however, the Conservative government said it was committed to spend $19-billion as part of year two of the two-year $47-billion stimulus package aimed at resuscitating the economy after the global financial crisis.

The big question mark is whether the economy can withstand the abrupt removal of stimulus a year from now,” he said. “To me, that’s the real test.”



Sooo. By my addition, Wowchuk is running about a quarter three-quarters of a billion dollar deficit this year eh.

She, along with Selinger, run the most incompetent government that this province has ever had.

Gawd we have to rid ourselves of this dreadful scourge!!!

Last edited by JTF on Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:13 am; edited 1 time in total

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

No JTF. three quarters of a billion. The half billion budgeted and the additional quarter billion not budgeted. And don't forget the quarter billion in extra revenue the government realized.



oops..duh. Embarassed
I guess when I think of Wowchuk, my brain freezes.


contributor plus
contributor plus

Where would start you start cutting?
I would start with the fake construction "jobs" (IMO).


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

and as soon as you cut those fake construction jobs we will see where manitoba's "growth" really is. Would be nice to see some non twisted numbers



I would start cutting the last programs that were started and work back from there.

That's about as good a place to start as any imo. The important thing is to start cutting.

This government has been in a spending mode for years and we must change course by electing a new one...a Conservative one.



There never has ever been a government that did not spend more than they did the previous year!
The thinkers , think they have done a good job if they only spend 2% more than last year and then depend on more grant money from the Feds!
There should be a bonus system, payable to sone civil servant who can come up with a savings to do the same with less money!
But in government i don't think that thought exists?
Perhaps Paul Martin , a few years ago in the mid 90's, when he took over the huge debt from Mulroney, and under Chretian's orders got the spending down and started to show a continual surplus!



Are you offering excuses or just baiting?

Miz point

Miz point

JTF wrote:Are you offering excuses or just baiting?

I find that remark rather ironic coming from the master baiter himself.... lol!



Very interesting Manitoba poll just announced showing the provincial Conservatives at 47%

Miz point

Miz point

rosencrentz wrote:Very interesting Manitoba poll just announced showing the provincial Conservatives at 47%

I wonder which neighbourhoods were sampled in the poll....



Miz point wrote:
JTF wrote:Are you offering excuses or just baiting?

I find that remark rather ironic coming from the master baiter himself.... lol!

Don't you have any dishes to wash?

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Miz point wrote:
rosencrentz wrote:Very interesting Manitoba poll just announced showing the provincial Conservatives at 47%

I wonder which neighbourhoods were sampled in the poll....
You figure an unscrupulous pollster only sampled right-leaning neighbourhoods? Do you believe that or you just funnin' us?

It's about as funny as the mins ego comment.

Miz point

Miz point

I wondered which neighbourhoods were sampled in the is a legitimate question - just because you infer something differently that is not my concern. When it comes to politics some of you boys best start developing a thick skin as you cannot always have it your way.

As I have stated many times, I give little credence to the mainstream parties as I find most pols to be self-serving, egotistical prats.

Miz point

Miz point

JTF wrote:
Miz point wrote:
JTF wrote:Are you offering excuses or just baiting?

I find that remark rather ironic coming from the master baiter himself.... lol!

Don't you have any dishes to wash?

You are so predictable.....bless your black heart and master baiting ways..... lol!



Are your dishes finished and put away? Then do the floors.

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