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How do you feel

St Norberter
grumpy old man
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1How do you feel Empty How do you feel Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:59 am



My mom stayed home and so did most I knew , wonder why now it is so looked down on . If one is working it is possible to do just have to cut back on the now syndrome . People have grown up to think the driveway full of toys says they have made it to bad.
Motherhood has paid the price .

2How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:16 am



I don't think staying at home is looked down upon imo. It's considered just another choice I believe. Women now have a choice and some are working outside the home and some inside.

Just because a woman stays at home, doesn't mean that her child will be cared for "better" than a kid in daycare, and vica-versa.

3How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:21 am



Who's looking down at stay-at-home parents? Thats not what the linked article is about.

4How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:38 am


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

It sorta says it

"If she really said these things, she must apologize. If she doesn't apologize, the premier must fire her," David Swann said in a statement Wednesday. "These are truly outrageous claims. I have never been as stunned by the sheer arrogance and ignorance of the Tories as I am today."

If you are demanding an apology for saying one parent should stay home, it sorta means you are looking down on it.

5How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:47 am



It was a Liberal who said it, and they're generally assholes to start off with.

6How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Thu Jun 18, 2009 6:50 pm

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

It was a liberal so why are peeps pissed at the conservatives?

7How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Fri Jun 19, 2009 7:06 am



Freeman wrote:It was a Liberal who said it, and they're generally assholes to start off with.

That take you all night to come up with.

8How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Fri Jun 19, 2009 8:38 am



NO. Did it take you all day to figure it out?

9How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:42 am



Let's not forget that politicians express exaggerated views to appeal to a crowd that is sympathetic to a particular issue. I'll bet my left testicle that almost nobody among the public looks down on women who choose to stay home and take care of the kids.

What *is* dubious however, is saying that it's their duty. It should be a choice. If a woman decides to do that, fine. But if she decides to work, she shouldn't be looked down upon either. That's the crux of the matter, that it be her choice.

A society that simply expects women to work is no better than a society that expects women not to. This is all about choice, not whichever choice is taken. Both my parents worked for their entire lives and it sure as crap hasn't hurt me. A mother working or a mother at home, both have benefits and disbenefits.

That's after all why it should be the choice of the mother in quesiton. Anything else than exactly that is complete bullshit in my not-so-humble opinion.

10How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:47 am


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

the member who made the statements in question was a woman.. its her statement that at least one of the parents should stay home...she does not say it should be the woman

11How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:56 am



Well, better to have that cleared up. But I'd say the same thing anyway. Let people decide for themselves whether they want to work or not. The necessity of a parent at home all day long is severely overrated. Much more important is unconditional love and support for the kid.

Like I said, I was raised by two working parents, and even a single working parent for quite some time, and it never bothered me. Can't see why it should, either. My relationship with both parents is better than excellent. In my opinion, and experience, this one-parent-at-home thing is very much overestimated. It's not nearly as important as people tend to think.

12How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:54 am



I would disagree, particularly at the younger years. My wife stayed home and did not re-enter the workforce until the boys were firmly entrenched in school. It is the parents role to raise children, instill values, and well, just be there. Thats not a task that can be delegated to a stranger.

13How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Fri Jun 19, 2009 6:39 pm

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

That may well be why children today are like they are. Latch-key children learn far too much from the TV. That said nothing can replace quality parenting regardless the AMOUNT of parenting IMO.

The biggest problems are irresponsible parents, an over-burdened school system, too much violence on TV (etc.), a piss poor justice system...

14How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Fri Jun 19, 2009 8:14 pm

St Norberter

St Norberter

You`re all forgetting the Liberal philosophy behind 2 parents working:
2 parents working = 2 salaries = increased stautory deductions ( CPP, EI, Income Tax) = more money for the Liberals to flush down the toilet.

15How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Fri Jun 19, 2009 8:50 pm



I am a stay at home Mom, I do work part time though. My husband comes home from work and I go in to my job and am home in time to say goodnight to my kids. We have weekends off and spend that time as a family. We chose to take that financial hit because we don't believe in strangers raising our children. I am not against women who have to work to help put food on the table. It's a personal choice.

16How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:47 pm


contributor plus
contributor plus

Goth_chic wrote:I am a stay at home Mom, I do work part time though. My husband comes home from work and I go in to my job and am home in time to say goodnight to my kids. We have weekends off and spend that time as a family. We chose to take that financial hit because we don't believe in strangers raising our children. I am not against women who have to work to help put food on the table. It's a personal choice.

good job.
I hope you teach your children to love the biathlon because I will be needing them when I bring down the evil Doer and the neferious Katz.

17How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Sat Jun 20, 2009 10:04 am



grumpy old man wrote:That may well be why children today are like they are. Latch-key children learn far too much from the TV. That said nothing can replace quality parenting regardless the AMOUNT of parenting IMO.

The biggest problems are irresponsible parents, an over-burdened school system, too much violence on TV (etc.), a piss poor justice system...

We don't have cable, we won't ever get cable. (Okay ever is a strong word, World Cup is next year but..) In saying that, my daughter won't watch tv unless she goes over to someones house (ie: grandparents, babysitter) we don't find any use in the tv. Our public health nurse is astonished at the rate she is developing and the fact she is doing things quite earlier than other children, she attributes this to no tv. I believe that tv teaches kids nothing, there is far too much violence, and the fact that our neices and nephews ask us to stay inside and watch a movie on nice days just boggles our minds.

Goth_chic wrote:I am a stay at home Mom, I do work part time though. My husband comes home from work and I go in to my job and am home in time to say goodnight to my kids. We have weekends off and spend that time as a family. We chose to take that financial hit because we don't believe in strangers raising our children. I am not against women who have to work to help put food on the table. It's a personal choice.

I believe that it is a personal choice also, but to say that strangers raise your kids, I don't believe in that statement at all, quite a few of my girlfriends have kids and say that, you raise your kids, your kids know the difference between mommy and the daycare lady, you lay out the ground rules, you set the example. The daycare is there to provide assistance for if/when you choose to go back to work. If you tell your kid they cannot have chocolate milk, if you also tell the daycare, you're kid won't get it, why? Because Mommy said so. Day cares will for the most part follow your rules, I believe daycare is no different then starting Kindergarden, kids are able to socialize with other kids at a younger age.

Either way for alot of families (not saying anyone on this forum cause I don't know anyone personally) TV raises their children IMHO.

18How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Sat Jun 20, 2009 10:27 am



IMO, daycare is not a place I wanted my children to be. My kids get the chance to socialize with others kids in preschool (which is also attended by parents) and when I go to the gym they have a babysitting service, which the kids love. I have twins so they amuse each other and are best friends. In Britain they did a 10 year study and found that daycare caused children to become more aggressive. I am against a national daycare system. I think if a parent can stay home then they should do it.

My kids watch a little bit of TV, Treehouse which is non violent. They also watch Sesame Street. Most of the time they are playing with toys and their imaginations are so well developed. We also have a swing set, sandbox and other outdoor toys and they LOVE playing outside.

It is a personal choice, I chose to stay home and raise my own kids. If someone else decides to do otherwise then great. I just don't believe my tax dollars should pay for a national daycare system, if parents decide they want to put their kids in care then they should pay for it.

19How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Sat Jun 20, 2009 10:52 am



I'm sure, no no positive you are a fantastic mother, but I am not making the matter of how I raise my kids to your kids, it's the saying that a daycare would raise your child. Now in that 10 year study that daycare caused kids to be more aggressive, shouldn't that be curbed by the parents? Parent's are usually given assessments of their children, so if there are any problems the PARENTS should be the ones to discipline them when coming home from daycare, as well as the daycare according to how the parents would discipline. Just my thoughts.

Now financially I could stay home with my daughter, but I don't want to, for MY child I believe it's good for her to grow up in an environment where both parents work and during the day she is able to do activities at a daycare as an individual.
I think it's great for women to stay home with their kids while they grow up, as my mom stayed with us for a bit, and then my dad for a year. It was fun, but then I was also in daycare which to this day I cannot really recall anything about the daycare.
But I do believe that it is good for children to develop as individuals away from their parents, as I believe they will be able to rely on themselves and be able to problem solve rather than relying on their parents.
Now for twins they automatically have one another so that is the perfect start!

20How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Sat Jun 20, 2009 11:17 am



When you look back through time, women stayed home and raised the kids. There was no daycare when my parents were kids. Mom stayed home and Dad worked. My parents generation seems to be way more productive then the generation that is coming of age right now. The kids and teens I see have a sense of entitlement (not all but quite a few I've seen) maybe it's because Mommy and Daddy feel guilty for not being there. I have friends who are working like crazy to be able to afford to live in the big fancy house, the kids are stuck in daycare from 7:00 am till 5:30 pm. How can that be a good thing? If both parents need to work to be able to put food on the table then hey I am all for it but if they are only working to keep up with the Jones'....the kids suffer. I chose to work part time for some extra money and to keep my sanity.

I am not saying women shouldn't work, it is a personal choice. I believe in mom or dad staying home to raise the kids. That is my belief. I know some are unable to do that and I understand that.

21How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Sat Jun 20, 2009 11:40 am

Miz point

Miz point

I did the stay at home Mom thing but also used the local daycare as a respite when I decided to go to well I hired a part time my line of work I could be at home and I was grateful for that. Some families however need two incomes while others do all boils down to choice and how one wishes to live....I do not believe some of the guilt trips out there though that are laid upon women who choose to live outside the box so to speak. Why are we considered the primary caregivers? Two way street afaiac.....

Yesterday on Oprah (yes I was channel surfing) single dads were profiled. As much as I understand the hardships of single parents (mostly women) these men all had cushy executive jobs.....they were not earning the average of 68 cents per dollar that their female counterparts would be making....while daycares may not be the greatest places they are necessary in our society to have.....

I am glad I had choices....

22How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Sat Jun 20, 2009 11:52 am



Goth_chic wrote:When you look back through time, women stayed home and raised the kids. There was no daycare when my parents were kids. Mom stayed home and Dad worked. My parents generation seems to be way more productive then the generation that is coming of age right now. The kids and teens I see have a sense of entitlement (not all but quite a few I've seen) maybe it's because Mommy and Daddy feel guilty for not being there. I have friends who are working like crazy to be able to afford to live in the big fancy house, the kids are stuck in daycare from 7:00 am till 5:30 pm. How can that be a good thing? If both parents need to work to be able to put food on the table then hey I am all for it but if they are only working to keep up with the Jones'....the kids suffer. I chose to work part time for some extra money and to keep my sanity.

I am not saying women shouldn't work, it is a personal choice. I believe in mom or dad staying home to raise the kids. That is my belief. I know some are unable to do that and I understand that.

I think kids have that sense of entitlement because there are way more "things" for them to have. I am not ashamed to admit it, but I believe I am one of those kids. I lived at home rent free for a while, I have had a car since I was 16, I have always had a computer, but these things are and were available to me. But I know what a dollar is worth, and I know where I came from. My daughter will grow up with these things, and probably more, why because they are there. And yes me and my boyfriend do want to own a big home and drive more than one vehicle, but that's the time we are in. I will not have my daughter in a daycare from 7-5:30 that is excessive, but I will be home with her the first two years almost (cause of school) but after that she will be in daycare, but we will do our best and make sure that it is not that 7-5:30!

23How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:35 pm



Did you work to pay for your car? Or how about your computer? IMO, if Mommy and Daddy buy everything you want for you then how can you possibly understand the value of a dollar? My Dad was an executive and made six figures, we lived in a modest home and he didn't drive a brand new car. I worked part time through junior high and high school, paid for my own telephone line. We always had tons of food and nice clothes. He took us to Disneyland when we were in elementary school ( I had a paper route and saved up my own spending money). Times have changed and I realize that, but my children will work for the extras. I will not buy anyone a car at 16. I feel you appreciate things alot more when you have to pay for it.

I feel too many people are caught up in the whole "materialism" trap. I am trying my best to teach my children that there is more to life then having a blackberry or a brand new car.

24How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Sat Jun 20, 2009 5:18 pm



I agree that stay at home or daycare is a personal choice. This leads the discussion as to who pays for it? Should daycare be a universal program fully funded from taxpayer dollars, or should it be funded by those who make the choice to go out and enjoy the benefits of a second income. There are those who need the assistance (single parents, young moms going to school), but lets talk about the 2 parent family who have made the choice.

25How do you feel Empty Re: How do you feel Sat Jun 20, 2009 6:16 pm

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

If universal (free) daycare is made available on the taxpayer dime then I believe demand will grow exponentially. Don't take away its value by making it free. Charge a token user fee. Then it is less likely to be abused by those most likely to abuse it.

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