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Manitoba Net Debt increases by $1 Billion

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1Manitoba Net Debt increases by $1 Billion Empty Manitoba Net Debt increases by $1 Billion Fri Mar 20, 2009 12:57 pm





Ya...Go Garry! Arrggghh



Doer rocks! Woot. :mad 040:


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

grumpy old man

grumpy old man


Business and taxpayer representatives are blasting the Doer government for making no cut to income tax for the coming year, while also changing its law to lessen the debt payment it has to make.

Shannon Martin, regional director with the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, said the NDP government's 2009-10 budget is a "shell game" that "boggles the mind" in continuing to allow a middle-income Manitoba family to pay 150% more income tax than it would in certain other provinces.

And he slammed the New Democrats' plan to change balanced-budget legislation to allow themselves to lower their debt payment this year to only $20 million from $110 million.

"That's absurd. That chicken is going to come home to roost, and the only reason the government has been successful so far in terms of debt-servicing costs is the low interest rates," Martin said.

"And when those interest rates start rising, the extra $1 billion that we see in our ... debt is going to cost us big-time."

Colin Craig of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation also had harsh words for the debt plan and the "very disappointing" lack of action on income tax, as well as for the province's 4.2% hike in spending -- above the 2008 inflation rate of 2.3%.

"More troublesome is that there's no long-term strategy to bring our personal income tax rates in line with other provinces," Craig said. "Manitobans pay some of the highest rates in the country, and the government is ignoring that."

'Way out of sync'

But while Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce president Dave Angus criticized Manitoba's high-income tax threshold as "way out of sync with other provinces" and called the debt-payment shift a "red flag," he lauded what he described as the budget's controlled spending and investments in education and infrastructure.

Social advocates, on the other hand, cheered Finance Minister Greg Selinger's debt plan as a boon for programs for the poor.

Marianne Cerilli of the Social Planning Council of Winnipeg said an extension on debt payments "over a larger budget cycle is a good thing."

University of Manitoba law professor Lorna Turnbull agreed.

"When you pay down the debt more quickly, you're drawing away from the capacity to invest in social programs," said Turnbull. "And those are the things that low-income people, and women in particular, rely on most heavily."



- Increased "stimulus" spending on things like roads, bridges, social housing and schools

- Free access to provincial parks for the next two years

- A $50 increase for homeowners in the education property tax credit, from $600 to $650

- Small business tax rate reduced to 0% by December 2010

- A one cent per cigarette increase in tobacco taxes, effective immediately

- An increase in speeding fines

- A threefold increase in the value of government loans available to businesses

grumpy old man

grumpy old man

It is hard to challenge a government and its' spending plans in a recession, but this changing the balanced-budget legislation is problematic. This simply opens the door for Evil Doer and his ilk to ignore balancing the books every year.

Then we see the social advocates (read bleeding hearts) suggesting it is absolutely okay to keep dumping more of those costs on the middle-class.

We have to change the way we think if we are ever to move the social class that increasingly relies on handouts to survive. Maybe welfare for example is only paid to those that take courses to improve their ability to work. No more free rides.

Increase education funding BIG time. That does not mean free rides for everyone. But how about educational subsidies to those that really need it.

Where is this Manitoba Party???



Learned helplessness is an evil thing. It keeps people down. Welfare should be tied to training. And if the caregiver can't go to class due to having to stay home with the brood, then create more daycares. It's short term pain for long-term gain.

St Norberter

St Norberter

This budget is crap.

They have announced a $43 million surplus, but that's only when you consolidate government controlled entities ( Hydro, MPI). The surplus on core operations is only $2M, but that includes a reduction in the debt servicing payments and a transfer in from the fiscal stabilization fund of $100M.

So if you look at their revenues for the year, they are not sufficient enough to cover their expenses for the year without transferring in money and reducing debt payments. Not what I would call a balanced budget.

But they have balanced budget legislation - the NDP has been consistent is lauding items like balanced budget legislation and TONI when it allows them to spend more, but when it comes down to the intent of the legislation ( keep spending in check) they're vehemently against it.

And for what? Free admittance to Prov parks? A park permit is what? $20 for the year? If you can't afford the $20 to visit provincial parks for the year, then maybe you have other issues and shouldn't be going. A National Park pass is $130.

Gotta love their hidden tax increases. They haven't properly indexed tax brackets to inflation, and raising the brackets the amount they have - what's the point except for being able to say "we raised tax brackets".

It's crap. Plain and simple.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

ah it merged./


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

"Free access to provincial parks for the next two years"

I just dont see the $20 per year fee being enough of a barrier to any family to have this make much of a difference

St Norberter

St Norberter

Deank wrote:"Free access to provincial parks for the next two years"

I just dont see the $20 per year fee being enough of a barrier to any family to have this make much of a difference

It shouldn't be and it's not. Just another stupid announcement so the NDP can say "look, we are doing something for Manitobans."



I work part time and just did my income tax, I have to pay this year. What a joke. I have 2 kids and I get very little per month for them, my child tax credit is going to be even less come July. Why are those who work to put food on the table punished while those who are parasites on the belly of the society rewarded?


contributor plus
contributor plus

we parasites need time to elaborate the delusional fantasies we use to lead the host to the desired behaviour.
quit your griping and get back to paying our debts.


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

tick wrote:we parasites need time to elaborate the delusional fantasies we use to lead the host to the desired behaviour.
quit your griping and get back to paying our debts.

is that you Gary?Suspect


contributor plus
contributor plus

Gary can spell.
its every successful politician in the world.

I am their serf.



tick wrote:we parasites need time to elaborate the delusional fantasies we use to lead the host to the desired behaviour.
quit your griping and get back to paying our debts.

You parasites should be all gathered up and shot. lol!


contributor eminence
contributor eminence

who is going to pay for the bullets?



Deank wrote:who is going to pay for the bullets?

Bullets would be cheaper. Wink

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