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And now for a little more CBC absurdity...

grumpy old man
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grumpy old man

grumpy old man

And now for a little more CBC absurdity... KristaEricksonThis just in. CBC reporter Krista Erickson did not display partisan bias when she planted questions in the Liberal caucus. So say's the CBC ombudsman.
"There is absolutely no evidence of any partisan interest on her part -- she is an aggressive reporter who will pursue a story no matter whose interests are at stake," ombudsman Vince Carlin wrote in a recent report.
And now for a little more CBC absurdity... CBC_logo_small
Carlin said there was "no bias" in Erickson's work and suggested the CBC needed to outline "a clear policy" for staff covering legislative beats. The CBC said it is currently rewriting its policy book.

Wow! It never ends with these clowns eh? So they are rewriting their policy book. Ummm, why? It is clear that the CBC has sanctioned such partisan actions by its reporters. No need to change their policies now is there?

Why are so many sanctimonious bureaucrats so blind? Do they think their actions will go unobserved?



Grumpy is your newspaper still in one piece heheheh



I'm all for a policy that allows questions to be reviewed prior to the interview, just disclaim that fact...

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Reviewed? You'd be okay if the reporter reviewed the questions with the interviewee before asking them in a public forum? Nah, that is not how an independent news organization should be operating.

And if the Liberals said I'd really prefer you did not ask that question? Or can you phrase the question differently? And was this "reporter" reviewing her questions with all political parties? I'm willing to bet she did not.

This is an incompetent reporter working within a biased news organization taking liberties with the truth.

Zander, what is the CBC policy for such activities???



Ahhh...feeding very, very pointed questions, that had absolutely nothing to do with the mandate of the Inquisition, to an opposition member to ask, whom she has been allegedly boinking, isn't showing bias????


Well, so much for common sense again.



Any video available on the boinking thingy ????



Harper will reduce the CBC to irrelevancy as soon as he receives a majority. And they'll fight tooth and nail while going down - not unlike how the natural governing party of Canada is presently doing. The audacity of Canadians to speak outside the box that's been defined for them.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

I hope you're right. I hate the idea that we throw a billion dollars at that sinkhole annually yet some think $22 million on a museum is too much...



The day that clown wins one now heh , he has burned Quebec and the last time I looked you need it to have a majority. But if he doe's do away with the CBC great.



He doesn't need Quebec for a majority. We need 1 seat in B.C., another in Saskatchewan, another in Manitoba, One in Ontario and a few in Atlantic Canada. We would add at least another 4 out there, if so-called Conservative Danny Williams doesn't promote another Anything But Conservative campaign. Whalla - there a majority. If the election were to be in March/April - we'd be looking at 158 seats easy.



He would get a majority easily just from additional seats in Ontario. Screw Quebec and all the seperatists anyhoo....who needs them now....that kinda' takes away their advantage eh.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

so what happens on the day when Conservatives have a majority// NDP and Liberals have two seats ( both in Quebec ) and the Bloc has everything else?
What then? open warfare in Parliment?



Perhaps then we can clean up the mess that the last 12 years of Liberal rule have given us.

It is very apparent that Ottawa needs a real housecleaning eh...just look at the crap we've had to put up with lately.



That's when all of the overdue changes are made by the Conservatives - unobstructed. But the left will still continue with the mantra about representing REAL Canadians. By then the CBC won't be around to hypnotize the weak into believing that anymore. This next election will be like none other. All the cards are up now.



Jondo wrote:He doesn't need Quebec for a majority. We need 1 seat in B.C., another in Saskatchewan, another in Manitoba, One in Ontario and a few in Atlantic Canada. We would add at least another 4 out there, if so-called Conservative Danny Williams doesn't promote another Anything But Conservative campaign. Whalla - there a majority. If the election were to be in March/April - we'd be looking at 158 seats easy.

If everyone who voted for him last time do again and there are some who have seen past his cardigan , much to all of you Consearvetives disbelieve . But with the lack of a good fight the country will probaly get sucked in . And if he did not need Quebec why did Alberta spend so much trying to win it . Question Remeber he has some in his own camp that are unhappy with him Exclamation He He , personaly I don't trust him nothing he has done has changed that and the other 2 well dumb and dumber need I say more

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Alberta? How much did Alberta spend?

Do we pick on Alberta for Harper like we pick on Ontario for past Liberal PMs? I think all PMs have their detractors. Harper is no different in that regard. He is a little arrogant I'll grant you that. I expect he might have gained a little humility of late.



I find it quite humorous when people accuse Harper of being a bully...The biggest bully PM IMO was Jean Chretien. Oh and I fully support getting rid of the CBC (Communist Broadcasting Company)! :-)


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"The biggest bully PM IMO was Jean Chretien
oh please.. its not like he actually choked a guy or anything.



He did too.
Ask Ralph.

20And now for a little more CBC absurdity... Empty Two Morons in one... Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:19 am

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

"Public pronouncements on the CBC every year at budget time leave the unfortunate impression of potential government interference in what is supposed to be an arm's-length relationship," wrote Lise Lareau, national president of the Canadian Media Guild.

Earlier this week, (Heritage Minister James) Moore complained there was too much American programming on the CBC and said layoffs at the public broadcaster were nearly certain.

"They (CBC) themselves have said they are going to layoff 600 to 1,200 people this year," Moore told Sun Media in an interview.

The union that represents 5,500 CBC employees as well as 100 Canwest television staff, was surprised last night by news the government might help the private sector.

"I don't know why Moore feels that he can help commercial broadcasters and say no in a point-blank way to CBC," said Lareau.
So the union twit feels she is allowed to comment but the man elected to look after our tax dollars cannot? What a wonderful world union leaders must live in.

Then this twit goes on to imply the government plans to help private broadcasters but not the CBC? WTF???

The CBC is helped out to the tune of $1.1 billion annually.

What a maroon.

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