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Radio DJs...

Miz point
grumpy old man
9 posters

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1Radio DJs... Empty Radio DJs... Sun Aug 09, 2009 10:30 am

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

I have the distinct displeasure of listening to Howard Mansheim right now. Is his not the most annoying voice on radio?

His affectation grates on my nerves much like fingernails on a chalkboard does to some.

Who be your favourite or least favourite DJ?

2Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Sun Aug 09, 2009 10:35 am

Miz point

Miz point

That is how Howard talks in real life......I have had the pleasure of knowing him for many, many years and he is a genuine soul - trouble is, mainstream radio does not allow him to really show off his vast knowledge of the obscure....

3Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Sun Aug 09, 2009 11:28 am



There are a couple of DJs in town whom I dislike on a personal level (not mentioning names), however I don't really listen to Winnipeg radio so I can't honestly comment on their work.

4Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Sun Aug 09, 2009 11:53 am



I like Jim Jones, and many of the guys on Citi FM. Howard seems to be a little spacey sometimes, but, I don't mind him. I wouldn't call him the best DJ "ever, and I mean EVERRRR!", but he's still fun to listen to.

5Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:07 pm



I don't like Cosmo. Certain times, it seems like he's on non-stop, for days...

6Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Sun Aug 09, 2009 4:02 pm



Howard may be very knoweledgeble but he is as grumpy said nails on the chalkboard , I listen very little to radio cept for the weather or the Bomber games when working in the Garage .

7Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Sun Aug 09, 2009 4:55 pm



I've known "H" for many years. Like Miz point said, that's how he talks in real life. I've always said that he should write a book.

8Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:33 am

Miz point

Miz point

thank you....H is brilliant and is somewhat shy....some would accuse him of bravado but I know differently.....

9Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:41 am

Miz point

Miz point

I intensely DISLIKE most of the DJ's in this city......formulaic, putting out the same sad sick humour, trying oh so hard to be hip and did I mention that it is still boys town in this city when it come to on air status???? Yes of course there are SOME women on air "personalities" (christ I hate that f**king term) but they have not the status of some of their male counterparts nor the advancement opportunities.....look at mofo example of sexism and gender discrimination at its best....ADLER is a f**king midget with a little u know what and the latter bit of info I have on very good authority from a certain, not me.....alas, you could not pay me enuff to punish that little bully.

I really have to stop eating beef.

10Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:27 am



Triniman wrote:I've known "H" for many years. Like Miz point said, that's how he talks in real life. I've always said that he should write a book.

Is that to keep him from talking out loud? Wink


11Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:29 am

Miz point

Miz point

He has a unique voice......not for everyone but c'est la vie

12Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:49 am


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

Ace Burpee Rocks!

13Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:49 am



Miz point wrote:I intensely DISLIKE most of the DJ's in this city......formulaic, putting out the same sad sick humour, trying oh so hard to be hip and did I mention that it is still boys town in this city when it come to on air status???? Yes of course there are SOME women on air "personalities" (christ I hate that f**king term) but they have not the status of some of their male counterparts nor the advancement opportunities.....look at mofo example of sexism and gender discrimination at its best....ADLER is a f**king midget with a little u know what and the latter bit of info I have on very good authority from a certain, not me.....alas, you could not pay me enuff to punish that little bully.

I really have to stop eating beef.

Actually...while radio has historically been "male dominated" (mostly from the advent of it and who ran the businesses then)...a large push was made in the 70s to increase the female presence on the radio (I did a paper on this when I was in 10th Grade).

Studies were done asking people their preference for voices. The numbers were astoundingly in favour of male "personalities" rather than female. That most men (this was the surprising one) would rather listen to a male voice presenting news, or generally just talking than a female one. That when hearing a female was either distracting from the topic...or grating on the nerves.

Females too preferred the male voice...indicating it was a preferred sound...and did not bring up ideas of comparison (to their own voices), and/or competition.

More recent studies have been done to indicate things haven't changed much. One (I think it was even posted in our forum somewhere last year) indicated that men actually don't hear certain tones of a woman's voice. I remember the article as it was jokingly saying men actually may not be hearing their wives...not just ignoring them.

That said...I flip from station to station when driving around (I HATE commercials on the radio)...and most of the women I hear on the radio, I would not want to listen to constantly.
Lori Lancaster - CJOB - Evening Drive - annoying and grating voice (I honestly tune in at 5:15 each day on my way home to hear what Vic Grant is whining about that day...then change the channel so I don't have to hear her voice anymore)
Caroline Hunter - QX104 - Morning Crew - back when her and Ron Able were on...she wasn't so bad...cause he did most the talking...but after he passed, and it was her and Troy Westwood...she "took over" and I couldn't stand listening to it anymore. Troy isn't much better...but she's just annoying. The "new crew" has her, Troy Westwood, and some new guy...and ironically...the "new guy" seems to be doing all the talking...thank goodness.
Billie Jo - ClearFM - not bad...though don't listen much in the morning. I've met her once too, and she seems pretty straight forward.

I've only heard 2 female voices which I enjoyed enough to tune in...and one has left the Winnipeg market.
Simone Gilles - HankFM - was a sidekick for Troy in the morning. He left...and they brought "Moose" in...who just sits around insulting everyone...I wouldn't be surprised if she left to get away from him.

and Karen Black - QX104 - But she's on during "working hours", so I only get to listen when I'm driving around for work...that...and she doesn't talk too much...since they actually play music instead of chit-chat during the day.

14Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:58 am

Miz point

Miz point

Those stations you listed? Crappity crap crap craptacular!!!! Please stop trotting out the cliches regarding women.....that is the problem right there.....there are many serious female voices out there and not all them sound like Minnie Mouse on speed but that is what you will find on many of the chain stations.....crap.

15Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:06 am



Serious female voices?

I did forget one...on CBC radio...Marilyn Maki - Radio Noon

yet another one I can only listen to for a couple of minutes.

Don't get me wrong...I'm sure there are a few out there who are decent...and probably many out there who are really good, but unrecognized by the "chain" stations...but part of that study indicated that MOST people (which is what commercial radio/television caters to) indicated they "prefer" male broadcasters to female. They felt a sense of "trust" to a good male broadcaster...and believed his voice more than they would a female's. There are always the exceptions...but not enough (yet) to change the way things have been done.

16Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:10 am

Miz point

Miz point

that is crap....folks will believe anything if they are told often enuff that that is the case....trot out all the studies you like but they are not defacto.....that is really sexist thinking to say that a male voice is more trustworthy than that of a woman's.....dark ages thinking.....time for it to vanish.

I find Marilyn Maki to be very annoying as well but that is CBC for you.....nepotism rules....

17Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:12 am



I rarely listen to the radio. I prefer to listen to CD's that I make myself. Smile

18Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:16 am

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

Me think you protesteth too much Miz P...

You don't have to believe the studies but at least be accepting that maybe, just maybe, the perception is real.

These are business peeps. If they believed a female voice would deliver them the audience don't ya think there would be more babes on the air?

Or do ya think the old boys club is still driving the biz in 2009?

19Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:28 am

Miz point

Miz point

I know the old boys club is driving the biz in 2009......very much so in this town. Mad

20Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:40 pm



Lori Langcastor on CJOB is excellent! OB is my favorite station as they are a bunch of mostly angry old men and they hate socialsts, the CBC, the human rights museum, and aboriginal chiefs who constantly want more of our money!

21Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:58 pm



Triniman wrote:Lori Langcastor on CJOB is excellent! OB is my favorite station as they are a bunch of mostly angry old men and they hate socialsts, the CBC, the human rights museum, and aboriginal chiefs who constantly want more of our money!

Is that how her name is spelled?

I just can't stand her voice...she always sounds like she's whining...and has a high-pitched grating voice.

22Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:02 pm



Radio DJs... 100x100-LaurieLangcastor-
It's Laurie Langcastor, according to their website. Love her voice and style. I wouldn't describe it has high-pitched.
"Laurie Langcastor knew she wanted to be in broadcasting since eighth grade. Her single-minded focus saw her overcome many barriers to become one of the first female Top 40 announcers in North America, and pave the way for new generations of women in radio. She has been involved in broadcasting in various capacities for over 30 years.
Laurie has lived and worked from the west coast to the east coast and all points in between. She is constantly striving to see, do and be more. "

23Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:14 pm



30 years??? (musta' started when she was 2...then decided when she was Cool.

24Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:29 pm



Triniman wrote: Love her voice and style. I wouldn't describe it has high-pitched.

And THUS the reason there are so many different broadcasters, why some prefer male voices, others female, why there are a variety of radio stations to choose from, and why some make it and some don't.

Because of the diversity...there's the variety of choices available.

Probably the reason shows with idiot characters (like the Family Guy) and retarded appeal (like Beavis & Butthead, or Trailer Park Boys) become so popular.

25Radio DJs... Empty Re: Radio DJs... Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:37 pm



Dude, are you on drugs? Just sayin is all.

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