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Canada walks out of UN .. Conspiracy case closed.

6 posters

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contributor plus
contributor plus

evildoers did fly planes they say
into the two towers on conspiracy day.
only bush and bin ladin flew away.
there was a conspiracy.
did it cross the line between external and domestic?
CIA guy tells osama they need a crew to be the bad guys in a war game.
sounds like fun.
i would do it myself.

Ahmadinejad may be a petty dictator and an odious character who oversees a regime of oppression and disregard for human rights, but he hasn’t invaded and occupied any countries and he hasn’t been involved in the murders of over a million innocent people, unlike a certain Tony Blair, who upon the recent release of his book was lauded by the establishment press and is regularly applauded by UN delegates when he makes speeches in front of diplomats.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

I'll believe Ahmadinejad the moment he holds fair and just and uncorrupted elections in his country.



Bush and his Conservitive, church going, holier than thou, right wing nuts, have caused the collapse of the U.S.A., and no one seems to be complaining loud enough to get through to the U.S.A. because "might is right"!

The money that has been spent on the army, navy, and air force would have eliminated all the poverty in the world.


contributor plus
contributor plus

you don't believe there are people on earth who don't believe that the official conspiracy theory is the whole story?



Fox Mulder knows the truth is out there, but he's afraid he might get kicked out of the FBI if he says anything.
The youngster with the broken eavestrough from Charleswood can confirm.



The tinfoil hat crowd over at infowars have yet to find any evidence to back their "9/11 inside job" claims - evidence that stands up to a quick check for credibility. Instead those claims are backed with a mountain of half-truths, misrepresentations and outright lies.

Their standard practice is to post a claim to a forum. Then when it's debunked, they post five more. When those are debunked, they post 20 more. Repeat with even greater numbers. When people stop wasting their time debunking, the tinfoil-hatters yell AHA! and claim victory.

Yes, there a lot of reason to believe that Bush II and friends ignored warnings. Yes, they did everything they could to ensure that their response wasn't investigated. So yes, it's not out of line to say that there was a conspiracy.

But the claims from Infowars - whether holographic airplanes, remote-controlled airplanes or controlled demolition - are just plain stupid.



The "insiders" tell me that it was a retrofit, renovation gone wrong!



RogerStrong wrote:

The tinfoil hat crowd..

Excellent way of describing them.


contributor plus
contributor plus

ahh .. name calling.
that's usually my argument but y'all are so much better at it that i will defer to your superiority.

i am not up to date on military research but i do know
there is such a thing as remote controlled planes.
i have seen many videos of controlled demolition.
electromagnetic waves do exist and your brain and body run on their very delicate gradiations.

so debunk away on your chertoff homeland security assignment.
whose homeland are we securing here?



tick wrote:ahh .. name calling.
that's usually my argument but y'all are so much better at it that i will defer to your superiority.

i am not up to date on military research but i do know
there is such a thing as remote controlled planes.
i have seen many videos of controlled demolition.
electromagnetic waves do exist and your brain and body run on their very delicate gradiations.

so debunk away on your chertoff homeland security assignment.
whose homeland are we securing here?

Manitoba Skeeters.



The tinfoil hat crowd over at the sandbox have yet to find any evidence to back their "9/11 inside job" claims - evidence that stands up to a quick check for credibility. Instead those claims are backed with a mountain of half-truths, misrepresentations and outright lies.

Their standard practice is to post a claim to a forum, that appear to be 87% true! lol



tick wrote:ahh .. name calling.

We need something to refer to them as.

Conspiracy theorist doesn't work. "Theory" implies the collection of evidence, and abandoning the theory if the evidence - or even reasoning - doesn't fit.

A conspiracy theorist might claim that the White House covered up evidence that they ignored warnings about 9/11. The evidence supports this.

But lacking evidence - or even credible reasoning - for a "controlled demolition" - and with a mountain of evidence against it - when people claim "controlled demolition", those who make that claim blong at the same table as those who wear tinfoil hats to keep out the mind control rays.

tick wrote:so debunk away on your chertoff homeland security assignment.

That's another sign of a tinfoil-hatter: Anyone who questions their claims or points out that the evidence doesn't match the claims, is automatically one of Them/They/The Conspiracy.



Is Canada walking out similar to the Liberals under Ignatieff walking out so as to not vote for a Conservative measure, but did not want to bring an election?


contributor plus
contributor plus

Whenever there is a need for a “wag the dog”news story, “Al Qaeda” is dragged out as the whipping boy. Never has any organization been as mysterious and insubstantial as this one, whose supposed leader, Osama bin Laden, has not only been dead for years but when he was alive, not only worked directly for the CIA but comes from a family directly tied to, not only the Bush family, but, in fact, close friends and business partners for decades at every level.

"DARPA develops Helmet of Obedience"

First, the event of the 11 September 2001 which has affected the whole world for almost a decade. All of a sudden, the news of the attack on the twin towers was broadcast using numerous footages of the incident. Almost all governments and known figures strongly condemned this incident. But then a propaganda machine came into full force; it was implied that the whole world was exposed to a huge danger, namely terrorism, and that the only way to save the world would be to deploy forces into Afghanistan. Eventually Afghanistan, and shortly thereafter, Iraq were occupied.

Please take note:

It was said that some three thousands people were killed on 11 September for which we are all very saddened. Yet, up until now, in Afghanistan and Iraq, hundreds of thousands of people have been killed, millions wounded and displaced, and the conflict is still going on and expanding. In identifying those responsible for the attack, there were three viewpoints.

1- That a very powerful and complex terrorist group, able to successfully cross all layers of the American intelligence and security, carried out the attack. This is the main viewpoint advocated by American statesmen.

2- That some segments within the U.S. government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining American economy and its grips on the Middle East in order also to save the Zionist regime. The majority of the American people as well as other nations and politicians agree with this view.

3- It was carried out by a terrorist group but the American government supported and took advantage of the situation. Apparently, this viewpoint has fewer proponents. The main evidence linking the incident was a few passports found in the huge volume of rubble and a video of an individual whose place of domicile was unknown, but it was announced that he had been involved in oil deals with some American officials. It was also covered up and said that due to the explosion and fire no trace of the suicide attackers was found.

There remain, however, a few questions [to] be answered:

1- Would it not have been sensible that first a thorough investigation should have been conducted by independent groups to conclusively identify the elements involved in the attack and then map out a rational plan to take measures against them?

2- Assuming the viewpoint of the American government, is it rational to launch a classic war through widespread deployment of troops that led to the death of hundreds of thousands of people to counter a terrorist group?



rosencrentz wrote:The "insiders" tell me that it was a retrofit, renovation gone wrong!

No, the FBI were closing in on the location of Hoffa's remains.

The mob made sure the remains would not be found, so they used their Heroin-Golden Triangle contacts to get Terrorists to do their dirty work. And now they will never find Hoffa's remains.


contributor plus
contributor plus

one fer LD's tagline.

42 billion dollar per annum fee for ignorance.
the miracle of compound interest...

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