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Fun On The Dark Side

grumpy old man
8 posters

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1Fun On The Dark Side Empty Fun On The Dark Side Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:38 pm


contributor plus
contributor plus

Does anyone still read the forum on the dark side?I've been having lots of fun with a newby there called "Fed Up". No idea who that is but he sure is scared chitless in our big bad city where everyone and his uncle is getting mugged and beaten! Grumpy, you gotta invite that dude over here, Freeman and I will give him a run for his money Fun On The Dark Side Icon_razz

2Fun On The Dark Side Empty Re: Fun On The Dark Side Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:12 pm

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

I think fed up is an existing member. Not sure who (not me - I promise).

3Fun On The Dark Side Empty Re: Fun On The Dark Side Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:47 am



And before anyone makes any assumptions, no it's not me. This may help to show that people in Winnipeg are getting "Fed Up" with the crime that is slowly spiriling out of controle. I guarantee that you will only see more and more people getting frustrated with the situation in Winnipeg. People are developing higher expectations for the city (which is good IMO) and with that comes anger when things like random crime increases. I mean really, babies being stabbed, people being attacked with machettis, all these ramdom attacks are on the increase in Winnipeg. Yeah, crime happens everywhere. No one will deny that. But why more Winnipeggers aren't getting really angry with this alarming increase in crime and being very vocal in demanding something being done about, such as having more cops walking the beat in key areas, is shocking to me. Far too many just say "crime happens everywhere" and brush it off like nothing is a scary way of dealing with the issue. Unfortunately, too many people say "well it never happened to me so it can't be that bad", basically saying that unless something bad happends to them they won't take it seriously, is also a little unerving. Also, making fun of someones spelling doesn't help matters much either. I can only pray that more people in Winnipeg get "fed up" and raise pure hell to bring to attention these serious issues Winnipeg faces. The more, the better.

4Fun On The Dark Side Empty Re: Fun On The Dark Side Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:03 am

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Not so much what people say but how they say it.

What good does continually pushing people's hot buttons? If you know that scratching your nails on a blackboard irritates people do you keep doing it?

So maybe people with a "fed up with crime agenda" ought to consider a different tact. That makes sense doesn't it?

Want to engage me in a debate? Don't piss me off every chance you get. Please note that is a rhetorical statement...

5Fun On The Dark Side Empty Re: Fun On The Dark Side Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:15 am



What I'm trying to get at is that I support more and more people getting mad and frustrated with incresing crime, especially random crime in Winnipeg. People's tolerance are finally being pushed to the limits. I hope people get so mad and so frustrated that mass protests and demonstrations are had to show our moronic civic and provincial leaders that enough is enough. This is not acceptable. We want things to change now.

6Fun On The Dark Side Empty Re: Fun On The Dark Side Sat Sep 26, 2009 4:31 pm



Time for a march to the Leg to end violence.... all violence.... not special interest group violence.

7Fun On The Dark Side Empty Re: Fun On The Dark Side Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:59 am



Random crime cannot be controled! March to hell and back and it will not do anything!
Arrest all gang members every time there is a gang related crime, but warn them ahead of time, so they know they will be off the street, but our system cannot do that, because it would make sense. This was done in at least 3 American cities and killing related to gangs dropped by 70%.
The gang members were rounded up by the Police, who told the leaders, "We know who you are" and you will be charged with the conspiracy to "------".
Our system is too sucky . Throw the criminals in jail, and they dont get released until they have learnt a trade, and they aren't released until they have a job waiting for them.
Too much common sense. They come out and have a good paying job waiting for them to make a contribution, rather than being on social assisstance because they have no skills!

8Fun On The Dark Side Empty Re: Fun On The Dark Side Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:37 am



Here they would cry taken in for no reason and sue the police , easier to put it in the paper and the word on the street but I agree with you . They have to have a grade 12 minimum before release . This was attempted a few years ago and was ruled unconstitutional as it violated there charter right s to freedom of choice ,sad. May be suspend their rights while in prison , at the very least shoot some of them and limit their number of appeals on the tax payers dime.

This society has to get tough on the way kids are brought up , way to many dumb ass kids attempting parenting . Welfare needs to be toughened up and the rules to get on it looked at. Poverty breeds crime and social unrest, society has allowed the rules to become to easy to fail in life.

9Fun On The Dark Side Empty Re: Fun On The Dark Side Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:15 pm



We have to get the welfare system payments down to where the recepients cannot eat or rent a room! Oh wait, we have that already!
What if we doubled the payments so one could buy good food, and have a nice apartment?

10Fun On The Dark Side Empty Re: Fun On The Dark Side Sun Sep 27, 2009 9:54 pm



Hell thats min wage and then they would have to get up by 6 in the morning . You ask alot Rosen Fun On The Dark Side Lol

11Fun On The Dark Side Empty Re: Fun On The Dark Side Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:17 am



rosencrentz wrote:We have to get the welfare system payments down to where the recepients cannot eat or rent a room! Oh wait, we have that already!
What if we doubled the payments so one could buy good food, and have a nice apartment?

LOL, I could survive on welfare quite nicely. If one did not smoke and drink beer it would be easy.

Do the math.
smokes $10.00 > per pack . 1 pack a day x 30 days = $300.00 just for smokes every month. Beer, Cheap beer $8.00 per six pack. 24 beers on a average week end. x 4 weekends per month =$128.00

Total for the month for just smokes and beer is $428.00 >

That is about what I spend per month right now to feed my family of 4. And I'm buying whole fruit and veg, meat., milk, etc... and not pre-cooked processed foods(pizza pops, KD, Microwave dinners).

Seriously. Cable TV, cell phones, computers, ps3's, smokes and booze are not necessities of life. When you eliminate the luxuries you will have lots of money for the basics of life. Food Water Shelter. + enough left over for bus passes.

12Fun On The Dark Side Empty Re: Fun On The Dark Side Mon Sep 28, 2009 7:58 am



LivingDead- I do not undersand your referances to smoking and drinking. How are these quoted costs tied in to people on welfare?
How do they impact a single female with 3 kids who need assisstance? Are you saying that people on social assisstance must smoke and drink as a requisite for help?

13Fun On The Dark Side Empty Re: Fun On The Dark Side Mon Sep 28, 2009 8:25 am



rosencrentz wrote:We have to get the welfare system payments down to where the recepients cannot eat or rent a room! Oh wait, we have that already!
What if we doubled the payments so one could buy good food, and have a nice apartment?

We have too many people on welfare already compared to just about every other major Canadian city. Doubling payments isn't the answer. We need to give these people the help they need to become productive members of soceity (drug treatment, job training, etc.) If they still refuse to look for work and want free handouts, cut them off!

14Fun On The Dark Side Empty Re: Fun On The Dark Side Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:28 pm



rosencrentz wrote:LivingDead- I do not undersand your referances to smoking and drinking. How are these quoted costs tied in to people on welfare?
How do they impact a single female with 3 kids who need assisstance? Are you saying that people on social assisstance must smoke and drink as a requisite for help?


I will agree with you that there probably are single mothers on welfare who struggle to provide for their children. Not all of them smoke and drink. I have one question for these single mothers, where are the fathers and why aren't they supporting their children? (I personally know a girl who is a single mother and is on welfare and refuses to ask the father for assistance because it would hamper her ability to receive the max payment under welfare)

My references for the smoking and drinking are through my own personal experience with people who have been on welfare and people who currently are on welfare. I personally know many people on welfare who smoke and drink to excess, their kids eat Balogna, KD and drink Soda Pop. I have known many many people who have abused the system over the years and there is nothing you can do about it.

There use to be a welfare fraud line. But guess what? The NDP got rid of it... I wonder why? Cant get votes if you cut off the welfare.

Anyhow, Welfare pays $xxx.xx each month to live on. if a person receives $700.00 a month and smokes and drinks at a cost of over $400.00 a month. that leaves them with $300.00 to buy essentials, such as cable, cell phones, internet, PS3 games, movie rentals, bills (water heat hydro) what ever is left over is what you can spend on FOOD and Transportation. And let me tell you. the majority of welfare families in winnipeg spend very little on healthy food.

The fact of the matter is, what these people need most is to learn how to manage money and time. They should also learn that if you want luxuries and to live in better conditions then work hard like the rest of us have to. Why is it some people work 2 full time jobs while raising a child and going to school and are able to succed and others would rather sit back on their lazy behinds and laugh at people who work hard for the same life style.

Welfare, should be a helping hand, not a handout. and far too many people see it as their inherant right, their entitlement for being a Canadain citizen.

15Fun On The Dark Side Empty Re: Fun On The Dark Side Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:31 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

the mothers are welfare have no choice but to ask the fathers... IF they were listed on the birth certificate.

Welfare will force them to go to court eventually.

16Fun On The Dark Side Empty Re: Fun On The Dark Side Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:34 pm

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

If two "adults" are on welfare and smoke and drink it takes a disproportionate chunk out of the pie. This is painting everyone with the same brush, and to be sure some on welfare do everything right, but it seems to me too many people who can least afford to drink and smoke do drink and smoke.

17Fun On The Dark Side Empty Re: Fun On The Dark Side Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:36 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

The worst part about welfare forcing the mother to go to court is that the amount of money brought in, is a dollar for dollar lowering of welfare. Which you would think is a good idea but think of this situation.

Mother has kids by 3 different men.
1 ends up paying $26 per month because he is a bum
1 ends up paying $75 per month because he is a low wage earner
1 ends up paying $320 per month because he has a decent job.

YET even though the welfare recepient recieved less then $320 per month per kid while on welfare her welfare is reduced by that whole amount. So Father #3 ends up subsidizing the entire family. How fricked up is that?

18Fun On The Dark Side Empty Re: Fun On The Dark Side Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:38 pm

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Too many mothers have multiple baby's daddies. These peeps haven't a clue about responsibility. And don't even say it takes two. I can't get pregnant. If you can't avoid getting preggers stop procreating fer christ's sake.

OMG what a stupid handle: My babies daddy... Has become a part of everyday lexicon. I also hate "ax" instead of "ask".

Too late. You got me started.

19Fun On The Dark Side Empty Re: Fun On The Dark Side Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:42 pm



Deank wrote:The worst part about welfare forcing the mother to go to court is that the amount of money brought in, is a dollar for dollar lowering of welfare. Which you would think is a good idea but think of this situation.

Mother has kids by 3 different men.
1 ends up paying $26 per month because he is a bum
1 ends up paying $75 per month because he is a low wage earner
1 ends up paying $320 per month because he has a decent job.

YET even though the welfare recepient recieved less then $320 per month per kid while on welfare her welfare is reduced by that whole amount. So Father #3 ends up subsidizing the entire family. How fricked up is that?

That is messed up.. and know what is even more messed up. The fact that I have to work my ass off to provide for my family while working my ass off to provide welfare money for them too.

I am Taxed to the limit. It is easy for wealthy people or people who make a great wage to say how things should be, try living in my shoes. Then we`ll see where they stand on welfare. I guarantee they would sing a different tune.

20Fun On The Dark Side Empty Re: Fun On The Dark Side Mon Sep 28, 2009 5:08 pm


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

yeah dont forget father #3 gets additionally fricked in that he gets no tax benefit from supporting an entire other family. AND his current family has almost ZERO consideration in what amount he has to pay for the child.. AND if he wants to get an order changed he has to pay for a lawyer and she gets a free lawyer. AND further did you all realize that an order such as that does not automatically expire at age 18? The father either has to continue paying forever OR pay for a lawyer to go to court to get the order stopped.

HELL!! I know of cases where the child got sick of living with the crappy mother and moved in with the father and he still had to pay. Totally fricked system.,

21Fun On The Dark Side Empty Re: Fun On The Dark Side Mon Sep 28, 2009 5:34 pm



My hamsters just ask for seeds.

I give them all they want.

Fun On The Dark Side Icon_cool Fun On The Dark Side Icon_biggrin Fun On The Dark Side Icon_cool

22Fun On The Dark Side Empty Re: Fun On The Dark Side Mon Sep 28, 2009 5:34 pm



...and fresh water.

23Fun On The Dark Side Empty Re: Fun On The Dark Side Mon Sep 28, 2009 5:38 pm



LivingDead- from your statement I think you have to get new friends! lol
I hate it when one generalizes about people on social assisstance, but I have to tell you that I dont know anyone on welfare. If you told me that 60% of the people on welfare were drunks I couldn't dispute that statement.
To me, I visualize an unmarried female with 2 or 7 kids from 9 different "father's", who never went to school, never had a role model to try and look up to, and in my opinion, never had a chance and never will have a chance to break the bonds of poverty!
There is no chance, and there is nothing that our society can do to solve this problem!
I wish that we could afford to triple the allowance to these needy, not b1tch about some smoking or drinking and feeding crap to the kids.

24Fun On The Dark Side Empty Re: Fun On The Dark Side Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:19 pm



rosencrentz wrote:LivingDead- from your statement I think you have to get new friends! lol
I hate it when one generalizes about people on social assisstance, but I have to tell you that I dont know anyone on welfare. If you told me that 60% of the people on welfare were drunks I couldn't dispute that statement.
To me, I visualize an unmarried female with 2 or 7 kids from 9 different "father's", who never went to school, never had a role model to try and look up to, and in my opinion, never had a chance and never will have a chance to break the bonds of poverty!
There is no chance, and there is nothing that our society can do to solve this problem!
I wish that we could afford to triple the allowance to these needy, not b1tch about some smoking or drinking and feeding crap to the kids.

Don't need new friends, I like the ones I have now. If I am generalizing about social assistance recipients, then so are you. If welfare were cut off after a year for all non-single mothers or single fathers or severely handicapped then I would have no problem with paying my fair share. But the problem is I am not paying my fair share, The middle class are paying the lions share and able bodied people are collecting when they should be out looking for work. There is no shortage of places willing to hire. I started delivering The Tribune News paper when I was a kid. I started at the bottom of the workforce and have worked my way up. I worked full time to go to University with no student loan. Any training I now receive is paid by my employer.

I see your point of view, and the way I see it is, I work my butt off and for what? From what I see is a welfare system rife with abusers. Absentee parents who are barely adults having children who are having children. It is a vicious cycle that hold them down and holds me and my family back.

I hate to say it, but at what point do these single mom's stop having babys? If you have 2 kids and are on welfare why even bring more kids into the equation?

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