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Tigers Girls..

holly golightly
Miz point
9 posters

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1Tigers Girls.. Empty Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 4:57 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

so like... WTF do all these girls need a lawyer for?

Why bother "coming out" if you were not raped, or dont have a kid by the dude?

2Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 4:59 pm

Miz point

Miz point

Dean, they are women, not girls.....and they come out of the "woodwork" so to speak for the fifteen minutes of fame thing....some money will be made here by some of these women. Good on them. He can't keep it in his pants he should pay the price.

3Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:02 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

pay what price? There is no money to be had from him from these girls at most they might get some money from being interviewed by someone... or I guess by selling there story for the soon to be made for TV movie... but thats more of a publicist or Marketing persons job, not a lawyer... no?

4Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:02 pm



I think this whole story is a joke. Who cares if he cheated...millions of men and women cheat everyday. IMO, humans aren't meant to be monogamous we make a conscious choice to stay faithful...or not. It's only sex and sex doesn't equate love. For all any of us know he may be in a sexless marriage....they have small children and some women lose all interest in sex after the birth of children. I am not making excuses for his behavior....there are three sides to every story and so far we're only hearing one.

5Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:05 pm

Miz point

Miz point

Deank wrote:pay what price? There is no money to be had from him from these girls at most they might get some money from being interviewed by someone... or I guess by selling there story for the soon to be made for TV movie... but thats more of a publicist or Marketing persons job, not a lawyer... no?

A lawyer helps in terms of negotiating fees for appearances, what should not be said publically in order to avoid, having a lawyer makes perfect sense.....

6Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:12 pm



Miz point wrote:Dean, they are women, not girls.....and they come out of the "woodwork" so to speak for the fifteen minutes of fame thing....some money will be made here by some of these women. Good on them. He can't keep it in his pants he should pay the price.

And I suppose if he had called Tiger a "boy" it would be a racist comment?

For some, not from any bias, sexist, or racist intention...interchange girl/woman, boy/man, etc. as genderless or generic.

Had they been REAL women though...they either would have kept their legs closed, or enjoyed the moment for what it was...and not had any thoughts or hopes of monetary gain or "15 seconds" of fame.

So no...NOT good on them...and with any luck, every one of them who files some sort of an appeal or case against Tiger will have a counter-suit for defamatory comments which will take DOUBLE the amount back.

The "price" he's paying is the risk his wife will find out (which she has), and the shame he'll have to overcome for the next DECADE or more because of a few acts of poor judgment. He may even have to pay TO his wife in settlements and who knows what behind closed doors.

But to support ANY woman/girl who wants to screw around and grab their "thrill" from a celebrity and then expect a different return down the line...shame on them.

Dean is right on this one.
No baby?
No laws broken (against the individual)?
No payments!!!
And if it wasn't for the whiny media looking for some scandal...there should be NO FAME either!!!

7Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:13 pm

holly golightly

holly golightly

But the difference in this situation and the millions of men & women who chose to cheat is they are not portrayed as positive role models for millions of children around the world. The people I feel sorry for in all of this are his children who will have to endure the harrassement of the papparazzi and the embarrassment of what their father has done to destroy their family.

8Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:20 pm



holly golightly wrote:But the difference in this situation and the millions of men & women who chose to cheat is they are not portrayed as positive role models for millions of children around the world. The people I feel sorry for in all of this are his children who will have to endure the harrassement of the papparazzi and the embarrassment of what their father has done to destroy their family.

That's a great point holly...but unfortunately has nothing to do with those Tiger slept with. (ok...maybe not sleep Wink).

His family will have plenty to live with, and deal with though...and hopefully part of the money he WILL have to spend, is on a decent therapist for his kids.

9Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:20 pm

Miz point

Miz point

AGEsAces wrote:
Miz point wrote:Dean, they are women, not girls.....and they come out of the "woodwork" so to speak for the fifteen minutes of fame thing....some money will be made here by some of these women. Good on them. He can't keep it in his pants he should pay the price.

And I suppose if he had called Tiger a "boy" it would be a racist comment?

For some, not from any bias, sexist, or racist intention...interchange girl/woman, boy/man, etc. as genderless or generic.

Had they been REAL women though...they either would have kept their legs closed, or enjoyed the moment for what it was...and not had any thoughts or hopes of monetary gain or "15 seconds" of fame.

So no...NOT good on them...and with any luck, every one of them who files some sort of an appeal or case against Tiger will have a counter-suit for defamatory comments which will take DOUBLE the amount back.

The "price" he's paying is the risk his wife will find out (which she has), and the shame he'll have to overcome for the next DECADE or more because of a few acts of poor judgment. He may even have to pay TO his wife in settlements and who knows what behind closed doors.

But to support ANY woman/girl who wants to screw around and grab their "thrill" from a celebrity and then expect a different return down the line...shame on them.

Dean is right on this one.
No baby?
No laws broken (against the individual)?
No payments!!!
And if it wasn't for the whiny media looking for some scandal...there should be NO FAME either!!!

Put the blame where it belongs - on the male slut who could not keep it in his pants. I have not much use for the skanks who crawled into bed with him either but he could have exercised better judgment. He will now perhaps pay for his lack of better judgment.

10Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:25 pm



Miz point wrote:Put the blame where it belongs - on the male slut who could not keep it in his pants. I have not much use for the skanks who crawled into bed with him either but he could have exercised better judgment. He will now perhaps pay for his lack of better judgment.

He is paying...just not monetarily to the sluts he banged. (that's probably a better term for them than women or girls)

I think whoever is a local prosecutor should keep an eye on the case. The very SECOND any of the women get money out of Tiger for him having sex with them...the women should be arrested as prostitutes. Set the bail at...oh...whatever they stole from Tiger to begin with.

11Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:29 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

oh like he never purchased or gave them some expensive gifts already.

Which brings up another point. If he already paid for their silence.. ( fur coat, diamonds, whatever ) ... and they broke their silence.. could he not perhaps sue them for whatever money they make from coming out since they broke a verbal contract?

12Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:29 pm

Miz point

Miz point

He is the biggest slut of them all and if he were to give them monies then he is equally as culpable under the law for SOLICITATION.....two way goddamned street here wanna play, you pay.

13Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:32 pm

Miz point

Miz point

Deank wrote:oh like he never purchased or gave them some expensive gifts already.

Which brings up another point. If he already paid for their silence.. ( fur coat, diamonds, whatever ) ... and they broke their silence.. could he not perhaps sue them for whatever money they make from coming out since they broke a verbal contract?

Ah, getting nailed for kissing, schtupping and telling? That sort of contract would be hard to to difficult to enforce.....if he gave them gifts were said gifts to maintain silence? many issues at play here....there will be more to amuse and occupy our minds in the days to come....why worry about the real news when can debate over this sort of salacious crap.

14Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:34 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

its perfectly legal to pay someone to maintain their silence in regards to a particular subject, provided that subject is not a criminal act.

15Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:40 pm

Miz point

Miz point

Hence out of court settlements, gag orders and such.....what I see happening here however is something that could have been easily diffused if he had say come clean and told the cops he was mad, leaving the house, got agitated and got into a minor accident.....couples do have arguments. Unfortunately in this twittering and tweeting society news good or bad or true or false travels quickly. The respect for the privacy of one's family is no longer respected. Silence or lack thereof on any issue is an assumption of some sort of guilt....the classic catch 22.

16Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:45 pm



Tigers Girls.. Tiger%20Beat%20Up

17Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:45 pm



The Jokes have Started for Tiger

Tigers Girls.. Phil%20Mickelson%20Needs%20Support_small
It was just reported that Phil Mickelson contacted Tiger's
wife to pick up some tips on how to beat Tiger!

Tigers Girls.. Elin%20Nordegren%20Bikini_small1
Apparently the police asked Tiger's wife how many times she hit him. She said "I don't know exactly… but put me down for a 5."

Tigers Girls.. Tiger%20Woods%20StockCar_small
Tiger Woods is so rich that he owns lots of expensive
cars. Now he has a hole-in-one.

Tigers Girls.. Tiger%20Woods%20Driving_small
What's the difference between a car and a golf ball? Tiger can drive a ball 400 yards……...

Tigers Girls.. Tiger%20and%20Elin%20Woods_small
What were Tiger Woods and his wife doing out at 2.30 in the morning? They went clubbing.

Tigers Girls.. Tiger%20Woods%20Car%20Accident_small
Tiger Woods crashed into a fire hydrant and a tree.
He couldn't decide between a wood and an iron.

Tigers Girls.. Tiger%20Beat%20Up_small
When asked if his wife struck him, he said " nah, she
was just teed off and I was the tee.

Last edited by AGEsAces on Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

18Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:46 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

Its totally bizarre how this started as a traffic accident ... then all of a sudden all these women started popping out of the wood work.

like WTF?

19Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:47 pm

Miz point

Miz point

OK AA - the first pic......ROTFLMFAO......

20Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:49 pm

Miz point

Miz point

Because he kept avoiding making a statement to the police....causes well he was not in a danger scenario so WTF was Elin doing with the golf club? Hmmmm.....then the leaked phone message where he asks the one woman to remove her name off of her call display because his wife had been going through his phone records.....tell enough lies, engage in enough chicanery and it catches up to you.

21Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:58 pm

holly golightly

holly golightly

I found it quite interesting while watching the Chevron golf tournament this past weekend (the one which he sponsors and which his learning centre is a beneficiary of) that when the golfers were being interviewed at the end of their round, his name did not come up nor did the commentators mention hinm very often if at all. They either made a conscious decision not to speak of him or were told by the network to not mention his name. Either way it was very interesting to see how it affected the whole tournament.

22Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 6:01 pm



holly golightly wrote:But the difference in this situation and the millions of men & women who chose to cheat is they are not portrayed as positive role models for millions of children around the world. The people I feel sorry for in all of this are his children who will have to endure the harrassement of the papparazzi and the embarrassment of what their father has done to destroy their family.

Did he ask to be a role model? He is a talented guy and a great golfer. I feel for his children but like I stated before we really don't know the whole story. Nobody knows what goes on in a marriage, we only know what we are told.

23Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 7:38 pm

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

This thread is pointless. As is taking sides to determine who is right and who is wrong.

What a joke.

24Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:49 pm



Goth_chic wrote:I think this whole story is a joke. Who cares if he cheated...millions of men and women cheat everyday. IMO, humans aren't meant to be monogamous we make a conscious choice to stay faithful...or not. It's only sex and sex doesn't equate love. For all any of us know he may be in a sexless marriage....they have small children and some women lose all interest in sex after the birth of children. I am not making excuses for his behavior....there are three sides to every story and so far we're only hearing one.

Permission to give 5 thumbs up for Goth Smile

25Tigers Girls.. Empty Re: Tigers Girls.. Mon Dec 07, 2009 10:10 pm



It takes two to tango. Tigre isn't the only one who could "keep it in his pants" or his "legs crossed". The women are just as much to blame as he is. 50/50. They were using eachother.

But in the end, who really cares? It's just another bunch of cheating humans who don't give a rat's ass about themselves or their families anyway, showing their true characters, or lack there of.

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