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Liberals say... We have no intention of bringing down the government this fall. they lied

grumpy old man
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contributor eminence
contributor eminence

SUDBURY - Prime Minister Stephen Harper has failed the test and the Liberal party will no longer support his minority government, says Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff.
"Mr. Harper, your time is up," Ignatieff told members of his caucus in a campaign-style speech."

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

If the Liberals could win a majority I'd almost welcome it if only to get this BS behind us.

But I bit my tongue, hard, drawing blood, and gave my head a shake.

When do political parties begin to get it?

Iggy is every bit the bozo that was Dion. God help this country were they to succeed.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

A Liberal lead parliment would lead this country into a depression and debt far worse then the debacle in the USA right now.



Perhaps Iggy and the Iggites finally realize that he's getting to be worse than Dion and they have to make a move.

This may give Harper the majority that we so desperately need.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

Rae likes to use big words... Rae apparently does not know what those big words mean
"but added that he wasn’t elected to vote for a neo-Conservative government. "

from merriam-webster neoconservative means.
1 : a former liberal espousing political conservatism
2 : a conservative who advocates the assertive promotion of democracy and United States national interest in international affairs including through military means

Not sure how that fits... I guess we will have to ask Rae what he thinks it means.



Wait a minute, isn't Boob Rae a former commie?


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

Rae has changed his spots so many times I dont think his wife knows what colour of dress to wear anymore.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

how long should I give Rae to respond to my email asking him what he thinks it means?


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

Ignatieff said the Liberals will unveil their platform soon, including a plan to slay the massive deficit run up by the Tories — without raising taxes.
“We will clean it up without raising taxes ... wait and see.” "

uhh.. the deficit ran up by whom? Lets be clear here.. without threats of bringing the government down last year the defecit would be no where near what it is now.
And quite frankly considering the economy has "turned around" eliminating the defecit will be as simple as
1) no longer funding all these special projects
2) thats about it.



Heh....the Liberals don't have a good track-record of keeping their promises where money is concerned.

They've learned long ago that most voters are fools that believe anything. After the election people will forget....or will believe another load.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

I just wish they'd show just a little humility. To stand there all indignant like and accuse the PCs of bad management smacks of hypocrisy of the highest order.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

PCs should have just let the vote happen last december when Dion was still at the helm and people would have been so pissed off at the coalition that large numbers would have been kicked to the curb.



Iggy comes off as very arrogant to matter what he says he sounds like he's wrapped up in himself....too much first-person for my liking.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

I still cant understand how the Liberals placed him onto his thrown. He must have blackmail pics from the Liberal convention that got Dion nominated in.



grumpy old man wrote:I just wish they'd show just a little humility. To stand there all indignant like and accuse the PCs of bad management smacks of hypocrisy of the highest order.

Ahem..... this is national level..... there is no PC party, thank you very much.
Unless you mean they are still pointing fingers back to the Mulroney government of the 1980's....

We may now return to the discussion.
I agree, the Liberals are taking a very bad stance here.



Whats funny is that Iggy seems to think he can form government....oh, wait, I guess he can if he sells his soul to the BQ and the nippers. Ahh, no price too high when one wears a coat of moral superiority.

JT Estoban

JT Estoban

Deank wrote:PCs should have just let the vote happen last december when Dion was still at the helm and people would have been so pissed off at the coalition that large numbers would have been kicked to the curb.

Nope, sorry, that couldn't have happened. The entire country would have exploded/imploded if a coalition government had taken power.

Rolling Eyes


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

the coalition government would not have been allowed to take power, the only reasonable choice was a forced election. To which people would have been pissed and voted out the agressors.

AND.. yes actually the entire country would have come damn damn damn close to imploding if they coalition had taken power.



On the radio today, Boob Rae denied that the Liberals, under Iggy, were part of the coalition. Unreal.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

JTF wrote:On the radio today, Boob Rae denied that the Liberals, under Iggy, were part of the coalition. Unreal.

well technically that is true... As soon as Iggie was crowned the coalition was out the door. However every single Liberal signed the document while Dion was in.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence



Iggy has his nose so far up his ass he is pale , Stephen is so in the wallet of bussiness he can,t talk least given permission , And Layton is truly misquided .
Which really leaves William as the only choice.

grumpy old man

grumpy old man



contributor plus
contributor plus

The Rare Earth Security of Supply Crisis in Simplified Form --

I was on CNBC-TV today, Sep. 2, 2009,
for a sound and image "bite' about the impact of the supposed Chinese
"decision" to cut off exports of HREEs and to reduce exports of LREEs.

Of course the Chinese have been reducing their export allocations of
all REEs for the last 5 years and will simply continue this process in
the next 5 years. Export allocations of REEs are already below the
demand just of Japan, so the crisis of security of supply isn't coming;
it's here now.

It is said that China has said that it may completely eliminate the
export altogether of the HREEs, dysprosium and terbium. This would be a
disaster for the high performance and military users of REE based
permanent magnets, because dysprosium and terbium are necessary and
cannot be substituted as additives for REE based permanent magnets that
raise the curie point of those magnets. This means that REE based
permanent magnets without dysprosium and terbium will not operate at
high temperatures. Thus the use of such magnets in high temperature
environments would require an expensive weighty cooling system. This
subtracts range from hybrid cars, performance from wind turbines, and
payload from exploration and military rockets.

i was surprised when commentator Erin stopped putting me on camera
after I told her that her tagline of "China hoarding" REEs was wrong.
China is merely saying that it is giving priority to domestic uses of
its own resouces. I had pointed out to Erin that free market capitalism
and globalism requires that any and everything be available for a
price, but that is not the Chinese way of thinking. Chinese bureaucrats
believe that the health, safety, and well being of the Chinese people
come before that of foreigners and that Chinese resources should be
used first to improve Chinese daily life. Just substitute the word
"American" for Chinese in the sentences above and tell me then that you
don't beleive in that and that you don't wish that American bureaucrats
thought the same way!

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